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Hero Fanon Wiki

Bentaro Thompson Tenpenny, or simply known by his hero name Ben 10, is the titular main protagonist in the anime adaptation of the original Ben 10 franchise, Ben 10: Omega Generation. He is a 10-year-old kid who lived a life looking up to many superheroes on TV and comics, despite being bullied and tormented by others, he still never gives in to his negativity. One day when he was set to spend the entire summer with his real mom, Alexandra Tenpenny, he was shocked to finally meet his real mom but in return he reluctantly doesn't accept to know that Sandra was his mother due to her abandonment on him, but she did it in order to protect him and have Ben live a good, normal life.

Later that night, he finds the Omegatrix in a space rod and wears it. With the discover of transforming into aliens and creating new specimen, Ben made his vow to use his powers to help and save people from many types of evil.

To compare with the original counterpart, This version of Ben is considered to be more kind-hearted instead of being arrogant, but also very, very tragic due to his abandonment and his living a life with no parents to spend time with. Even if his other relatives comfort him, what made Ben tragic is that he was once betrayed by his own best friend, J.T., and was bullied by him and other students, mostly look down his entire life due to having to dream to become a superhero one day.


Unlike the original Ben 10, this version of Ben is different.

Ben is a soft spokenly kind-hearted, collective, calm, wise, optimistic, polite, and smart kid who dreams about becoming someone whom can be looked up to people, to make them believe there is a chance that hope will rise up and will inspired them to achieve their ambitions and dreams. He is never one to give him of all the negativity and darkness that repressed deep down inside his soul but to know that embracing these emotions will make him no better than those who torment him throughout his entire life.

Ben once had a relcutant insecurity when it comes to both his mother and father, torn by the decision to either accept them or never bother to communicate them socially. The reason behind it was because he grew up with no parents that were here for him since he was child and older, Ben lived his life being raised by his uncle and aunt who treated him kindly and fair, same with his cousin Gwen, but as sooner as Ben begins to develop a social and bond between his mother after she attempted to kill herself for abandoning him during their trip and saved her, Ben becomes more open to her and finally has a good mother and son relationship together.

Ben believes in others as he thinks that even if they were evil, Ben, in his belief, that he doesn't blame those who chose to begin their acts of villainy as he thinks, even though there are some people who are too twisted to be redeemed such as Kevin Levin for example since he is too depraved and has a petty excuse of how he's like this, he sympathizes those who suffered from abuse or tragedies that happened in their lives or are insecure because of somethings they're not feeling okay with. Ben ultimately believes others can change for the better and thinks its never too late to choose the path of light, he would also forgive them easily and succeeds into changing them into better people and would often ally with him (that example happened when helped J.T. to realize he doesn't need Cash to defend him, which was the reason J.T. became one of Ben's bullies because he was scare of being picked on, so he didn't have a choice but even if he is with Cash, he would often abuse J.T. by beating him up or berate him about his incompetence. There also times J.T. has standards when Cash brutalizes the students or makes cruel pranks on them).

But when things get serious whenever the situation he's in worsens for the worst (such as Kevin going too far with abusing Kai and attempting to murder her for being "disobedient", Fistrick and his gang abusing the Megawatts for power, or Psyphon abusing Eunice and used her as a tool to gather DNA for his own "Omegatrix"), Ben is willing to put aside his kind-hearted persona for now and replace it with a serious yet heroic attitude with a strategic instinct and a heart burning for justice, fighting off his enemies seriously and is willing to give them the beatdown they deserve, but even if he does give them that, he is still in control of his anger but Ben is one to never be as violent as they are and is againist it, but sometimes its needed when the battle gets more fierce, leaving Ben with no choice. But its also Because if Ben even gave them the punishment for their crimes, he has a very strict "Not to Kill and Not Go Out of Control" rule and code that also teaches him to not let any lethal instincts or rage surge into his heart because if Ben did that, he will be no better than Kevin nor any of his enemies, even though they are more worse than with Ben ending up with an anti-heroic and lethal mindset for the first time.

Ben is also fond of learning, passionate and collective as said, he would often observe, study, and listen to every single step his mother and grandfather would teach him such as combat and subjects related to school (homeschool to be precise). When it comes to finding new combos or moves to created, Ben would sometimes study all of the Omegatrix's aliens' powers and abilities to strategize his way of fighting.

