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ā€œ You Piece of SH#T!!! I should've never trusted you!!! ā€ž
~ Boyfriend's heroic breakdown after Red kills Girlfriend.

Boyfriend is the main protagonist of the Friday Night Funkin' mod VS Impostor.

He is a rapper who seemingly decided to play Among Us with a few other players, little did he know that this would lead him into having to face what is one of the most formiddable foes he would ever have the displeasure of encountering.


Boyfriend is a young man with cyan hair and bares the appearance of a stereotypical rapper, sporting a backwards red hat with a blue bill white shirt with a crossed-out symbol, blue jeans and red shoes.

While this is Boyfriend's normal attire, throughout some of the songs it changes to fit the scenary, such as in Maroon's Week where he is wearing a Winter Garment, fitting considering the noticeably colder scenary.


Unlike his original counterpart, Boyfriend is shown to be unintelligent, rude, and being too cocky. In Week 1, where Red killed Girlfriend Boyfriend becomes angry and making regret that Red would pay and be born, he then gets killed by Red and becomes ghost rap battles Red and makes him getting voted out.

Boyfriend still like himself as a crewmate and starts rapping and doing task at others. He, Warchief, and Jeqler vote Red Mungus off the airship and grabs Boyfriend though, however Warchief and Jeqler rescue Boyfriend by using a grappling gun and Red Mungus disappears and loses which makes Boyfriend victory.

He dislikes himself being killed by Imposters (mostly Black), He even still kinda friendly where he even meets Pink due that she wants to befriends him and Girlfriend, but Black and Grey showed up and killed them off-screen. Pink then rap battles Grey during the interrupt.


Polus Problems[]

During a round in Polus, Boyfriend is singing a song to Girlfriend when they are interrupted by the sound of someone dying before the (not so subtle) Red walks on screen holding a gun. After throwing his mike at him and a quick interaction that involves some speculation in regards to Red being an imposter, they start their first song.

After the song ends, Red, who had grown mildly irritated at this point, aims his gun at Girlfriend and shoots her, killing her. Boyfriend, enraged by this, swears revenge and the next song begins.

After the song ends, Boyfriend tries to strike a pose but is interrupted by Red killing him, however this does not mark the end as Boyfriend manages to return as a ghost for one final battle. Red, who is positively freaked out by this, asks that Boyfriend has mercy on his soul, to which he swiftly declines and the two start their final battle.

After said battle concludes, the bodies of Boyfriend and Girlfriend is reported and Red is voted off.

Mira Madness[]

After the events of previous game. Boyfriend and Girlfrend. enter another round of Among Us, this time being set in Mira HQ. With the round's imposter this time around being Green. After Green is done killing Coral, he stumbles across Boyfriend and Girlfriend and tries his best to act friendly towards them and they soon initiate a rap battle.

After the battle ends, Green reveals himself to the imposter, to which Girlfriend claims that she and Boyfriend had known the whole time, although this doesn't concern Green much as he knows that the two would rather have a rap battle as opposed to actually reporting him as the imposter. Boyfriend then smugly claims that he can rap better than the other and the next battle starts. At the end of the song, Boyfriend and Girlfriend flee to Reactor, Green following. Where the next song initiates.

After the song finishes, Green, seemingly becoming irritated at Boyfriend's persistance, transforms into his parasite form and proceeds to blow up the Reactor, living him, Boyfriend and Girlfriend to free fall where the final song takes place.

Airship Atrocities[]

During a round in the Airship, Boyfriend and Girlfriend follow Yellow around, believing that he has the possiblity of being an imposter. The three quickly enter and interaction where Yellow shows himself to be a generally friendly individual, although Boyfriend and Girlfriend still regard him with some skepticism. They soon enter a rap battle.

After the battle ends, they seem to be sold on Yellow being a crewmate. After Boyfriend says something inappropriate and Yellow shows discomfort, they enter the next battle. Their session is ultimately cut short however when Yellow is abruply killed by White, which Boyfriend is seemingly horrified by judging by his reaction.

