Hero Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Pure of Heart Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.

To vote for the Pure of Heart Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Hero Fanon Wiki
ā€œ I want to join the Terrene Protectorate! I want to bring peace to everyone, and unite races together! It's always been my dream, to see all these fascinating cultures co-exist in harmony! ā€ž
~ Katsu Umino, explaining his dream to bring peace to everyone, regardless of race.

Pure of Heart aka Pure Good, is the direct opposite of the Complete Monster (a villain who is the most evil and depraved, without being redeemed). It means that they want to make the world better, or at least keep it from getting any worse. Opposed to what you would think, being pure good doesn't mean being a perfect, flawless hero. Not for themselves, but for everyone that lives in it. A Pure Good's heroic deeds are as natural as living and breathing; they are also identifiable through these traits:

  • Pleasant: The character is basically nice and reasonable with any other character, and tries to get along with anyone who interacts with them, even if they are hostile to them.
  • Selfless: They think about others before themselves, and wouldn't hesitate to risk their lives to save others, sometimes even people they don't know.
  • Incorruptible: No matter how many times they are tempted, or how much pain they go through, a pure heart doesn't surrender to their inner demons, like anger.
  • Forgiving: They give their enemies chances and allows them to redeem themselves. Sometimes, they even save their enemies, after being their victims.
  • Reluctant to kill: some never kill any foe, no matter how cruel they are. Yet some do, though only in self defense (or in an equitable fight), in last resort, and with remorse. Heroes who have fun killing cannot be labelled pure goods, if they kill more than one person at least in a limited number.
  • Acts: a true hero shows courage through actions, such as saving lives, or at least making life much easier for people in need. And most importantly, they expect no reward, and that goes for certain greedy heroes who can show their nice side.
  • NaĆÆve: sometimes, the hero just can't grasp unto most concepts, such as technology, money, or intercourse. Mostly, this is why they aren't interested in power or greed. Heroes that have this trait often are children or grow up in a primitive society.

Older Pure of Heart characters started off as Pure of Heart, while in newer times, characters become Pure of Heart during character development.

For future reference the following categories are Completely Incompatible with Pure of Heart, and should always be remembered before listing a character as this:

Even if someone is considered "pure of heart" in their own respective universes (e.g. Margra Batto), if they don't meet any of the criteria above, they cannot be considered pure by this wiki's real life standards.

Special cases that may apply:

Do NOT add the Category/Template if the character has not been approved by a proposal. They must be proposed and approved here in order for the category/template to be added. Note that Pure of Heart proposals must be done on this wiki and not the Pure Good Wiki as both have separate proposing systems.

Sliding Scale Of Heroism[]

  • Pure of Heart - The best of best. They clear Admirable Standard, hasn't got any corrupting qualities (or had, but lost) and they know, that doing good things.
  • Near Pure Goods - Heroes who aren't actually Pure of Heart due to having very few preventions but come close or very close to Pure of Heart and really love doing good things.
  • Inconsistently Admirable - Heroes who, while not having the qualities needed to be considered PoH or NPG, nonetheless stand out in their settings for their heroism.
  • Heroes by Proxy - The worst of best. These heroes don't want to be a hero, but, for some reasons, they are heroes.

All items (51)
