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Guys, the city needs us. We were the ones who decided to be superheroes. Now's the time to be super.
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The Demoman is one of the deuteragonists in Soul Bringer. He is a drunken scotsman who lost his eye to the evil wizard Merasmus. Both wrathful and stubborn, Demoman was initially reluctant to join Lady Emeraldblade in her quest to defeat Nightmare; it was only after learning that Merasmus sided with Nightmare that he changed his mind and joined in the fight to save the universe (and get his eye back).
The Demoman has dark skin with a black handlebar mustache. He has one grey eye, with the other socket being completely covered by a black eyepatch.
Demoman wears a black cap on his head. He wears a red coverall shirt with white sleeves and a brownish-black brigandine over it with two holsters holding yellow grenade launcher ammo shells. A medium-sized satchel lies under the brigandine with a small flap underneath it, covering his crotch. He pairs his shirt with a matching pair of red trousers and brown-black boots.
While sober, Demoman tends to be rather polite and laid-back. However, Demoman tends to be very wrathful and violent in combat, and as such he has no problem with killing his enemies.
After losing his eye, the Demoman sank into a state of depression. Since then, he developed a serious drinking problem which in turn, altered his personality drastically.
Despite his negative traits, the Demoman is shown to have close friendship with the Soldier, to the point that the two would often hang out together very often.
Much of Demoman's life and childhood is shrouded in mystery prior to 1968, what is known is that at some point, he came across the evil necromancer Merasmus who subsequently removed Demoman's eye by supernatural means.
In 1968, the Demoman, alongside eight other mercenaries were hired by Mann Co. in order to fight off a rival branch of the company in a conflict known as the Gravel War. The war dragged on for several years, with Demoman and his team eventually gaining the upper hand, that all changed when Gray Mann, a former CEO of the company manipulated the current CEO Saxton Hale to surrender to his daughter Olivia, causing her to become the new CEO of the company in the process. During her time, Olivia made bad corporate decisions, which ultimate led to Mann Co. filing for bankruptcy, and forcing the mercenaries (including the Demoman) into being laid off.
Demoman, alongside the rest of the mercenaries settled in the ruins of a subsidiary branch of the company in the New Mexico desert, where they established a secret bunker and lived for the next several decades, keeping a low profile under most circumstances.
That all changed in 2024; while out on a mission in Roswell with the Soldier and the Sniper to retrieve an "important" package (really the team's take out order), they had an untimely run-in with a mysterious woman named Lady Emeraldblade. Demoman, alongside the Soldier were forced to fight her for interfering in their mission, but were subsequently overpowered by her strange powers that resonated from her sword. After learning that she was looking for Merasmus, the two took Emeraldblade back to their base for questioning.
At the bunker, the Demoman partook in eating dinner alongside the other mercenaries as well as Lady Emeraldblade. There, he learned from her that she was searching for Merasmus because he seemingly fit the description of "a sorcerer" who was working for Nightmare, a misanthropic knight who was planning on destroying the universe. During the conversation, Demoman burst out in tears when Emeraldblade asked what Merasmus had done to the team, revealing that he was responsible for removing his eye.
After Emeraldblade returned from the Engineer's lab with a new plan in mind. The Demoman, alongside the rest of his team agreed to help the lady in her quest to stop Nightmare, hoping that he could get his eye back from Merasmus in the process.
(More Coming Soon)
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Team Fortress Fanon Heroes | ||
Animations Soldier: The Soldier (Emesis Blue) | RED Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Soldine | Soldier (Yum Crum) | Soldier (Meet the Amazing Team) | Soldier (STBlackST) | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Soldier (Soul Bringer) | Tone Soldier | The Agreeable Soldier | Santa Soldier | Proto-Soldine | Jane Doe (TF2 Freakshow) | Ainis Cupcake | Edo Soldier | Sodic | American Boot | Protagonist Soldier | Warrior (TF2 Freakshow) | Private Funnyman | Robot Cupcake | Painisman | Polish Soldier | RubberFruit | Soljah | Heavy Metal Soldier | Uncle Crusty | Weird Soldier | Crouton Haircut | The Rolling Soldier | Edo Soldier Pyro: Pyro (Meet the Amazing Pyro) | Pyro (Burning Through Space) | RED Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | Pyro (Soul Bringer) | BLU Pyro (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Red Pyro (TF2 Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama) | Teivel | Samyro | BLU Pyrogun | Bone Pyro | CyborPyro | Pyrogun | Scuttlebucket | Buddhist Murder Pyro Demoman: Demoman (Soul Bringer) | RED Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Demoman (15.ai) | Cyclops | Demoman (Yum Crum) | Drunk Monk | Melonman | Spiderdemo | Orangeman | Demoman (SMG4) | Drunk Monk | Dentlemanly Demo | Dream Demoman |Aengus | Deemomeeng | Fratman | CyborDemo | Captain Demoman | Panoman | Demopan | Scurry Scrumpy | King Caberface Heavy: Heavy (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | Heavy (Heavy is Dead) | Heavy (Soul Bringer) | RED Heavy (Heavy's Quest) | Heavy (Gmod Centennial High School) | Heavy (Minion Archive) | Heavy Sumo Guy | Heavy Guy | Official Heavy | Intelligent Heavy | CyborHeavy | Pootis-MAN | Ninja Heavy | Oddball Heevy | Heeboo | Magician Heavy | Shogun Heavy | Rex (TF2 Freakshow) | Stupid Heavy | Heavybine | Hoomba | Kid Friendly Heavy | Dick Sandvich | Soiled Diaper Station | Stu Pidface | GAYPENlS | Heavy Props Guy Engineer: Engineer (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Engineer (Soul Bringer) | Bombgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Rusty (TF2 Freakshow) | Cyborneer | Spanner | Ninjineer | Bacon Pardner | Kickass Engineer | Spengineer | Energineer | BLU EnGeR | Piegineer | Robot Engie Vagineers Sniper: Sniper (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Sniper (Soul Bringer) | Reaper (TF2 Freakshow) | Karate Sniper | Weaselcake | Santa Piss | CyborSniper | Old Bloke | RED Sniper (The JarateThon) | Gravy Guitarman | Schniper | Crotch Sniper | Scott Mundy | RED Nnnngh Sniper | Dicksalot Spy: BLU Spy (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Spy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spy (Soul Bringer) | Spy (Minion Archive) | Polite Spy | Christian Pure Spy | RED Spy (Spy's Creed) | Interesting Spy | TelroSpy | Spyper | White Spy | Spy of Influence | Sphai | Knivehand | Ugly Spy | Slender Spaps | Up High Spy | Skinny Spy | Dr. Melon | Fat Spy | Skinny Spy | Spy Samedi | Spoy | Blue Spy GEN-01 | Mr. Red Spy aka. Fared Spier (Delivery Mann) Others: Mimi-Sentry | Mini Sentry-Chan | Dispenser Lady | Entela and Exodus | Senthia | Dell-Spencer | Valve Guy | Ghost (TF2 Freakshow) | God Cow | Dicksalot | Solgineer | Spy and Spy | Lil' Pootis | Blootis | (Tiny Desk Engineer (Lil Pootis) Groups and Organizations:
HECU | Van Windhoek's Students | The Poot Troop | Bob and Bob | Troopers (TF2 Freakshow) | The Shades Fan-Fiction |