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“ | I'm glad I finally have a sibling. | „ |
~ Abra Stone happy at the fact that Bradley Trevor/Baseball Boy is now her adoptive brother. |
“ | I am Silk. And like Rose, you are nothing. | „ |
~ Silk before delivering the final blow that reduced Crow Daddy to a pile of ash. |
Abra Rafaella Stone, known as Silk, is the deutaragonist in the 2019 film Doctor Sleep and the main protagonist in the fanfiction Silk: Shards of the past and in the sequel Silk II: Return to the Overlook.
She is a teenager that ended up becoming a superhero. She is the daughter of Lucy Stone and the adoptive sister of Bradley Trevor/Baseball Boy and Violet Hansen.
Doctor Sleep (2019 film)[]
For that information, see here.
Silk: Shards of the past[]
Bitten by the spider[]
Four years had gone by, and Abra, still missing her father and Danny Torrance, is at her home. One of her wishes was for her to have a brother or a sister, something that her mother, Lucy Stone, agreed with. The next day, after Abra finished with her breakfast, a spider crawled up on Abra's left leg, and it bit her. She grunted in pain, and Abra grabbed her left leg instinctively. After going into her room, Abra got woozier, then fell onto her face on the floor. 5 hours later, Abra got back up, then pressed her hands on the wall. This led her to discover that she can climb up the walls. Later, she used the science notes she had studied since her last encounter with the True Knot, and combined salicylic acid, toulene, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, potassium carbonate, and ethyl acetate to make synthetic webs. Abra was proud of this accomplishment, but there was something else on her mind. She then ended up making a costume with gray, red, and white material. The center of the costume had an S in it. Abra also fashioned a mask, then applied her webshooters to the costume. She then put it on, and had been calling herself Silk as a result. Across the street, a home invasion is imminent. With quick thinking, Silk swung into action, and after arriving at the house, made quick work of the burglar. The house's owner thanked Silk for it, and called the police on the burglar. After Silk retreated to her house, she took off her costume, and there came Abra Stone into the living room. She then saw that the cops were coming to arrest the burglar, and was happy. For the first time since her father's death, as well as Danny Torrance's death, Abra felt some semblance of joy. She then went back into her room, and looked at her costume, planning on helping out more people as Silk.
Crow Daddy's return[]
Meanwhile, at an abandoned factory in Newport, Barry the Chink was standing outside, but Crow Daddy pulled him in. After he placed Barry in an area that Crow Daddy had drawn into a circle with red chalk, he stabbed him multiple times. When that was done, Snakebite Andi arrived. Crow Daddy then completed the ritual of having Barry the Chink as a human sacrifice by chanting incoherently, resulting in him gaining power. Snakebite Andi was blasted into a wall in the process. As the dust settled, Crow Daddy's eyes had become red whenever he used his powers. After Snakebite Andi asked him about gaining the amount of power he had out of shock, Crow Daddy responds by blasting red lightning at Snakebite Andi, sending her flying into a wall, then uses the same chant that he used when he sacrificed Barry the Chink, but this time, Bradley Trevor was revived.
The trio were then leaving the abandoned warehouse, but Snakebite Andi was still in shock over Crow Daddy's decision to use Barry the Chink as a human sacrifice. She called him out for it, but is met when he holds her in place with his telekinesis. Then, Crow Daddy reminds Snakebite Andi that they need to get his vision expanded. Crow Daddy then used his electrokinesis on a random semi truck driver, then his telekinesis to destroy the abandoned factory. Then, Crow Daddy used his telekinesis to place the driver in the building, then buried him under the rubble, making it appear that he died when the building collapsed. After that, Crow Daddy got into the driver's seat of the semi truck, a 2022 International LT, and drove off.
After leaving Frazer, New Hampshire, they went to the Ocean Gaming casino in Hampton, New Hampshire. They then went to the third floor, where a man named Davey Machiamo, with green eyes, fair skin, red hair, thick red eyebrows, as well as a black suit and blue tie, sat. He had been secretly running a crime ring in the casino. After Crow Daddy used his lightning to open the door, Davey asked him if he'll be free, but Crow Daddy kills him, saying that it's "new management."
Then, Crow Daddy opened up the bookshelf, and then, he made his move towards the elevator, with Snakebite Andi and Bradley Trevor following behind. After going down into a nearby private room, Crow Daddy, Snakebite Andi, and Bradley Trevor saw a group of criminals, all in fear. After Crow Daddy ordered them to build machines, then to abduct children. When the second criminal asks Crow Daddy what would happen if one of them doesn't want to, he fires a jolt of red lightning at him, then uses a psychic sonic boom to use two sledgehammers, sending them down onto the second criminal, breaking his feet. This strikes fear into the other criminals, and they agree to Crow Daddy's plan.
