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Hero Fanon Wiki

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Hiro Hamada
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Charlie Morningstar is a supporting character in Soul Bringer. She is the Princess of Hell and the Founder of the Hazbin Hotel. She plays a pivotal role after she was kidnapped by Astaroth, resulting in her girlfriend Vaggie to go in search of her.


Charlie has a fairly tall figure with white skin and long, platinum blonde hair tied into a low ponytail. She has red cheeks and black eyes with yellow sclera..

Charlie's primary outfit consists of a red tuxedo with a white shirt and a black bow tie, long black suspenders. In other times, she wears either a black tuxedo or wears just the white shirt.

When in her full demon-form, dark-reddish horns protrude from her head, and her eyes' sclera turn a bright red.


Charlie deeply cares about her friends and allies. She is both naïve and optimistic, and always full of passion and joy. She has demonstrated that she would anything to make Hell a better place and allow souls of the damned to have a chance to redeem themselves, much to her acquaintances chargin.

However, at times she does demonstrate to have more selfish and stubborn side if something doesn't go her way.


Charlie is first mentioned by her father Lucifer Morningstar when Medic talks to him about ending the deal he made with him years earlier, during which he mentions that she was kidnapped by "a shithead golem" who had overpowered him and Vaggie. When he, Lady Emeraldblade, and their friends arrive at the Hazbin Hotel, Lucifer offers a deal with them, they must promise to find his daughter and bring her back safe, and in exchange he and Vaggie will help them in their fight to stop Nightmare.

Charlie meanwhile appears in Ostrinsburg Castle where she is imprisoned by Astaroth, during which she is initially unconscious, the Soldier (who is imprisoned with her), is shocked by her strange appearance, and later wakes her up. Upon awaking, Charlie explains who she is and the last thing she remembered before introducing themselves to each other. They then pray that hopefully that Lady Emeraldblade (who Soldier brings up), rescues them before it is too late...

(More Coming Soon)


           Soul Bringer Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Lady Emeraldblade | Rosalina | Vaggie | Demoman | Shantae | Launchpad McQuack | Sniper | Millie | Moxxie

Supporting Characters
Scout | Soldier | Pyro | Heavy | Engineer | Medic | Spy | Charlie Morningstar | Bliztø | Angel Dust | Nifty | Alastor | Mario | Luigi | Princess Peach | Yoshi | Wario | Bowser

Possessed Objects
Soul Bringer | Fire LEO-04 "Rynex" | Vic Viper | Raiden Mk-II
