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Hero Overview

Excuse me, but I'm a fuck-mothering vampire. I killed a lot of people to get this title; I deserve to be called such!
~ Alucard to Alexander Anderson.

Vlad Tepes, better known as Alucard, Dracula, The Crimson Fucker and various other aliases, is the main protagonist of the Hellsing Ultimate Abridged series by Team Four Star. He is an exceedingly powerful yet arrogant and irresponsible vampire in the service of the Hellsing Organization, who typically abuses his power and position to merely do whatever he wants.

While he is mostly villainous, he can also be considered a Nominal Hero as he kills people who are far more evil and dangerous than him, saved plenty of lifes and in overall helps the Hellsing Organization.

He is voiced by Curtis "Takahata101" Arnott, who also voices Deadpool in DEATH BATTLE and Cell of Dragon Ball Z Abridged.


This depiction of Alucard is as cocky, arrogant, and egotistical as his original counterpart, but unlike the original, he is is sarcastic, rude, perverted, argumentative, and rebellious, often disrespecting or mocking his enemies in a very distasteful and vulgar fashion. Also, unlike the original Alucard, this version often disrespects Sir Integra and disobeys her orders constantly, even directly calling her names such as "bitch" and "skank" on several occasions, going to Brazil when specifically told not to and even going as far as to tip all of the paintings in the hallway sideways simply to annoy her. In fact, the only times where he obeys her orders are if he is either paid for it or if he can have genuine fun while doing it.

He is also easily angered and belligerent when people take his stuff away or think they are higher than him, such as how he butchered Luke Valentine for destroying his new television and referring to himself as a "demi-god". He also claims that he only saved Seras from death because she has "nice tits". He is also shown to be quite immature and sophomoric, as he enjoys watching cartoons (Adventure Time being one of them). The only people that he is shown to be respectful (or at least friendly) towards is Walter, Seras Victoria and the Queen of England (who is still attracted to him). Despite being his archenemy, Alucard also showed respect for Alexander Anderson and was actually sad about his death, saying he was a true friend to him. Alucard is also shown to be very devious, conniving, and manipulative, as he takes great pleasure in causing mischief, as Integra went over all of his antics, such as countless acts of property damage, noise complaints, murder of innocent civilians, and sexual harassment (which he refuses to apologizes for).

He never takes conversations seriously, often telling jokes, mocking others and shouting references, the only time where he had a truly serious conversation was when he became Dracula.


Now I know what you're thinking: "How did all this come about?" Well, it all started in a midnight stroll through the woods. The air was clear, the moon was full, I was dying to sink my teeth into something. Get it? Because I'm a vampire... mwahahaha—it's funny.
~ Alucard telling about how he met Seras.
Oh, yeah, forgot about you. Sorry about that whole "shooting you" thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart—which is currently all over that tree—you'll find a way to forgive me.
~ Alucard to Seras after shooting her.
Hey, Police Girl! Police Girl! This is awesome! You should totally join in! Seriously, there’s like...forty zombies in here! Just one shot to the head and they explode! It’s just like House of the Dead, only like...a hundred times more awesome!
~ Alucard expressing joy at killing ghouls.
Oh, if it isn’t the Catholic Church! And what's this? No little Timmy glued to your crotch? Progress!
~ Alucard upon meeting Anderson.
Anderson: How in the blood-soaked protestant hell did you do that?

Alucard: Fuck you, that's how.

~ Alucard after regenerating in front of Anderson.
Oh what are you gonna do? Grab that guy who can stop me? What was his name? Michael McDoesn't-Exist?
~ Alucard after Integra says he can't go for a walk.
Alucard: I'm going to need a new gun...also one for the Police Girl.
Seras: But I already have a gun.
Alucard: Get that bitch a cannon! Bitches love cannons...
~ Alucard making demands to Integra.
Integra: Alucard, get up here now! I'm locked in with the committee on the third floor, and—
Alucard: Okay, see, I'm going to have to stop you right there. You see, I'm under direct orders from my boss—who is a total bitch, by the way—that I am not to leave this room until such time as the committee has left the building. I was even bribed. Imagine that.
Integra: Alucard, you vampiric asshole, I will—!
Alucard: Sounds great, but I'm going to have to go now. I just queued up an episode of Adventure Time on Netfix. Byyye!
~ Alucard sarcastically refusing to help Integra and the "Old Assholes".
That was a 70-inch...plasma screen T.V. So, how can I help you?
~ Alucard to Luke Valentine after he destroys his T.V..
You know, they say that T.V. makes you violent, but I say that not having my T.V. is making me pretty fucking violent!!
~ Alucard pissed that his T.V. was blown up
Listen to me, Draculina! You are so much stronger than you let yourself believe!

Seras: How do you know?!

Alucard: Because behind those eyes, I saw something I lost long ago: the will to live. Now, stop running from who you are. Confront it! Embrace it! And go for its fucking throat! Like a REAL FUCKING VAMPIRE!

~ Alucard encouraging Seras.
~ Alucard greeting the Wild Geese.
Honestly, if you're going to have a dick-fighting competition with a woman, you must have started off with the world's cruelest handicap. Which I'm sure benefits the nine-year old boy you have chained up in your private Vatican jet. Which was paid for how? Oh right! Generous donations from your followers to spread the word of God...all over his back.
~ Alucard taunting Enrico Maxwell.
Dear Chief Replacement

I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to inform you of your imminent demise. If you're curious about the frequency of which I've sent these letters, it is merely to instill as much fear as I can. As if basting a turkey. Which I will then proceed to have sex with.

That's right.

I'm going to FUCK the fear turkey.

Follow me on Twitter as TheCrimsonFuckr!

Sincerely, Alucard
~ Alucard's note/death threat to the Pope.
Man, I don't know what I find funnier: the Catholic Church strong-arming you into helping us, or that you obviously haven't seen what I did to the statue of Big J!
~ Alucard taunting Anderson with his vandalism of the Cristo Redentor.
Ah...the return of the why boner...with a VENGEANCE!
~ Alucard upon meeting Schrödinger.
Alucard: Was that boy-girl bugging you?
Major: Und like zat ze var begins!
Alucard: Whoops! Did I just accidentally a war?
~ Alucard after killing Schrödinger.
Alucard: Walter...if I may confide in you...
Walter: I temper my sense of decency in expectation.
Alucard: I am positively THROBBING over these guys returning!
Walter: Well, if it lasts for more than four hours...
Alucard: Walter, do you know what my top three favorite things I've killed are? Third is the Turks. Second is Nazis. Can you guess the first?
Walter: Your father?
Alucard: Nailed it!
~ Alucard conversing with Walter.
The funny thing is... in any other circumstance, you might've had a point there. Except my boss is a woman, I was a chick in the forties, I hate everyone equally, and there's no-one alive who could comprehend my sexual preference. So, in other words, Ms. Van Winkle... CH-CH-CH-CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE!
~ Alucard to Rip Van Winkle.
Haven't you heard the new sensation sweeping the nation? Bitches love cannons...!
~ Alucard while killing Rip Van Winkle.



           Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Heroes

Hellsing Organization
Sir. Integra Hellsing | Alucard | Seras Victoria | Walter C. Dornez | Pip Bernadotte | The Queen | Sir. Penwood | Abraham Van Helsing

Wild Geese
Pip Bernadotte | Willingham | Mercer | Hebert | Erholtz | Miller | Jaffe | Tony | Andy

Iscariot Organization
Alexander Anderson | Heinkel Wolfe | Yumie Takagi
