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Are you happy now? You got everything you need for your little science project, now let me go.
~ Charlie after realizing that she had been kidnappped by Doctor Octopus.
He may have betrayed me while working for the Shop, but John Rainbird overall cared about me, saved me from Dr. Octavius, who managed to find his way to the bank by wire-tapping the phone lines, and he even saved me and other kids from the bus I was on.
~ Charlie's eulogy to John Rainbird in The Firestarter Returns: Second Trip.

Charlene Roberta "Charlie" McGee is the main protagonist in the Wattpad fanfiction The Firestarter Returns, and of it's sequel The Firestarter Returns: Second Trip.

She is a child that was born with pyrokinetic abilities who is known for taking down the shop. She is the biological daughter of Andy McGee and Vicky Tomlinson, as well as the adoptive daughter of Irv and Norma Manders.


Charlie is very stubborn, intelligent and strong.

She was taught that it was not right to steal which she deem also a Bad Thing. But after the men from The Shop keep coming after her and her father, she was taught a difference between lesser and greater evil, which she identifies as little bad and big bad. After remembering her mother's death, she taught to herself, This was stealing, but what did that matter? in order to justify stealing.

After seeing a soldier in a phone booth talking to his girlfriend, she decided that she would never let a guy stand her up due to having knowledge about what a snow job was. This caused her to hurt him by setting his feet on fire.

At first, she didn't want to hurt anybody intentionally, but after her father's death, and all the events surrounding the novel and movie, she decides that she will use her power on people, but only if they are a threat to herself or others around herself.

Her lesson she was taught about lesser and greater evil prompted to spare Hobgoblin's life at first, but after she realized that he was planning on making her his slave, she had to use her powers on him. This proves that she is responsible with the use of her powers.

She is a selfless person, when after Doctor Octopus's death, she unknowingly ended up saving the lives of countless people.

However, after the death of John Rainbird, she was grief stricken, but after learning that he still lives in her, she decided to cherish those she cares about.


  • Although her biological father, Andy McGee is dead, he still has an impact on her throughout the trilogy.
  • Originally, Charlie was going to use her pyrokinesis to cause Dr. Octopus's mechanical tentacles explode, causing him to burn to death on the abandoned boardwalk, but this was changed to him drowning so as to not take Charlie out of character.

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