Following this, White reveals themselves, and after a brief interaction, they begin their next song. After defeating them in the rap battle, Black appears behind Boyfriend and punches him out of the window of the airship, he lands on a nearby platform along with Girlfriend where Black begins chasing him with a knife, starting the next song, Danger.

After being presumably chased into the Cargo Bay, Boyfriend is cornered by both Black and White where they initiate the last song of the week, "Double Kill" where both Black and White duet against Boyfriend. At the end of the song, the song fades into the defeat screen, White disappearing and leaving only Black and Boyfriend to battle one on one, Boyfriend is seen looking worried. The song ends with Black seemingly killing Boyfriend, winning the match.

Henry Stickmin Week[]

If Boyfriend uses the teleporter during Week 3, he and Girlfriend will be teleported outside of a bank where he runs into Henry Stickmin, who seems to be trying to run away from something, initiating a rap battle, the two face off in the song "Titular". Following this song, Henry calls his trust pal Charles, asking him for reinforcements, which he does so in the form of Ellie Rose, this leads to the second song of the week.

In the final song, Reginald Copperbottom and the Right Hand Man crash the party, seemingly killing Henry and Ellie and facing off against Boyfriend in a duel, what happens after this is unclear but it can be assumed that Boyfriend either ran away, got captured, or was promptly killed by the two of them.


Following the events of Week 3, Boyfriend now finds himself in the Defeat Screen alongside Black, after a brief opening, the Defeat Screen opens up, revealing countless dead bodies, undoubtably done by Black. Boyfriend, who was already shown to be unnerved, is completely horrified by Black's actions, with this being one of the few times where he shows any genuine fear in the mod.

At one point in the song, it flashes back into the V3 version of the song, showing an older version of Black and Boyfriend, it's unclear exactly how this was done, or if this was actually happening or not. The song ultimately ends with Black presumably killing Boyfriend once again.

Magmatic Monstrosity[]

During another game in Polus, Boyfriend encounters the Maroon Impostor, who almost immediately starts insulting him and Girlfriend. Boyfriend predictably becomes annoyed, Maroon asks him if he wants a rap battle, Boyfriend retorts by asking if he'll leave him alone if he does, to which the impostor promptly responds with a "no" and their first duet begins.

After beating him, after Maroon insults him again, Boyfriend becomes frustrated and begins ranting about how he was going to stab himself if he had to face another impostor, Maroon responds by rhetorically if he should just stab him instead, Boyfriend responds saying that he won't get the chance before their next battle begins.

After the song concludes, an Emergency Meeting is called by one of the crewmates, and after they conclude that it would've had to have been either Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Maroon. Being left indecisive, the crewmates conclude to just eject both Boyfriend and Maroon. After being thrown into the lava pit in Polus, the last song commences, where Maroon, in a fit of rage, evolves into his parasite form for their last battle.

The events following this song are unknown, however it can be presumed that Boyfriend eventually died in the lava, while Maroon may or may not've escaped, it's unclear if this is this the case or not.

Deadly Delusion[]

During a game in the Airship, Boyfriend, after seemingly being knocked out by something, wakes up in Electrical, where he sees Gray, who promptly turns to face them. From there, it is shown to us that Gray has mutilated several other players at the command of Black, as we see the bodies of Yellow, Girlfriend, and even other impostors such as Red, Boyfriend responds to this with shock and horror as you would expect.

The next three songs take place in this area, with Gray rapping against Boyfriend while Black looks on from the sidelines.

Humane Heartbeat[]

During a game in Mira HQ, Boyfriend encounters a Pink "crewmate" who wants to battle with them, Boyfriend is skeptical buy ultimately accepts, and from there they start a rap battle. Following the song, Pink is incredibly happy by the results and wants to go again, but Boyfriend informs her that they are supposed to go to the next song, she seems somewhat saddened by this, but she's still optimistic, hoping that the next song will be just as good.