List of Aliens[]

Original Aliens[]

  • Wildfire: Wildfire (originally known as Heatblast) is a fire-elemental alien from the DNA Sample of a Pyronite and the very first alien Ben transformed into. Wildfire has many pyrokinetic abilities such as Fire Breathe, Dragon Scorch, and Limited Geokinesis.
  • Quad Might: Quad Might (originally known as Four Arms) is a four armed humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Tetramand. Quad Might is mostly known for not only having multiple arms but known for its intimidation, enhanced yet enpowered strength, incredible durability, and many more things his own strength is capable of.
  • High Nitro: High Nitro (originally known as XLR8) is a velociraptor-like alien with features of speed from the DNA Sample of a Kineceleran. High Nitro is known for its incredibly highly enhanced agility, runs so fast it can create a hurricane.
  • Bolt Rush: Bolt Rush (originally known as Cannonbolt) is a bulky pillbug-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Arburian Pelarota. Bolt Rush has the ability to roll like ball, and its intensely incredible defense  and high agility can crush down anything in its path.
  • Download: Download (originally known as Upgrade) is a technological-themed humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Galvanic Mechamorph. Download has the abilitiy to use its nanite DNA to combine with objects that are technology, metal, and vehicle related, highly advancing them into something improved like turning them into weapons.
  • Snap Trap: Snap Trap (originally known as Wildvine) is a plant-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Florauna. Snap Trap can expand his arms and limbs via Plant Growth, can regenerate, and can launch fruit-like pod bombs.
  • Grimm: Grimm (originally known as Ghostfreak) is a ghost-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Ectonurite after scanning Zs'Skayr. Grimm has the ability to whatever a ghost can do such as turning invisible or possess someone at their will.
  • Howlitzer: Howlitzer (originally known as Blitzwolfer) is a werewolf-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Loboan after scanning Fyral aka "Yenaldooshi". Howlitzer has the ability to do whatever a wolf can do and can emit a powerful sonic howl at will.
  • Pharaoh Ankh: Pharaoh Ankh (originally known as Snare-oh) is a mummy-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Thep Khufan after scanning Myros aka "The Mummy". Ankh can use its snare bandages to wrap and capture its enemies but also can regenerate itself since its wraps are limtless.
  • Thunderclap: Thunderclap (originally known as Frankenstrike) is a frankenstein's monster-like humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Transylian after scanning Dr. Viktor Feinstein. Thunderclap has electrical abilities thanks to the two conductors on his back, can emit and perform electric-based attacks but can also use them in physical combat.
  • Sub Zero: Sub Zero (originally known as Articguana) is a blue iguana-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Polar Manzardill. Sub Zero has cryokinetic abilities such as breathing out ice or create an ice beam or storm blizzard from its mouth.
  • Maximillion: Maximillion (originally known as Ditto) is a child humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Splixson. Maximillion can clone himself just by splitting himself or duplicate at will.
  • Mount Titan: Mt. Titan (originally known as Way Big) is a gigantic humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a rare specimen called To'kustar. For being a giant, Mt. Titan can literally shoot out a powerful beam/ray made out of solar light and can destroy anything in his path for being his enormous.
  • Multi-Eye: Multi-Eye (originally known as Eye Guy) is a eye bodied humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Opticoid. Multi-Eye's eyes can shoot out powerful lasers and energy beams at will.
  • Soundwave: Soundwave (originally known as Echo Echo) is a small humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Sonorosian. Soundwave has a similar power to Maximillion, cloning himself but also has the ability to unleash a powerful supersonic attack from its voice when yelling.
  • Gigantosaurus: Gigantosaurus (originally known as Humungousaur) is a dinosaur-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Vaxasaurian. Gigantosaurus has brutal superhuman strength and great defense, he can also grow twice the size at will.
  • Cryofly: Cryofly (originally known as Big Chill) is a moth-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Necrofriggian. Cryofly has the abilities of both flight and incredibly strong cryokinetic abilities such as hailing or freezing ice from its mouth and perform actual cryokinesis.
