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Boogie: [Spits out milk multiple times] Oh my god! What is that?! That's not milk!
Soy milk you soy boy!
[Trumpet sound plays]
Boogie: OH MY GOD David that's disgusting, that is disgusting David!
Boogie: David Uhyoyuh I don't wanna be PRANKED!!! I don't wanna be PRANKED for
Christmas, okay!?
Okay you're right, and I'm sorry, I just wanted to get one little prank in. This stuff, I dunno about this stuff. I-I'll bring you another present
Boogie: Okay...
~ One of David's best pranks, this one being his second prank before he continues pranking Boogie again.
Boogie: I-I don't care!! Do you understand that? Why did you do this David??
Because you, YOU do this,
all the time!! Every d-day of my life, is this... And I'm sick of it, you need to know what this s- this shish feels like. Okay!?
~ David's meltdown to Boogie, explaining to Boogie why David was pranking him.

David is an overarching protagonist of the 2023 YouTube Poop YTP Christmas Special: Psycho Boogie Returns! made by RobotnikZentric. He is a roommate of Boogie who has been regularly tortured on a daily basis by Boogie for the last 5 years, and David plotted his plans of revenge ever since the start of December 2023 for all of the scapegoating he has been involved in.

He is a parodic homage to David from the boogie2988 videos.

He is portrayed (through archived recordings) by Jacob (the Twitch streamer of Big_breakfast.)


Now of all days you don't want to fight with me?
Boogie: No! You understand? I'm sorry, David.
You can't just
say that you're sorry, those are just words!
Boogie: I
am sorry tho! [Begins babbling incoherently]
With your actions! You can't just say that you're sorry.
Boogie: Well I uh what do you want me to do? You want me to clean up the mess, roy sit?
I want you to prove to me that you're
actually growing, that you're gonna be a better person going forward...
~ David to Boogie after a montage plays.

During the last segment of the video, David is seen checking up on Boogie after the latter got defeated by a sniper who got Boogie hospitalized before going back to his home, David is then opening the door and asking Boogie how he is doing, much to Boogie's annoyance. David is then seen wearing a Santa Claus outfit and still wondering if Boogie had some hard times during the year of 2023.

This made Boogie go in another meltdown in mentioning how he's not doing okay since he thought David didn't want to celebrate and wants to sleep through the whole Christmas season, this got David calmly asking Boogie if he setted up the decorations around the living room, this made Boogie ask David what is he talking about and thinks there were no decorations, once David hints this, that made Boogie exclaim how he doesn't care and doesn't believe him, this was until David left him guessing and threw two small decorations at him to convince him, this makes Boogie motivated to walk to the living room.

Boogie is impressed at the decorations and wonders who did all of this and thought David did it, David acts mysterious and hints at Santa doing it, which makes Boogie say that he would've ate the milk and cookies if he came, which makes David tell Boogie that Santa might've left that for him. This makes Boogie share how he knows David is "pretty gay" and shows genuine respect to David for arranging the whole event for him.

This makes Boogie try the cookies that are revealed to be salted (which made David make a "that's what she said" joke) and David gets amused at every prank Boogie fell for, like drinking soy milk before spitting it back out, a bag of apples and oranges (which David gave to advise him with healthier choices of consumption value and Boogie acts childish by taking a bite and spitting it out before throwing the orange at David), a explosive bag that Boogie survives unscathed (which was just trash from the Christmas party David went to before Christmas and Boogie calls him a asshole for saying that he celebrated Christmas a day ago without him), a bag of toilet paper and a toilet lid (which David gives because of Boogie breaking the last toilet seat with his ass; which made Boogie angered at the fact David made fat jokes at Boogie's expense) and a bag of actual garbage for Boogie eating like trash, which made Boogie throw the bag at David.

Boogie then calls David "actual garbage" to demean him and berate him, then David tells and shows Boogie what drove David to being a prankster by demonstrating him throwing a Yoda plushie at him and taking down the tree, David called him a piece of shit for how much he yells and causes trouble, all while Boogie taunts David. This then made Boogie say he doesn't care and then asking David why did he prank him, this makes David tell Boogie how he acts unruly all the time, every single day of his life was dealing with Boogie on a daily basis and to show him what it's like to be treated like garbage. Surprisingly, this makes Boogie become sympathetic to David being in an unhealthy environment, and he understands how much of a shitty person he's been. Once Boogie asks David if he wanted to teach a lesson to Boogie, and David then shares it was done to make him feel sorry for every horrible thing he has ever done.

This cuts to a montage of him brutally whacking David with a bat on Halloween, throwing explosive boxes at a disabled fat guy, using his sword to murder Tinkerbell, yell at David to go to bed, throw turkey at him on Thanksgiving (as well as flipping over the table), violently taking down a tree, throw objects at David's friends while insulting his friends during a Christmas party, he then charged into someone violently, begins vandalizing his own TV for no good reason and then reveals his worst crime: destroying half of the world with his bare hands (which is actually footage taken from the previous video).