Boyfriend and Girlfriend take note of how there doesn't seem to be an impostor during this game, Boyfriend saying that it clearly isn't Pink as she hasn't attempted to kill them yet, Pink agrees though she seems a slight bit nervous.

Following the events of the song, Black bursts out of a nearby and sabotages the lights, they and Gray, who had been in the background the whole time, proceed to go ham on all the players, including Boyfriend, killing him.

Identity Crisis[]

Not much is known about this song in regards to the events leading up to it, however, according to a now deleted video by BlueStopSign, the events of Identity Crisis happened because Black became frustrated with him constantly evading death and hired Monotone as a mercenary to kill him off.

Within the song itself, Boyfriend faces off against Monotone, a shapeshifter, inside of the reactor, throughout the song Monotone transforms into various impostors, including that of Red, Green, and Black, as well as Boyfriend himself at the start of the song, he even goes as far as to change the scenary to fit the character. Despite his efforts however, Boyfriend ultimately overcomes him, just like he did the previous impostors.


Black, becoming fed up with Boyfriend's persistence, challanges him to one final duel, an end all be all. A "Finale" if you will. The battle starts off in a similar fashion to Defeat before Black reveals their true form. A giant parasite that towers over every other impstor in the mod, Boyfriend is seen absolutely terrified, but he still chooses to keep going, to fight like a warrior.

The song seemingly ends with Black killing off Boyfriend, ending the mod's main story.

Loggo's Weak[]

In Loggo's Week, Boyfriend faces off against one of the developers of the mod in a Christmas themed setting (despite it taking place during Halloween), the only real thing of note in this song is when Boyfriend speaks, asking where his presents are.

Week J[]

During a week in the Airship that seems to be completely disconnected from the main story, Boyfriend faces off against a crewmate named Jorsawsee in a rap battle, but is promptly killed by Red Mungus, this leads to Warchief finding the body and calling an emergency meeting. Warchief and Jelqer proceed to interrogate Boyfriend and Red Mungus, and after a few minutes of back and fourth, Red Mungus accidentally reveals himself, leading him to being voted for ejection, however, before he can, he takes Boyfriend with him, though he is luckily saved by a convenient grappling hook.

Red Mungus meanwhile turns into his parasite form and attempts to fly back to the Airship, but is unsuccessful, and winds up being thrown away by the air. The week ends with a duet in the victory screen, with it being one of the few where Boyfriend actually winds up winning against the impostor.


  • There is a scrapped cutscene of Deadly Delusion, where Boyfriend, Black, and Grey have been blown up the airship.



Arrow Funk
Bidu | Barbara

Friday Night Funkin' HD
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Skid and Pump

Friday Night Funkin' Soft
Benjamin Fairest | Grace | Pico | Skid and Pump

Friday Night Funkin' Corruption
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | Skid and Pump | Pico | Senpai | Soul Boyfriend

Friday Night Fever
Fever | Tea | Pepper Demon | Yukichi

Funkin' MIX
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Skid and Pump | Moloch

Wendesday's Infidelity
Boyfriend | D-Side Boyfriend

Mid-Fight Masses
Sarvente | Ruv | Selever | Rasazy

Starlight Mayhem
CJ | Ruby

31 Minutos
Tulio TriviƱo | Juan Carlos Bodoque | Juanin Juan Harry

Tari Mod
Tari (SMG4) | Mario (SMG4) |

VS Impostor
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Yellow | Penelope Shifter | Warchief and Jelqer | Henry Stickmin | Ellie Rose | Charles Calvin

Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Skid and Pump | Pico | Nene | Darnell

Bear5 Retake
Pico | The Souls (Charlotte Emily)

Vs. Sonic.exe
Boyfriend | Starved Sonic | Starved Tails

Mario's Madness
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Pico | Beta Luigi | I HATE YOU Mario | LDO Luigi | THE FORGIVEN