Kidnappings of multiple children[]
After multiple children were kidnapped by the group of criminals led by Snakebite Andi under Crow Daddy's orders, the same children were tortured with the use of the machines that Crow Daddy ordered built. The underground room in the casino, the more steam was drained from the children, the more power Crow Daddy got. He then had constructed a circle of red lightning, then he started chanting as one-third of the steam that he had kept in a canister from hundreds of children he had killed while in hiding after being falsely declared dead. The group of criminals were screaming in pain, but they survive. After that, Snakebite Andi suggested that they add one more member, but Crow Daddy responds by lifting her into the air with his red lightning, then slams her onto the elevated platform that he, Snakebite Andi, and Bradley Trevor are on, then comments that it would be wise to know when enough is enough. As all of that was unfolding
Crow Daddy stealing a train[]
Crow Daddy and the other members of his True Knot clan are marching. Some are carrying their weapons, while others are carrying flags with Crow Daddy's face on them. After arriving at a nearby train yard, they end up boarding the last car on the train, which is a box car. Crow Daddy then walks to the locomotives which are 2 Norfolk Southern Dash 9-44CW engines. He then tortured the crew with his red lightning, driving the engineer mad, resulting in him killing himself, then Crow Daddy snapped the conductor's neck with both his hands. Then, he took control of the train. After starting it, the train, with a manifest consist, took off down the tracks.
Killing Bradley Trevor's parents[]
Crow Daddy lept out of the train, and it crashed into two tanker cars filled with beer, as wella as a nearby gas station, killing everyone in the surrounding area, as well as destroying multiple buildings. He then took a look back, as if he had noticed something. It was Bradley Trevor's parents, who had heard that their son had been revived. Crow Daddy let out a sadistic smile as he used his red lightning to lift the couple in the air, then threw them into the inferno, killing them.
Battle in the train yard and Crow Daddy's death[]
Crow Daddy sees Silk, who had landed in front of him, and the two began to fight, which lasted until the red lightning bolts engulfed him, the intense heat instantly consuming Crow Daddy, leaving behind nothing more than a pile of charred ash.
With Crow Daddy now gone for good, Bradley Trevor got adopted by Lucy Stone.
1 year later[]
Abra, now at her home, is happy that she had a brother in Bradley Trevor/Baseball Boy. He ended up showing her his room, where his computer, running Windows 98, is turned on. Bradley Trevor, after hugging Abra, then started playing Need for Speed II on his computer. She's happy that she finally has a brother, and after Abra braids her hair, starts thinking of herself as Silk swinging.
Silk II: Return to the Overlook[]
2 months after[]
Abra had been continuing her crime-fighting escapades as Silk while trying to live her personal life. At Anniston High School, Abra wearing the same clothes the day she was bitten by the spider, in addition to her white Chuck Taylor All Star Lift Platform Canvas shoes. After class ended, Abra sat down on a bench in the hallway, but had heard about a mugging in progress several miles away. She went into a nearby porta-potty, then came out, full costume on. Silk swung to the scene, and makes quick work of the mugger before leaving him to the police. She handed the purse back to the woman who was getting mugged, then Silk swung off. Silk fired a web at a traffic light, then swung all the way back to the school, where she hid in a janitor's closet and put her street clothes back on. This was just in time for her next class. Meanwhile, back at Anniston Middle School, Bradley Trevor, who had finished his Progress Monitoring assignment, sat down in a bean bag chair, and pulled out his iPhone 11. After turning it on, he sees a text message from his adoptive mother, Lucy Stone, who heard that Bradley's grades had been going high in Special Education. She had been keeping her adoptive son on an IEP program due to his PTSD, and Bradley knew it was for his own well-being. After the school day ended, Abra picked up Bradley Trevor from school, and after they get home, Lucy Stone takes both her adoptive children to Culver's for dinner to celebrate Bradley's good grades. After that, they came home, where as Abra was watching RWBY, Bradley Trevor was reading his Revan book. As they slept, Abra still made it through her adoptive brother's nightare of his torture and death.
Getting Snakebite Andi's help[]
The next day, after going into her room, the ghost of Danny Torrance was in the room itself, much to Abra's shock. Abra answered Danny's question by telling him that the last Overlook Hotel ghost she got was that of Delbert Grady, who was the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel before Jack Torrance, Danny's father. Danny left after informing Abra of Grampa Flick's return.
Finding Snakebite Andi[]
After Silk and Bradley Trevor entered Snakebite Andi's home in the sewer, and Silk asked for her help, which Snakebite Andi ended up agreeing to. She punched a punching box with a picture of Crow Daddy strapped to it, then left. After coming with Silk and Bradley Trevor to Lucy Stone's house. Lucy herself reluctantly let Snakebite Andi into the house. Following this, Abra used her shining abilities to locate where Grampa Flick is, something Snakebite Andi bore witness to.