  • Unknown: Unknown (originally known as Alien X) is a universal nebula-themed humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of one of the most powerful specimen, the Celestialsapien. Unknown is the most powerful and undefeatable alien out of all of Ben's aliens, Unknown can do many things that makes the impossible possible, such as having omnipotence, unlimited power, and countless yet universal abilities. However, most Celestialsapiens have three personalities such as the individual and the two voices of Love and Compassion, Rage and Aggression. Luckily for Ben's case, Unknown doesn't have does things and has full control over him.
  • Magneto: Magneto (originally known as Lodestar) is a magnetic humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Biosovortian. Magento has the ability to use magnetism to attract anything related to both metal and steel.
  • Hydro Hazard: Hydro Hazard (originally known as Water Hazard) is a mollusk-like humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Orishan. Hydro Hazard has many hydrokinetic powers and abilities such as blasting out pressurized water, can control the temperature of his water blasts to cold or hot, and can absorb moisture.
  • Moltendeavor: Moltendeavor (originally known as NRG) is a stove-like alien that wears an armored containment suit that inside is its true form of a heat-energy elemental alien from the DNA Sample of a Prypiatosian-B. Moltendeavor has the capability to fire out highly radioactive energy blasts from its armor, but when free from the armor, its true form can absorb radiation and other chemicals related to fire, the hotter he gets, the powerful his energy is. He can also erupt Lava at will.
  • Overdrill: Overdrill (originally known as Armodrillo) is a robotic armadillo humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Talpaedan after scanning Andreas, one of Ben's closest friends. He is considered to be Ben's most favorite alien, Overdrill has the ability to drill or jackhammer on land to create numerous earthquakes or dig underground to travel. He also has Terrakinesis, incredible superhuman strength, heavy endurable defense, and can send out powerful Shock Waves.
  • Paradox: Paradox (originally known as Clockwork) is a robotic alien from the DNA Sample of a Chronosapien. Paradox is one of Ben's most powerful aliens, known for having chronokinesis, can pause or restart time while attacking and can time travel, undo damages or effects to the said person, and is capable of many things to do using chronokinetics. Ben named him Paradox in honors of Professor Paradox, his primary mentor.
  • Invizard: Invizard (originally known as ChamAlien) is a chameleon-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Merlinisapien after scanning Selvin, aka Prisoner 775. Invizard has the ability to do whatever a chameleon can do, including its invisibility, skilled climbing, and reflexes.
  • Discharge: Discharge (originally known as Feedback) is a electrical absorption and electric elemental alien from the DNA Sample of a Conductoid. Discharge can use its conductor-like fingers and antennas to absorb any eletrical energy or other elements to then counterattack with a powerful charge blast.
  • Bouldorbit: Bouldorbit (originally known as Gravattack) is a planetary humanoid alien from the DNA Sample of a Galilean. Bouldorbit has the ability to control gravity to manipulate the weight and motion of several objects, suspending and levitating them in mid air.
  • Jump Shot: Jump Shot (originally known as Crashhopper) is a grasshopper-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Orthopterran. Jump Shot can jump higher than the speed of light, its own agility could increase as the more he jumps in the sky then lands a impactful kick.
  • OFA (One for All): OFA (originally known as Atomix) is a robotic atom featured alien from the DNA Sample of an unknown specimen, being, or entity. He is the 2nd most powerful alien out of all of Ben's aliens, OFA has the ability to emit or create atom or nuclear energy blasts at will, the blasts contain incredible mass damage.
  • Count Draincula: Count Draincula (originally known as Whampire) is a vampire-like alien from the DNA Sample of a Vladat. Count Draincula can do wahtever a vampire can do such as transforming into a bat, hypnotizing his victims using the Corruptra Projectiles, and can make a Sonic Explosion.
  • Geo Shock: Geo Shock (originally known as Shock Rock) is a stone-bodied eletricity-featured alien from the DNA Sample of a Fulmini. He has the ability to unleash a strong, blue electrical blast and can construct weapons using his energy but can also generate wormholes at will.

