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I did hear people going missing in Branch Eurekas, are you "The Butcher"?!
~ Branch Eurekas Sniper, to Boogie.

The Branch Eurekas Sniper is a supporting protagonist of the 2023 YouTube Poop YTP Christmas Special: Psycho Boogie Returns! created by RobotnikZentric. He is a nameless sniper who saw The Butcher cornering Jesse and was defending Jesse despite being a random sniper.


The sniper is first heard saying "Hello?" once he is then seen running up to Jesse and Boogie while Boogie was trying to kill Jesse, this made the sniper listen to both sides of the story, while Boogie tried gaslighting him, Jesse tells the sniper about what Boogie just did in full detail.

The sniper then recalls hearing reports of people going missing in the area Branch Eurekas, and he points the gun at Boogie to ask him if he was "The Butcher" that the sniper was on the search for. Boogie trying to weasel his way out of the accusation was ineffective and Jesse tells the sniper to not fall for his lies, which made Boogie call Jesse a "backstabber".

Upon getting this signal, the sniper remains prepared to shoot Boogie for being "The Butcher" as a reveal, and Boogie taunts this sniper and tries fighting him, which got the sniper to shoot Boogie for taunting him. This also means the sniper hampered Boogie's goal to murder Jesse and he essentially helps Jesse escape from Boogie.


He is attentive and protective, as he doesn't talk too much (unlike most characters) and is more of a good listener who can pick up signs from the emotions of others, which is makes him a pragmatist since he grew his suspicions for Boogie's attempted gaslighting and Jesse's honesty that overshadows it, especially when Boogie gets fired up from Jesse running away and Boogie taunting the sniper to fight him. However, he is mysterious because we know very little of him, and despite this, all we know is that he's a noble sniper who is dedicated enough to protect the area "Branch Eurekas" from murderers and always hunts them down to save the lives of others.


  • His real name and identity still remains unknown to this very day.
  • His appearance in the YTP is taken from the McJuggerNuggets video BOOGIE2988 TRIES TO EAT MCJUGGERNUGGETS!. Much like David, this clip was edited in a way to make him actually more heroic than in the original video.
  • He and Psycho Dad are the only characters in YTP Christmas Special: Psycho Boogie Returns! who is treated as Seriously Good, and that is saying something within a comedic YTP video where most of the characters are typically victims or damsels that are usually abused, tortured or otherwise killed by Boogie (who, by the way, is a Laughably Evil parody of Boogie2988's character).

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