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This hero was proposed and approved on the Near Pure Good Wiki to be close to being a Pure of Heart/Pure Good. While these heroes may not be Pure of Heart, they certainly come close. Only heroes who have been approved on that wiki can be in the Near Pure Good Category and have this template. Those who haven't been proposed/approved cannot since it hasn't been determined if they come close or not. Any act of removing this hero from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a "villainous" attempt to demonize said character) and the user will have a high chance of being |
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"Deus has protected this page from evil forces." This page, Cassie Sidero, is currently owned by CrystallicWolf108. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you. |
“ | Heh, surprised it didn't happen earlier, someone caught me... I'm a vampire! Not a human hurting one, or lamia in your case... but I drink blood, have fangs and I can grow wings. | „ |
~ Cassie after Zephixa sees her with vampire wings. |
“ | I used to hate myself for being a vampire. I always wished I wasn't... But hanging with you guys really helped me accept myself for who I was. Oppressing myself feels horrible, but I've come to accept I'm a vampire! And know what? If not for the consequences, I'd go in public and show my true self. Your great friends, and I uhh... wish I befriended you earlier. Still sorry... | „ |
~ Cassie on how she has come to accept herself thanks to recent events. |
Cassie Sidero is the deuteragonist of Monsters Among Humanity. She at first seems to be a cold and emotionless person who didn’t like Zephixa, but it’s later revealed that she is a vampire who has suffered a lot from trauma and has gone cold as a result of her trying to hide herself. But when Zephixa finds out her secret, she slowly warms up over time, and the two eventually become girlfriends.
Read Monsters Among Humanity Here
On the outside, Cassie seems like an antisocial, cold, cynical and emotionless person, who could also act condescending, harsh and even mean. She used to bully Zephixa in school due to her jealousy of her being able to go public about her race. However, this cold attitude is to mask her secret that she’s actually a vampire, as she couldn’t afford to show her fangs or accidentally slip her secret. It’s also because she feels horrible and guilty about not being able to save her younger sister from a vampire hunter, as she lost her family at a young age. Cassie on the inside is quite a sensitive and is far from emotionless. She feels vulnerable about her secret, knowing she could be exposed and killed at any moment, and was terrified when her secret got out. She even hated herself for being a vampire.
Once Zephixa found out her secret, but began to comfort her and support her, Cassie’s personality started changing for the better. She apologised to Zephixa for being mean to her in the past (and she still feels guilty about it to this day), and began showing her true personality. Cassie is actually a nice person, who is very supportive towards those she cares about, as she was very encouraging towards Zephixa’s dream once they became friends, and looking out for her throughout the story. She is also very protective of her friends. Cassie also has a witty and sassy side to her, as she sometimes teases Miyuki, and is able to confidently take care of jerks once she is able to hide her fangs. At the end of the story, due to vampire hunting becoming illegal, she was able to act much more confident and proud of herself, with her cold outer shell completely melting.
Heroic Deeds[]
- When Zephixa was being threatened by muggers, she saved her by using her telekinesis to attack the muggers necks, causing them to flee confused.
- After Zephixa showed her kindness and promised to keep her being a vampire a secret, she began supporting Zephixa’s manga writing and helping her out at every opportunity. She even apologised for bullying her in the past.
- She (alongside Zephixa and Miyuki) performed in Charlotte’s concert as dancers, trying to help open people’s eyes about accepting non-humans, as the song was to do with acceptance. Even when Charlotte dragged Zephixa on stage despite her promise to keep her behind a screen, she went onto stage with Zephixa, and tried to ease her nerves.
- She stood up for Zephixa when people started being racist to her in the car park.
- When Derek threw Zephixa off the building, she flew down after her, sprouting her wings and flying down to catch her, selflessly exposing her secret to the public in the process. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- She comforted Kissaia when she was clearly traumatised.
- When Derek threatened Zephixa to go back to her village or he would some it up, Cassie desperately begged Zephixa not to listen, knowing that Derek was going to go back on his deal and blow it up anyway, and kill Zephixa. After Zephixa said she’d go just in case, Cassie chose to accompany her.
