Happy Almost Valentine's Day for everyone out there who celebrates it romantically… or doesn't, being single is cool too, said from yours truly!
Going to drop the February Announcement for this wiki with something important for the Pure of Heart Category:
In addition to the ban of Self Work Proposals, I realized I forgot an incredibly important step… sorry about that one folks. Candidates from works that either don’t exist or come solely from wikis as a universe without any substance are also banned from the category. Works need enough substance to be able to qualify for discussion on the Hero Fanon Wiki’s Pure of Heart Proposal System. I have updated this in the Rules to reflect the new changes before we get a criteria page. Speaking of which, I do have plans to do a proper criteria page as part of a PoH Revival Project I want to get done, but I’ll hold off on that until I have more free time to focus on that, but until then keep yourselves posted if you’re interested!
That’s all from me, bannedfrom7 out!