This makes Boogie agree with David and apologizes for any of the crimes he's committed, David wants him to be serious and show through his actions that he is actually sorry for any crime he has ever done. He then says how he shouldn't be doing this but does so since Christmas is about forgiveness and says how it's not about teaching "shit lessons like a sad ass", he then goes in his room to get a gift for David, a Nintendo Switch he may have stolen from craigslist and he pre-downloaded Smash Brothers on the switch, he then teases David for how he inserted the switch before apologizing to David for being a "asshole" during the year, he then walks to David and shares how YouTube wasn't the way it used to be and how toxic people can be online and Boogie taking his anger on David for that reason alone, he shares how he didn't mean to and shares that he's sorry for all of the serious trouble he's caused.

When David asks if he's truly sorry for his misdeeds, Boogie shares how he doesn't know if he can fully change since what he did is what he feels like it has defined him today and better yet, he makes a promise to do better as a person. David accepts this as a fact and hugs Boogie, then Boogie asks David if he should say "Merry Christmas" even though David is Jewish, David says he prefers "Happy Holidays" and Boogie still said "Merry Christmas" and affectionately refer to him as a 'soy boy' while the two pat each others' backs.

Once David says how he and him will clean up the mess they have in the living room, Boogie shares how therapeutic and fun it felt to get all of the anger out of him (which David said it felt good overall). Boogie even shared how David should get angry since it's more fun than being a "soy boy" and a "everyone's gotta get along" type of person, where Boogie outright admits he finds breaking stuff to be fun just because it's only stuff and he now realizes that people actually matter, which David says yes to.

Upon making a ball of paper crumble, he tells David to turn off the camera like he did in the previous video in a more gentle and somber tone as opposed to being irritable, which cuts before the ending credits begin.


Boogie: I don't want another gift!
This is a video game...
Boogie: It better- toliet paper?? And a TOLIET LID!? What is this for?!
'Cause you broke the last one with your fat ass.
Boogie: Oh my god, that is a FAT joke! Th-That, is a FAT joke! You don't do FAT jokes for holidays, you idiot!!!
~ David's most mischievous moment that angered Boogie during David's restroom-oriented prank.

He is a scapegoat since he's very patient and an even-tempered man who had to put up with the physical torture and verbal abuse from Psycho Boogie for 5 years until it was pushed to David's limit of becoming a full-on prankster with a level of vengeance towards Boogie in 2023.

He is also a cunning, carefree, charismatic and smart person. These personality traits are what gave him an advantage when he finally got vengeful and mischievous on Boogie for the first time ever on Christmas. It doesn't help that David has been constantly bullied, assaulted and threatened by Boogie in the past on a daily basis, justifying his subsequent antics on Christmas as a form of retaliation. He also admits his own deviousness and jerkish behavior towards Boogie, he goes from doing this jokingly and amusedly, to doing this with resentment and spite that David was blunt enough to get his feelings across once Boogie got too belligerent and violent.

Despite becoming a prankish trickster to Boogie, he's not as immature and childish as your typical prankster. He is actually more of a witty jokester with sarcastic tendencies instead of being a absolute manchild. Where he is nevertheless mature enough to speak up to Boogie when Boogie acted belligerent on Christmas, and was wanting Boogie to change his ways with actions speaking louder than words.

While he is actually quite clever, David is not actively malicious, and only acted like a trickster towards Boogie in self-defense. Where all he wanted was Boogie to show that he's willing to change as a person and learning from his mistakes as a villain, despite Boogie belittling him as a "idiot" and considering David to be someone less intelligent than him, David is far from being a idiot and is actually much smarter than Boogie by a long shot, but despite this, David hardly teases him outside of the pranks and was rather tolerant of Boogie in the past, given Boogie's short temperament and his extremely aggressive nature, this makes David much easier to root for.


[Mischievously chuckles]
Boogie: That was just
Yup! That's right Francis! That was the trash from the Christmas party I went to, last night!
Boogie: You told me that you don't celebrate!
With you.
Boogie: Oh my god, you are a MONSTER David! Why are you an
~ David during his explosive paper prank.

Boogie: UG-UG-UG-AHHH!!! That tastes like salt!
That's what she said! [Chuckles]
Boogie: You
baked these David!? Oh my, gimme... go my
I just put salt in 'em!
~ David in his first prank, giving Boogie salted cookies.

Boogie: Nobody gets oranges and apples for Christmas, David!
Kids all over the world get oranges and apples
Boogie: No they don't, why?
They get fruit in stocking-
You eat a lot of garbage I'm gonna be honest with you, and you should eat a little healthier.
Boogie: Is that what you want? [Takes bite and moans in a snarky manner before spitting it out] Idiot.
~ David during his fruit bag prank.


  • His appearance in the YTP is taken from the boogie2988 video FRANCIS DESTROYS CHRISTMAS!. Much like The Branch Eurekas Sniper, this video was edited in a way to make him actually more heroic than in the original video, and this was also done to do the character "David" more justice than his canon portrayals.
  • His "heroic prankster" attitude is somewhat similar to Bugs Bunny, as they both outsmart and humiliate their enemies with comedy gags and/or pranks that are served at their antagonists' expense, which serves as comeuppance for attacking them.
  • Even though he typically celebrates Hanukkah, he celebrated a Christmas party with his friends.

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