Omegatrix's Original Aliens[]

  • Bunny Hopps: Bunny Hopps is a rabbit-like alien and the very first created Haresapien, but also the very first original Omegatrix alien Ben turned into. Bunny Hopps has highly advanced agility and can increase his hands' sizes to bring down an impactful punch.
  • Head Shot: Head Shot is robotic humanoid-like alien with features of many types of guns and the very first created Gunmatorian. Head Shot is a living tank and sentient weapon than can launch missiles and bullets out from his entire body and mouth, but also has machine gun accessories around his arms and the tope of his head.
  • Mind Wash: Mind Wash is undead humanoid-like alien with features of bandages wrapped around his head and the very first created Erasorpian. Mind Wash has the ability to use its wraps to block away the victim's powers, preventing them to use their abilities. He also has the ability to detect what their powers are and can hypnotize them at will.
  • Bismuth: Bismuth is a rock humanoid-like alien with features of a purplish-rock body with a bismuth gem on the torso and the very first created Oscillor Vibromi. Bismuth has superhuman strength, can manifest its body into blade-like weapons, can control mineral-related things using Crystallokinesis and Geokinesis, and finally can launch a powerful solar beam when hit right at the gem on his torso.
  • Lightning Hog: Lightning Hog is a brown colored boar-like alien and the very first created Joulesus. Lightning Hog has many electric-related abilities and has a special power to create a powerful thunderstorm in battle in order to increase its thunder powers.
  • Hedge-a-Gator: Hedge-a-Gator is a half-alligator, half-hedgehog alien and the very first created Erinacessippiensis. Hedge-a-Gator has a strong jaw, unlimited strength, spikes and thorns around his back that can launch it like projectiles, and the ability to swim faster than a shark.
  • Hydronaut: Hydronaut is a liquid entity that wore robotic armour and the very first created Torrenpidan. For being a made of liquid but wears the body of a armored robot, Hydronaut can launch out a blast of water from his arm guns but can also launch a powerful blast coming out of his torso. He also has hydrokinetic abilities and can summon a rainstorm to increase his powers and speed during a battle.
  • Rush Husk: Rush Husk is a hybrid alien of both a husky and a wolf and the very first created Alaskanis. Rush Husk can do wahtever a wolf can do, but in return has a powerful howling voice that can overthrow its enemies, a strong sense of sniffing to track down individuals, and has an enhanced yet powerful claws and strength alongside with great agility.
  • Fright Knight: Fright Knight is an spiritual armored alien and the very first created Spectralsapien. Fright Knight is considered to be one of Ben's most powerful yet feared aliens to use, known for his umbrakinetic abilities, a specter-powered sword, brutal strength, and can summon an army of demonic skeletons, horses, and dragonbats.
  • Pyro Clops: Pyro Clops is an cyclops-like alien with features of both a demon, whisp, and a fire elemental and the very first created Sorcherno Colossiath. Pyro Clops is said to be the powerful fire-element alien of his kind, known for his highly advance pyrokinetic abilities, high accelerated agility, unlimited superhuman yet god-like strength, teleporting himself via special ability called "Whisp Warp", and the ability to turn objects in powerful weapons just by using its pryokinetic manifestation.
  • Pandora: Pandora is a light powered humanoid alien with the features of an entire space of the multiverse and the very first created counterpart of a Celestialsapien, Heavenebulan Celestialsapien. Pandora is considered to be powerful and god-like than Unknown, OFA, and Paradox, as he embraces many god-like abilities and is the most powerful, undefeatable, and strongest alien out of Ben's aliens, including the Omegatrix's originals. Pandora has many numerous abilities such as holding many elemental abilities, can grant others powers or wishes, recreate or create an entire multiverse, can send people's souls up to heaven or hell, time and dimension travel, revive, take away one's abilities, and can do a lot of things similar to Unknown except he exceeded him.

Ultimate Aliens[]