- She fought against Midnight, and managed to prove to him that not all vampires were bad by defusing a bomb in front of him, and saving some hostages, leading to him redeeming himself and stopping his vampire hunting.
- When Derek got his hands on the remote and was about to use it, she took it away from him and destroyed it.
- She defused several bombs that were inside houses, and freed countless people from being barricaded in their own homes, saving them from being blown up. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- When Zephixa felt bad about killing Derek, she reassured her it was the right thing to do, and then confessed her love for her.
- She helped Charlotte show society that monsters weren’t bad people, and that non humans could live among humans, which inspired vampires to come out and tons of monsters, such as lamias, began moving in with humanity.
“ | Watch it- Hang on, your... (Zephixa: Uhh, I won't eat you, don't worry! I'm friendly! My names Zephixa Scaleton-) *her expression goes from shock to anger* Of course your saying that first thing... Not like they'll all believe you. What if your lying anyway, you gonna attack us or something? (Zephixa: Uhhh...) Just go away, I'm not interested in you, freak... | „ |
~ Cassie meeting Zephixa for the first time, being quite cold and harsh. |
“ | *sighs* The worlds a cruel place, girl. You won't last as some famous manga artist. Remember what you are. Go make yourself useful in another career and stay low profile. Your not welcome, now stop with this fantasy that you belong, because YOU DON'T, OKAY... | „ |
~ Cassie being harsh on Zephixa, nearly letting her emotions get the best of her. |
“ | D-Did you see...? (Zephixa: Uhh... No?) I can tell your lying... (Zephixa: I-I didn't see anything...) *in a sense of panic, she rushes over, pulls zephixa's tail all the way in and shuts the door* YOU AREN'T GOING TO SNITCH!!! *tears begin to form in her eyes, as she starts shivering in fear* (Zephixa: Ok ok I'm sorry! I s-saw w-wings! I... I d-don't know w-what's going o-on, but I'm not going to tell-) *collapses to her knees and looks down to the ground, and she starts crying* | „ |
~ Cassie when Zephixa sees her with vampire wings. |
“ | Why am I so stupid... Why did I have to check my wings in a public mirror... *sniff* Now I'm going to die, just like my family... *crawls over to zephixa, and speaks in a desperate voice* PLEASE DON'T TELL... | „ |
~ Cassie begging Zephixa. |
“ | Me? Nah! I ain't scared of... Ok... I'm scared, but can you blame me? If I'm outed as a vampire, everyone's gonna go after me with a stake in the heart! I thought when Nicole made me have an allergic reaction, that my life was over... However, I'm still standing! I just wanna live properly, you understand? I hate hiding myself but what choice do I have? | „ |
~ Cassie explaining her fears. |
“ | (Miyuki: WHERE'S ZA TUNA FISH?!) I was being sarcastic about the tuna. (Miyuki: Sarcasm is a lie.) Maybe it is... maybe behind the wall is a secret password which contains a lifetime supply of tuna fish! (Miyuki: *her eyes widen in excitement* Really?!) No. (Miyuki: Awww! Mean!) *chuckles a bit, but then covers her mouth to hide her smile* Anyways, you need to eat your breakfast, Miyuki. Should I feed you? (Miyuki: I don't need to be spoon fed, I'm a big girl neko! *crosses her arms*) Just messing with you. *chuckles slightly* | „ |
~ Cassie and Miyuki. |
“ | Hey, I thought lamias were meant to eat a lot of food. You seem kinda distracted. (Zephixa: Oh! Yeah, sorry... I mean, I've got a few questions, if you don't mind... Don't vampires turn to ash in the sun?) Oh dear... *puts her head in her hand* That's a load of bullshit. They can daywalk. (Zephixa: Oh... so I assume the invite only thing is too?) Yup... A lot of bullshit. They can trespass like anyone else, how else do you expect them to get blood? I mean... *whispers* I don't drink the blood of humans or pets... I go after wild animals, typically at night... We need about a litre a day. (Zephixa: What about the stake to the heart thing? Or garlic?) Ok, those two are true... But pretty much every other human rule they give to vampires is utter bollocks. Thank you for the questions. (Zephixa: Oh, sorry if I offended you...) You didn't offend me, humans just tell a lot of bullshit. *sighs* | „ |
