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Hero Fanon Wiki
"We can't change our past mistakes, however, we can change the future."
~ Chaz giving advice to Thief

"I'm your conscience, your guide to the straight and narrow, being upright, ignoring any temptations that could come your way, the path to righteousness! or death! where we all will suffer for all eternity sorry, my unstable side came out."
~ Chaz's introduction

Chaz Wallon is a one-shot character from the New Normalman Show, he is Thief's conscience who try's to make him see the error of his past ways in any way he can.


Chaz is determined to teach the lesson of doing right and wrong, he act's as a mentor to Thief making him think of what he is doing in life, and how it could affect him down the road. His shown to be wise giving advice to Thief, despite being uptight, he has a split personality where he can be helpful, the other side of him is mentally unstable.


During the episode "Thief's Conscience" He appears before Thief, telling him he is his guide to becoming a better person. Thief doesn't care that Chaz is trying to make him better, Chaz attempts to tell Thief a story about morality, he ignores this digging a tunnel out jail. Thief goes on a crime spree, robbing from banks, committing grand theft auto, and other sorts of crimes. Thief goes to his secret base putting the stuff he stole into a vault, Chaz then tells Thief he is going to do some exorcises about doing good deeds, he first dresses up as a old lady dropping his wallet on the ground, he ask Thief to help him pick it up. Thief instead of helping takes the money that was inside his wallet, Chaz yells at Thief for doing this, although it was his unstable side.

The second exorcise is saving a cat who is stuck up on a tree, Chaz makes a ladder for Thief telling him to get the cat down. Thief is reluctant about this, he climbs up the ladder, dropping the cat onto the ground. Thief says the exorcises are "Stupid" telling Chaz to leave him alone, Thief leaves the base, robbing another bank where police cars and helicopters are chasing him. Chaz teleports inside the car, asking Thief why he does the things he does.

Thief breaks down into tears, telling the story of how when he was a kid he grew up in poverty, he never knew his parents, because they died in a car crash when he was really young. Chaz comforts Thief about this telling him he can make his future better than this, Thief agrees with Chaz, thanking him for giving him a second chance. Thief turns himself into the police, laughing in his cell having a chat with Chaz, Chaz says goodbye to him and that they'll meet again someday soon.


  • Chaz was inspired by Jiminy Cricket from Walt Disney's Pinnocchio, he's split personality is inspired by Dr. Jekyll from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  • The Image used for him is Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel
  • He is shown to like pineapples, as he owns a calendar which has photos of Pineapples.