Warehouse battle[]
After secretly following Grampa Flick's True Knot clan to the old warehouse, Snakebite Andi shot Cathy Chain in the back, injuring her. Eventually, Silk joined the fighting against the other members of Grampa Flick's True Knot clan. After Pyro Pete's death, Icy Isabelle went mad with grief, and used her cryokinesis to attempt to kill Snakebite Andi as revenge. Andi and Silk fight Icy Isabelle, with the fight ending when Snakebite Andi unleashes a torrent blue lightning at her, eventually killing Icy Isabelle as she cycles to death while Snakebite Andi follows Abra, Lucy, and Bradley to the Overlook Hotel.
Arrival at the Overlook Hotel[]
Snakebite Andi, along with her allies, arrived at the Overlook Hotel, where she, along with Silk, fought Silent Sarey until she fell off a nearby cliff after Snakebite Andi gave her an axe kick to Silent Sarey's stomach, where she eventually died after cycling out due to hypothermia. Following the battle, Snakebite Andi and Silk told Violet Hansen that Grampa Flick lied to her to get her to come with him. Snakebite Andi then went on to explain the Overlook Hotel's history to Violet, and then, the trio entered the hotel. They went into the Colorado Lounge, where Grampa Flick, armed with an axe, was waiting for them.
Fighting Grampa Flick[]
After Violet Hansen was ordered by Silk to stay away once the fight started, Snakebite Andi kicked him square in the stomach as Silk swung, resulting in Grampa Flick crashing into a wall. Snakebite Andi and Silk battled Grampa Flick all the way into the Gold Room, where he had found himself on the backfoot. Snakebite Andi used her sleeper abilities on Grampa Flick before he could kill Silk with the axe. After Silk thanked Snakebite Andi for saving her life, the two reconciled, and Grampa Flick, after waking up, used his telekinesis to pull Silk to him. Then, Grampa Flick started to make a black hole, intent on finishing up his plan. Turning his attention back to Silk, Grampa Flick used his telepathy in an attempt to give her a brain bleed in the hopes it would kill her. Silk, using her shining abilities, opened up the boxes she made in her mind, releasing the ghosts of the Overlook Hotel, causing the two of them to get sent flying backwards. Grampa Flick raised the axe when he got six feet in front of Silk, but got a cut to his leg from a broken piece of wood from Snakebite Andi, who regained consciousness, only to be knocked out again.After he got down on one knee, his left knee, Violet Hansen stood in front of him. After that, Grampa Flick picked up the axe, and ran at Silk in an attempt to kill her. Violet is told to enact her plan by Silk using her Shining abilities. Violet wanted to show Grampa Flick a magic trick (which is a ploy to keep him as bait for the Overlook Hotel ghosts) to get ahold of as the black hole started to grow. After the smoke from Silk's smoke bombs dissapated, Grampa Flick saw Horace Derwent in front of him. Then, Derwent and the other ghosts, including Lorraine Massey and Delbert Grady, also took part in surrounding him. This culminates in Jack Torrance ramming an axe into Grampa Flick's skull, causing him to start cycling, and was pulled into the black hole, which had started sucking things into it. After the black hole imploded, it finally ended Grampa Flick and other True Knot clans. However, with Silk, Snakebite Andi, and Violet Hansen having escaped the collapsing Overlook Hotel due to the structural integrity weakening during the fight, Grampa Flick's plan to kill Silk had failed.
Adoption of Violet Hansen[]
After putting her street clothes and winter jacket back on, she witnessed Snakebite Andi making peace with Bradley Trevor/Baseball Boy. After that, along with Snakebite Andi's departure for New York, Abra and Violet hugged as Not a Home by Pardyalone played. They made a stop at Walmart so Lucy Stone could get Violet clothes and other stuff. They returned home, and Violet felt happy about her adoption while exploring her new surroundings. Abra and Bradley helped Violet adjust to the new surroundings, resulting in a close bond forming with the sibling trio. 5 months later, it's dinner time, and after they are called down to the dinner table, Lucy Stone asked what movie they are going to watch, and Abra informed her mother that they're watching Transformers One, which Lucy Stone was OK with. After they had their dinner, Violet showed her adoptive siblings her room, and they loved it, while at the same time, Lucy Stone made some popcorn. Abra, Bradley, and Violet got their popcorn, and after Abra turned on the TV, she picked her account on Paramount+, and they watched the movie. As they were watching, Violet, who, despite her enjoyment of the movie, softly cried due to Megatron's betrayal, leaving her to get comfort from Bradley and Abra. Despite that, Violet smiled at the movie's ending.
Abra Stone is a kind-hearted, brave, and helpful teenager, which would eventually forge her into the heroine known as Silk.
- This is the first version of Silk that isn't Cindy Moon, where instead, Abra Stone takes up the mantle.