~ Cassie debunking vampire myths. |
“ | Hey, slow down, I can't hear you... Speak clearly, alright? Tell me who's hurt you, so I can beat the shit out of them. (Miyuki: N-No, i'm ok... But you... *starts sniffling* Someone has a s-suspicion... about you... a hunter with over 20 k-kills... M-Midnight, or s-something...) *upon hearing that name. her eyes widen with shock, and then turn into pure fear* (Zephixa: A y-you know w-what hunter? Oh no... ) You two... get to our hotel room... now... | „ |
~ Cassie in pure fear after Miyuki warns her. |
“ | It all happened so fast... I was only 9, but I remembered everything... It took so long to adapt to my new life... I couldn't save my little sister because I panicked and grabbed the wrong thing... I acted cold so people wouldn't care to know me, and I wouldn't have to share my emotions related to my secret... I never liked Nicole and I only hung out with her because I was scared... When I saw you Zephixa, I became envious... You weren't a human, and I felt it wasn't fair that you got to be out in the open, but my family paid with their lives for their race... But I was wrong to do that. I didn't realise I was helping put you through trauma too by being nasty, and after you came to my aid during my allergic reaction, you proved to have a heart of gold... I hated myself for how I treated such a nice person like a bag of dirt, and I still do... You aren't a monster, Zephixa, you never were... I was a foolish hypocrite, and... I'm sorry for everything... *a few tears stream down from her eyes* I-I don't know how I'll ever make it- | „ |
~ Cassie on her families death and how it affected her, and her apology to Zephixa for bullying her in the past. |
“ | Well alright, that is a massive step up... but I promised I'd help you. And besides, don't wanna watch you have a breakdown on live TV, so I'll help you here! | „ |
~ Cassie agreeing to help Zephixa on the concert. |
“ | (Zephixa: Whew, it's been a long week... it's finally come down to this...) You feeling ok? I know it's been though thinking, and doing your manga at the same time... but I've had fun. I really hope today helps your confidence get better... (Zephixa: Me too... I know I can't live being anxious forever! Today, please help me. I'll be in front of thousands of- ... people... uhhh...) Take some deep breaths Zeph, we signed up for this remember? Don't wanna waste all that time you spent off your vacation, right? (Zephixa: Yeah, your right, I just need a bit of rest to calm my nerves... I sleep a lot, it really helps me calm down... *closes her eyes*) | „ |
~ Cassie comforting Zephixa before the concert. |
“ | (Charlotte: OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS!!! THAT WAS-) AN ABSOLUTELY LOW MOVE FROM YOU!!! (Charlotte: ... What?) Did you have to literally go inside, grab the girl with social anxiety, and drag her ONTO STAGE WITH A MASSIVE CROWD? You could've done me, or Miyuki, yet you picked Zephixa, WHY?! | „ |
~ Cassie scalding Charlotte for dragging Zephixa on stage without warning. |
“ | Augh, please. *puts on her facemask and walks over to the teens* What do you think your doing, bullying my cr- I mean victims? Only I can bully them! If I see you ever bother her again, I will hunt you down and KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILIES, AND YOUR DOGS! Wait, no, dogs are too cute... JUST YOUR UGLY FAMILIES THEN! | „ |
~ Cassie standing up for Zephixa and Miyuki after two teens insult them. |
“ | Cool view, isn't it? (Zephixa: Y-Yeah... Sorry if I seem nervous, this is just a big height for me.) You'll get used to it, perfectly safe. I come up all the time, it's dead quiet! | „ |
~ Cassie and Zephixa on a roof together. |
“ | I hide myself to this day. I used to hate myself for being a vampire. I always wished I wasn't... But hanging with you guys really helped me accept myself for who I was. Oppressing myself feels horrible, but I've come to accept I'm a vampire! And know what? If not for the consequences, I'd go in public and show my true self. Your great friends, and I uhh... wish I befriended you earlier. Still sorry... (Zephixa: *directly faces cassie* It's okay, please. I forgive you. Please, let's not discuss our school days... They were, well, awkward.) *looks back at zephixa* Yeah... | „ |