  • Hellfire: Hellfire is an blue-white colored elemental alien, the Ultimate form of Wildfire from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Pyronite. Unlike Wildfire, Hellfire has a mastered capability of using five elementals, fire, water, ice, aerial, and rock.
  • Spike Bolt: Spike Bolt is a metalizied pillabug-like alien, the Ultimate form of Bolt Rush from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Arburian Pelarota. Unlike Bolt Rush, Spike Bolt not only can roll down and break through things with its incredible defense and agility, Spike Bolt has spikes around its body and the defense and agility it has is more enpowered enough to destroy anything in its path.
  • Update: Update is a blue technological-themed humanoid alien, the Ultimate form of Download from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Galvanic Mechamorph. Unlike Download, Update can not only possess objects or anything else to highly upgrade their status to weapon-like, but can also enhance them to become more digital and highly technological them before, more futuristic than it was.
  • Titan Star: Titan Star is a horned and gigantic humanoid alien, the Ultimate form of Mt. Titan from the DNA Sample of an Evolved To'kustar. Unlike Mt. Titan, Titan Star is more enormous and bigger than Mt. Titan and any other giant/giantess, having more empowered strength, defense, and its powerful rays/lasers are power destructive than before
  • Sonic Boom: Sonic Boom is blue robotic humanoid alien, the Ultimate form of Soundwave from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Sonorosian. Unlike Soundwave, Sonic Boom can unleash its discs from any part of its body from head to toe and duplicate the discs to unleash a highly vibrated sonic burst, it gets more powerful depending on how Sonic Boom raises its voice. But with a sudden technical glitch after his fight with Kevin 11, Sonic Boom gain an ability called "Overdrive Mode".
    • Overdrive Mode is a very dangerous ability when Ben is about to feel anger, sorrow, or other negative traits. The traits would soon glitch the Omegatrix into taking over Ben's conscience and thus allowing a sentient Sonic Boom that holds the traits of anger and lethal instincts, with its eyes turned red, and to willingly destroy or kill anyone who is evil on its own, turning Sonic Boom into a dangerous and vigilant killing machine. Overdrive Mode also allows Sonic Boom's supersonic booms and bursts to increase every time it uses it, getting more powerful from before, and can duplicate its discs at full agility. Because of Overdrive Mode, Sonic Boom is easily the most dangerous, deadliest, powerful, and strongest Ultimate form out of all of Ben's Ultimate forms.
  • Warmonger: Warmonger is a green military armored dinosaur-like alien, the Ultimate form of Gigantosaurus from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Vaxasaurian. Unlike Gigantosaurus, other than having its strength and growth highly enhanced, alongside its durability. Warmonger's shell armor is incredibly endurable and can manifest its hands into becoming gatling cannons to shoot out bullets far powerful than any, it even has a spiked ball at the end of its tail as a secondary weapon.
  • Firefly: Firefly is a red moth-like alien, the Ultimate form of Cryofly from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Necrofriggian. Unlike Cryofly, has the ability to control pyrokinesis instead of cryokinesis. However, it can still breathe out freezing ice by using a special kind of attack called "Hot Freezing Breathe".
  • Iron Hazard: Iron Hazard is a metallized mollusk-like alien, the Ultimate form of Hydro Hazard from the DNA Sample of an Evolved Orishan. Unlike Hydro Hazard, Iron Hazard can unleash iron chemical beams and blasts from its claw-like hands. It can also metalize its own body to strength the armor's defense and endurance.
  • Goia (Grand One in All): Goia is a advanced robotic atom-featured alien, the Ultimate form of OFA (One for All) from the DNA Sample of an Evolved unknown specimen. Unlike Atomix, whose already powerful just like Unknown, Pandora, and Paradox. Goia has the ability to not only emit ot generate powerful atomic blasts or beams, but has the ability to control or generate nebula, solar, and space matter energy into becoming a powerful laser or blast attack, but with enough focus the blast's impace could result in a big explosion, higher than a normal one.


Original Aliens[]

Ultimate forms[]


  • This version of Ben had his first ten aliens to replace the original ones for the Omega Generation series before the original aliens came in for a return (but with their names changed) during Season 2, such as:
    • Rush Husk replaces Wild Mutt
    • Headshot replaces Four Arms
    • Mind Wash replaces Grey Matter
    • Bunny Hopps replaces XLR8
    • Hydronaut replaces Upgrade
    • Bismuth replaces Diamondhead
    • Hedge-a-Gator replaces Ripjaws
    • Lightning Hog replaces Stinkfly
    • Fright Knight replaces Ghostfreak
    • Pyro Clops replaces Heatblast
  • This version of Ben's appearance strongly resembles Kouta from My Hero Academia.
  • In this version of Ben, he appears to be a fan of a comic book called "Hero High School", which is a parody/homage of the popular Shonen Jump anime My Hero Academia. But was the reason why he looks up to superheroes and wanted to be one.