These are heroes who are faithful, friendly and obedient and can always be counted on and promise to never let down their fellow heroes, friends and family. These characters are loyal to those who help them and will return that favor by helping them out. They're are those who count loyalty as a major importance and will go to nice lengths to protect those they are loyal to or what they fight for. This can range from close loved ones to being loyal to a heroic organization. Loyal heroes will do a great deal for those they judge as allies or friends that they would even fight the law or challenge higher powers for the sake of those these heroes are loyal to as well as go so far as to forgive them for perceived failures and betrayals which is a usual theme. Overall, In their nature, they are those heroes who best represent what it means to be a true companion and is respected in major way as such for being very altruistic.
Mimi-Sentry -
Dispenser Lady -
Dicksalot -
Senthia -
Scag (Regretevator X Danganronpa) -
Emperor Alexander -
Ayzee Noceda-Blight -
Mangle (Tony Crynight)
All items (508)
- Aaron Erede
- Abe Baker (Fractured Universes)
- Adam Flayman (BATCW TAB)
- Adrian
- Agumon (Crossover War Heroes)
- Aikkop (Lightning SMP)
- Aja Tarron (Misry6's Rise of the Titans)
- Akuna Umeadi Brown
- Alan (Jeny Punker)
- Alex (Puppy Affection)
- Alex Edurus
- Alex Rubium
- Alex The Lion (The Wizard Lion)
- Alphonse Elric (2021)
- Amy Rose (Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe)
- Ana Mosconi (The Neighbor of the Den)
- Annie Amma,Doris & Fernando (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Antoshi
- Apple Bloom
- Ardako
- Ariel (Character What)
- Ariel Taylor
- Arthur Dracarys
- Ash Coinin
- Ashley Graham
- Associate Tsukuyomi/Alpina
- Aubrey Iverson
- Aura
- Aurora Butterfly
- Awsomecolin Creature (On Meds)
- Axol
- Aya Nakazumi
- Ayzee Noceda-Blight
- Azima Abbas
- Baci (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bambi (Character What)
- Barack Obama (Inkagames)
- Baragon (MUGENWarrior)
- Barry
- Bart Simpson (Pretty Witchy Sapphire)
- Ben Esmerald
- Ben Tenpenny
- Benvolio
- Beta Luigi (SMG4)
- Betty (Betty Help?)
- Big Z (Bird Island)
- Billy Campbell
- Billy McBride
- Black Dahlia (Tales of the Void)
- Blake Faylin
- Blaze (Fiction PokƩmon Foes)
- Blossom (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Blossom (PowerPuff Girls Doujinshi)
- Blossom (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Blue (Rexyverse)
- Blue Drago
- Bone Shaker
- Bonnie the Bunny (Tony Crynight)
- Bowie Olson
- Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin' Corruption)
- Boyfriend (Indie Cross)
- Boyfriend (VS Impostor)
- Brain (Igor/Character What)
- Brunette (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Brunette (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Bubbles (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Bubbles (Nightmare Pibby)
- Bubbles (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Buddy Bro
- Bugs Bunny (0770Caro)
- Bugs Bunny (Crossover War Heroes)
- Bugs Bunny (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Buttercup (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Buttercup (Nightmare Pibby)
- Buttercup (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Byleth (TheGamerLover)
- Cadance Rogan
- Camp Crush Trucks
- Captain Goodburger
- Card (TDOS)
- Cardlin (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Carrie Nolan (Earth-95875)
- Cartoon Mouse
- Cassie Emerald (Agent 3)
- Cassie Sidero
- Celebi
- Celebiette
- Celica Ayatsuki Mercury (TheGamerLover)
- Cellbit (Impossible Escape)
- Charlie McGee (h2023gradverse)
- Charlie Morningstar (Soul Bringer)
- Charlotte Mythic
- Chef Pee Pee
- Cheyenne Garrison
- Chicken Joe (Bird Island)
- Chizuru Urashima (TheGamerLover)
- Christina Jones
- Christine Elayne Dolly
- Chun-Li (TheGamerLover)
- Colin
- Conor Powell
- Cotton Weary (Friends I Don't Have)
- Courage the Cowardly Dog (Sonic and the Powerpuff Girls)
- Courage the Cowardly Dog (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Courageous Heart
- Crash Bandicoot (Bandicoots!)
- Crossbones
- Cuphead (Indie Cross)
- Daffy Duck (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Danilla Kandi (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- DanTDM
- Dante Doomfire
- Darrius Saint Vil
- Darth Vader (Epic Rap Battles of History)
- Dave (Program)
- David (YTP Christmas Special: Psycho Boogie Returns!)
- Denise Taylor (Teardrop)
- Despacito Pill (TDOS)
- Detective Brown (It Ain't Lyin 2 Ambush Yourself)
- Dexter (PowerPuff Girls Doujinshi)
- Dicksalot
- Director Asmod
- Discord (DEATH BATTLE!)
- Dispenser Lady
- Doctor Downvote (Nerd City)
- Dominic Wolfwood
- Dr. Eggman (Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell)
- Duck Nukem
- Dudeman
- Dylan Octarine
- Eiji Hino (Crossover War Heroes)
- Elaine Castro
- Elle (World of Peridot)
- Ellie Creed (h2023gradverse)
- Ellie Rose (Burdens of a Timeline Traveler)
- Ellina Sancha.Mary (YouTube Channel/Space: Season Future)
- Ember
- Emperor Alexander
- Eri Kasamoto (TheGamerLover)
- Ermengarde and Alefrick (The Reluctant Dragon)
- Erron Beaudoin
- Erzengel
- Ethyl Countrisyde
- Eudora Powell
- Fairly
- Felix the Cat (Felix's Misadventures)
- Fireball
- Firefly (Crossover War Heroes/Legends of the Multi-Universe)
- Firefly (The Legend of Team Brunette)
- Fishy Boopkins
- Flowey (TS!Underswap)
- Fluffy
- Fluttershy (Character What)
- Foxy (SuperMarioLogan)
- Foxy the Pirate (Tony Crynight)
- Foxy the Pirate Fox (AndrewJohn100)
- Funtik
- Funtime Freddy (Xman 723)
- Gabriella
- General Grievous (General Grievous Hero's Lore)
- Gentoku Himuro (Crossover War Heroes)
- Georgina Octarine
- Gepard Phalanx
- Ghostbur
- God of Darkness (White Sheep)
- Godzilla ( Verse)
- Golden Bat (Young-Gu and the Golden Bat)
- Good Lily (GoAnimate)
- Gwen (Total Drama High)