~ Cassie on how far she’s come thanks to recent events. |
“ | It does! It shows your a selfish, heartless monster, who is also a SMALL, WEAK MAN who finds pleasure in hurting DEFENCELESS CREATURES in order to make yourself feel BIG AND STRONG. | „ |
~ Cassie to Derek. |
“ | (Miyuki: Shit shit shit... How are we gonna get out of this? I'm scared!!!) ... Me too... | „ |
~ Cassie expressing fear after she’s exposed as a vampire. |
“ | I know, Zeph... *more tears and her voice gets sad* but I'm gonna die if I go back because of it... I wanna be proud and not give a shit! But it's hard, when the punishment for being myself is death. I just don't know what to do... Witch, can't you please do it? Make me a human? If Zeph and Miyuki don't wanna be humans, good for them... But I can't survive out there as a vampire! And I couldn't bear to change my identity and start again... | „ |
~ Cassie wanting to change into a human due to the recent exposure. |
“ | ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU'LL DIE, HE'LL KILL YOU! I WON'T LET YOU DIE!!! (Zephixa: He's gonna blow up the village if I don't, and Heather is gonna torture Charlotte even more... Besides, it would be best for me to die then anyone else...) Y-You think that monster is gonna hold up his end of the bargain?! The gangster might, but Derek? NO... | „ |
~ Cassie trying to stop Zephixa from handing herself in. |
~ Cassie unleashing her rage at Midnight. |
“ | And you and your group manipulated the public into thinking vampires were monsters. You went on TV and told everyone I was dangerous! I haven't hurt anyone... I don't get my blood from humans, eww no, I get it from animals or blood banks. You know how hard it is for us? Everyone thinks we're monsters, and so many children have to go without parents thanks to hunters, they grow up to be bitter and cold... We hide ourselves, suppress ourselves. Zephixa and Miyuki knew only by accident, but they accepted me. Charlotte only found out because of what happened yesterday. But she accepted me. She wanted to HELP us, even if she wouldn't have a chance... *a tear comes from her eyes* She got hurt... for doing the right thing... We came back because we didn't want anyone else hurt... Even though we knew you three would try to kill us... But hey, it would prove something right? It would prove we're not selfish monsters... | „ |
~ Cassie to Midnight after beating him in combat. |
“ | You did nothing wrong, that promise doesn't mean SHIT when your life was on the line because of him, along with ours, the citizens of this village, and any potential non humans coming to live with us! Your NOT a monster, your NOT a bad person, your the nicest person I've EVER met, even when you saw me with those wings, in your view, I was the bitch who made your life hell in middle school, but you reached out to me! So don't you DARE lie and say your a bad person, because that will NEVER BE TRUE... YOU were willing to DIE for a bunch of civilians that didn't reach out to you! I LOVE YOU, ZEPH... I ALWAYS WILL! SO DON'T EVER BEAT YOURSELF UP IN FRONT OF ME, SEEING YOU HURT MAKES ME HURT TOO! | „ |
~ Cassie reassuring Zephixa that she was right to kill Derek, before confessing her love. |
- Zephixa Scaleton (Girlfriend)
- Miyuki Nekolia
- Charlotte Mythic
- Joshua Scaleton
- Witch
- Nicole (Formerly)
- Midnight (Formerly, but still dislikes)
- Derek Hunter
- Heather Pepitone
- Zephixa Scaleton (Formerly)
Cassie is a 20 year old vampire girl with pale skin, red eyes, freckles and blue hair with 2 black stripes, and 2 large ponytails on each side. She wears a black leather jacket, black shorts and blue trainers usually, but sometimes she takes her jacket off, revealing a black mesh top and a black laced crop top, albeit she only tends to do it when she’s feeling more confident, or if she wants to fly, as she has to sprout vampire wings from her back, and she can only do that with room to sprout.
External Links[]
- Cassie Sidero on the Near Pure Good Wiki