Hero Fanon Wiki

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Hero Fanon Wiki

Heroes who have little to no tolerance for failure and thus usually act in rage and/or even violently give their followers or allies consequences for failing to probably follow their orders. These heroes also warn their allies of the penalty if they let them down, which is very likely a stated punishment. Most times goes hand-in-hand with a fair amount of officials and leaders who can be mean in their goals. These heroes can also be known as a loser.

Though, at least a far amount of these heroes can have a positive feature if their followers express and show remorse for being unsuccessful in accomplish their goals, these characters will speak to them in a soft-spoken manner. Almost all of them don't ever resort to killing or torturing their colleagues for failing them which is what separates them from their bad counterparts. However, this only applies to active heroes; some character who use to be villains have murdered their colleagues in the past for letting them down before taken down to the side is heroism.

Another frequent form of failure-intolerent heroes is when a hero stresses how essential the accomplishment of a mission is and what is at stake must the mission result in failure, like saving and protecting a whole world of people from destruction.

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