Friday Night Funkin': Entity
A.G.O.T.I. | Solazar | Aldryx | Nikusa

Indie Cross
Boyfriend | Cuphead | Sans | Papyrus | Cartoon Bendy

Friday Night CrunchinĀ“
Roach | IFU | Cereal Guy | Trollface | Forever Alone | Epic Face | Poopmadness

Friday Night Funkin': The Musical
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Skid and Pump | Pico | Whitty | Carol | Hex | Sarvente | Ruv | Garcello | Edd | Tom | Matt

Doki Doki Takeover & Doki Doki Takeover: Bad Ending
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Senpai | Monika | Sayori | Natsuki | Yuri | MC

Hololive Funkin'
Mano Aloe | Momosuzu Nene

Friday Night Funkin': Secret Histories
Boyfriend | Secret History Sonic

Friday Night Funkin': Starvation Alley
Pico | Herra

Thomas' Railway Showdown
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Tonic

Toy's Madness Friday
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Ventriloquist Woody

Mistful Crimson Morning
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Titan Squidward | Robot Chicken SpongeBob | Joe Mama Squidward | Coconut Fred | SNL Spongebob | Millie | SNL Blossom

Big Engine Brawl
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Thomas the Tank Engine | Henry the Green Engine | James the Red Engine | Gordon the Big Engine | Edward the Blue Engine

The Basement Show
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | D-Side Boyfriend | D-Side Girlfriend | Depressive Tom | Jammy

Friday Night Funkin' Lullaby
Girlfriend | Boyfriend | Ponyta | Mike | Pico | Dawn | Alexis | Grey

Skeleton Bros
Boyfriend | Sans | Papyrus

Mario's Monday Night Massacre
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Mario | 7 Grand Dad

CN Lost Episodes
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | See You Soon Friend Rigby | Mordecai | MAD Rigby | MAD Mordecai | Gumball

Unlabeled Anime Mod
Nagatoro | Senpai | Yoshi & Gamo

A Nonsensical Friday Night
Nonsense | Nonsensica

Animation VS Friday Night Funkin'
Boyfriend | The Second Coming | Red | Blue | Green | Yellow

Vs. Gorefield
Boyfriend | Jon Arbuckle | Jon (Lasagna Boy) | Nermal | Luna Henderson | Garfield | Arlene

Vs. Cartoon Cat
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Luna Henderson | Corruptus

YTP Invasion
Boyfriend | Girlfriend | Super Show Luigi | SpongeBob | Michael Rosen | Hotel Mario | Hotel Luigi | Mario

Brooke | Grace | Henry Emily | Dayshift at Freddy's Cast

Friday Night Monsters of Monsters
Godzilla | Mothra | Zachary | Mellisa | Boyfriend | Girlfriend

Other Mods
Ace Alice | Boyfriend (The Trollge Files) | Boy and Girl (Twinsomnia) | Lila | Hatsune Miku | Hex | Lily Engrave | Boyfriend (Sonic Legacy) | Myra | Oliver | Virus R | Whitty | Ski | Carol | Sunday | Taeyai | Dalia | Garcello | Annie | QT | Kapi | Rosie | Pompom | Anchor | Roro | Kou | Beepie | Cassette Girl | BruhMomentLilac | Mami Tomoe

Boyfriend (Fera Animations) | Girlfriend (Fera Animations) | Boyfriend (STA Studios) | Player (Friday Night Funkin' Logic) | Girlfriend (GameToons) | Boyfriend and Girlfriend (EnchantedMOB) | Boyfriend (SMG4) | Girlfriend (SMG4) | Boyfriend (TheGamerLover) | Alice (TheGamerLover) | Oliver (TheGamerLover) | Boyfriend (LYON S.P.D) | Girlfriend (LYON S.P.D) | Pico (LYON S.P.D)
