Hero Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Pure of Heart Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Pure of Heart Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Hero Fanon Wiki

These are heroes who are faithful, friendly and obedient and can always be counted on and promise to never let down their fellow heroes, friends and family. These characters are loyal to those who help them and will return that favor by helping them out. They're are those who count loyalty as a major importance and will go to nice lengths to protect those they are loyal to or what they fight for. This can range from close loved ones to being loyal to a heroic organization. Loyal heroes will do a great deal for those they judge as allies or friends that they would even fight the law or challenge higher powers for the sake of those these heroes are loyal to as well as go so far as to forgive them for perceived failures and betrayals which is a usual theme. Overall, In their nature, they are those heroes who best represent what it means to be a true companion and is respected in major way as such for being very altruistic.

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