Hero Fanon Wiki

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Hero Fanon Wiki
Hero Overview

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MM Boyfriend phone

Boyfriend wants to give a warning: This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot/character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

Uck! Why did dad have to audition?
~ Caillou's first words in Go! City Elimination

Okay, I know I could've just used my super epic Caillou powers, but I'm pretty sure I'll get eliminated after because you know how these elimination shows work. Contestant does bad thing, contestant gets eliminated.
~ Caillou in the confessional in Episode 7
Wow! I can't believe I'm going to get pne million dollars! This is a dream come true!
~ Caillou as he's about to win the million

Caillou is one of the main protagonists in Go! City Elimination. He serves as the main protagonist of Go! City Elimination and is a contestant on Go! City Elimination Time Travelers and Go! City Elimination All Stars. He is also currently competing on Go! City Elimination Camp Survivors. He is a four year old kid who is the son of Boris and Doris as well as Rosie’s brother. He is one of the most well known characters on the series and regarded as one of the most loyal contestants on the show.


Being a four year old kid, he’s really smart for his age as he’s the one who defeated his own father in the first season. He’s also good at strategizing in the competition and somehow knows how to drive. However, he’ll sometimes act up but it’s rare whenever he does and unlike most GoAnimate videos, he’s all around well behaved most of the time. He does anything he can to help others such as when he warned his best friend Leo despite being on different teams that Boris was gonna eliminate him. He also is shown to be loving toward his girlfriend, Dora and very loyal to all the contestants on the show. He even once helped Stephie B and Cianan Irvine make up when the two had a fight, proving he cares about others when they need it.



  • Boris (father)
  • Doris (mother)
  • Rosie (sister)
  • Rosemarry (grandma)
  • Hadley (grandpa)


  • Dora (girlfriend)
  • Leo (best friend)
  • Clementine
  • Sarah
  • Stephie B
  • Nicky Animations
  • Cianan Irvine
  • Leo's Mom


Boris (formerly, archenemy)


Miss Martin
