Characters who are parents for other characters, be it by actual birth and law, or from adoption.
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- Abobo
- Adrian
- Ainlie Matsuri
- Aisha Riddle
- Akuma (MK vs. SF)
- Akuma The Hedgehog
- Alice (Friday Night Funkin')
- Alice (Prehistoric Island)
- Alice (TheGamerLover)
- Amity Noceda-Blight
- Amy Rose (Evay)
- Angelcilia (Tarek Javier)
- Annabelle (Prehistoric Island)
- Anti-God Deku
- Aphrodite (Soul Bringer)
- Ardako
- Ariel (Character What)
- Ariel Risen
- Aura
- Autumn Silverstein
- Azathoth (The Velvet King)
- Barack Obama (Inkagames)
- Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged)
- Ben Elt
- Bender Bending Rodriguez (Character What)
- Blog:Benjamin
- Billy Nolan (Earth-95875)
- Bowling Ball's Bow On Fire
- Bowser (0770Caro)
- Bowser (SJJyt)
- Bowser (SMG4)
- Bowser (SuperMarioLogan)
- Brenda Kenson
- Brian the Scorchio (0770Caro)
- Brooklyn T. Guy
- Brute (Prehistoric Island)
- Carnotaurus Family (Prehistoric Island)
- Carrie Nolan (Earth-95875)
- CatNap (GameToons)
- Celica Ayatsuki Mercury (TheGamerLover)
- Cellbit (Impossible Escape)
- Chisa Korudo (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)
- Chris Griffin (The Last Jedi)
- Cirrus
- Clara Afton (Disrepair)
- Courageous Heart
- Cyo the Lion (Alternate Universe)
- Gentoku Himuro (Crossover War Heroes)
- Giselle (Open Season in Character What)
- Glamrock Freddy (Xman 723)
- Godzilla (American)
- Goku (Team Four Star)
- Gomez Addams (Calvert Hall Theater: The Addams Family)
- Good Lily (GoAnimate)
- Good Rosie (GoAnimate)
- Goodman (SuperMarioLogan)
- Green Ninja (Andy Adams)
- Groundskeeper Willie
- Hadrian Prince-Riddle (The Dragon Legacy)
- Hakumen (Bizarre Adventures of Hakumen and his friends)
- Hank (Dark Fantasy)
- Haruko Itsuka (Date A Re:Live)
- Henry Emily (AUCFNAFT)
- Henry Emily (Disconnected)
- Henry Emily (Vs. OURPLE GUY)
- Homer Simpson (Mighty355 series)
- Hyde Li (Pibby: Last Stand)
- Lady Yuinshiel Asteria
- Larry Daley (My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum)
- Lavender Willows
- Leo Callisto (Tabbykitth's Tabbyverse)
- Lily Potter
- Lincent Moore
- Link (The Legend of Zelda: Reboot)
- Lizllante
- Lord Sinensis
- Lucius Wagner
- Luther Artwright
- Luz Noceda-Blight
- Malachite (Prehistoric Island)
- Mama Tattletail
- Marco Mbembe
- Mario (Mario: The Music Box)
- Mario Wilfred (SJJyt)
- Mary Toodles
- Matilda (Prehistoric Island)
- Mauritaniaball (Mauritania: Time Traveler)
- Max Dennison (h2023gradverse)
- Melissa Stickmin
- Miriam
- Misora Isurugi (Crossover War Heroes)
- Miura Kenpachi
- Monster X (Abraxas)
- Moonlight Mane
- Morticia Addams (Calvert Hall Theater: The Addams Family)
- Mr. Butter
- Mr. Darling (Never, Neverland Series)
- Mr. Krabs (Around the Clock at Bikini Bottom)
- Mr. Palomino
- Myles Bots
- Raine Falcon
- Ralph B. Kenson
- Ranboo (Dream SMP)
- Rhob
- Rhoda McConnors (h2023gradverse)
- Richard Logan
- Rigby (Learning With Pibby: The Darkness)
- Rinna Sawagami (Crossover War Heroes)
- Rinne Sonogami (Date A Re:Live)
- Robin Reklaw
- Romulus Doomfire
- Rosalina (Soul Bringer)
- Rosalina (SuperMarioLogan)
- Rosalina Wilfred (SJJyt)
- Rose (Rebirth)
- Russell (Gajettó no Kérörarachi Shinshén)
- Salvatore Gastaldello (LcBlakeman's Version)
- Sarvente
- Scat (TDOS)
- Sento Kiryu (Crossover War Heroes)
- Shadow (Ghosts of the Future)
- Shang Jong Parker
- Shrek (SuperMarioLogan)
- Simmons
- Snuggles
- Soichi Isurugi (Crossover War Heroes)
- Solus8 (Mister CF or CPanda8)
- Sonic (Sonic Zombie)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Evay)
- SonicPhantom47