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we have to leave the server
~ Aaron trying to save Matt from the Serverblight

Aaron, better known by his username dicksalot, is the main protagonist of the YouTube video series Serverblight, by 2IdiotGermans. He is a Team Fortress 2 player who found himself haunted by the enigmatic, malevolent Serverblight.



At some point, Aaron downloaded Team Fortress 2, playing under the username dicksalot. He appeared to main Demoman, and would play with his friend Matt, who went by the username Hector0n. Notably, he would not use a mic, instead opted to use text chat instead.

The Empty Server[]

One day, dicksalot joined a Thunder Mountain Casual server, which had a low player count. He joined on BLU as Sniper and immediately sent a greeting in the text chat, only for GUILLIESUIT, a RED Engineer, to tell him to "kys", which dicksalot interpreted as just usual community server banter.

However, he quickly noted the odd absence of players, soon seeing a RED Spy (Breadolphin) making a beeline for the cliff, throwing himself off it and dying before disconnecting. RED Scout (directionz) then ran over into dicksalot's view, and dicksalot took aim, missing a shot at the Scout.

However, directionz then stopped and looked right at dicksalot, and nodded for him to shoot. Confused, dicksalot killed directionz with a headshot. dicksalot then ventured further into the map, seeing the corpse of a RED Heavy (possibly Gayfer). Dismissing these oddities as "idle server bs", dicksalot tried to leave for a more active server- only to quickly realized he couldn't disconnect, with Heavy's body suddenly vanishing.

Even more confused, dicksalot then noticed GUILLIESUIT running up a nearby staircase, following the Engineer into the building. To dicksalot's shock, GUILLIESUIT's character model was standing casually in a very human-like manner, walking to dicksalot in ways impossible to do in-game. GUILLIESUIT, his model mouthing out his chat messages, told dicksalot to kill himself and leave while he still could, gently taking dicksalot's Tribalman's Shiv while dicksalot tried to figure out what was going on.

dicksalot himself began to display some human-like traits in-game, as unbeknownst to him, the server was gradually sucking his mind into his character. GUILLIESUIT then saw something in the doorway behind dicksalot and ran off, making dicksalot look back, seeing the arm of the RED Heavy in the doorframe, as if the Heavy was just out of sight...but the hand bore six fingers.

Quickly realizing that wasn't Heavy, dicksalot took off running up the stairs, hearing distorted cries for help behind him in Medic's voice. He came across GUILLIESUIT's body in the upper floor, who had just killed himself and left a message in blood to not be taken alive. dicksalot then jumped down to the path below, still chased by the entity, which was now screaming in many voices. Not daring to look back, dicksalot fled to the edge of the map and threw himself off the cliff before the thing could reach him, dying to the instant death zone below. He was then automatically disconnected, and his game crashed. On the cliff face above, the creature who had chased him, an assimilating entity known as the Serverblight, backed off.


Sometime later, in spite of the horrific event he just lived through, dicksalot kept playing TF2- albeit now exclusively on community servers, refusing to play Casual. He was playing on a Snowycoast payload map on RED team with his friend Hector0n (Medic), still playing as Sniper. As BLU pushed the cart to the winning point, a pit holding a crashed UFO, Hector0n asked dicksalot to go Soldier, which dicksalot did. Together, the pair led an intense defense of the last point, successfully defending it from BLU and winning the match. Once the round was over, RED team began disconnecting or killbinding, Hector0n killbinding next to dicksalot. dicksalot then asked how to killbind, and Hector0n explained how, allowing dicksalot to bind k to kill and killbind, finding it funny as a common form of TF2 humor (and possibly still reeling from his brush with the Serverblight, wanting to have an easier way to kill his character).

The next round started, but Hector0n noticed that all but two other players (BLU Heavy scubamaster96, RED Demoman SnoWDooM) had left, complaining that community servers always end up like that. Hector0n tried to insist they play Casual instead, but dicksalot refused, and didn't answer when Hector0n asked why dicksalot hated Casual. Suddenly, a slew of new players joined...and among them was GUILLIESUIT. As it turns out, the Serverblight had managed to escape its home server and start assimilating players of other servers, having assimilated GUILLIESUIT after dicksalot escaped it. Recognizing GUILLIESUIT's name, dicksalot froze in terror and suddenly told Hector0n to leave the server, starting to show symptoms of being sucked into the game again. However, he and Hector0n quickly found themselves unable to disconnect or killbind, making dicksalot try to kill himself with his rocket launcher, but Hector0n healed him to stop him. Thinking that the Serverblight was just a hacker, Hector0n reminded dicksalot that they carried a massive comeback defense, inspiring dicksalot to fight back. Determined, dicksalot equipped the Direct Hit, and tried to recruit scubamaster96 to help, only for the inexperienced Heavy to run off alone after saying "we go together".

dicksalot and Hector0n began advancing the cart down the empty server, on the lookout for the Serverblight, which had fully assimilated RED team. Seeing no enemies for a while, Hector0n then spotted directionz- the same Scout dicksalot saw on Thunder Mountain, now assimilated- running into a nearby building. Against dicksalot's protests, Hector0n chased directionz into the building and killed him in melee. dicksalot followed, finding directionz apparently dead and Hector0n seemingly fine. The pair thus returned to the cart and kept pushing it, opening more doorways to the last point. Then, dicksalot saw directionz, very much alive and distorted to a quadruped form, scurrying past a mineshaft. Unnerved realizing that Hector0n didn't actually kill it, dicksalot was called away by his friend to check on scubamaster96, who was still missing.

scubamaster96 had come across a Serverblight component, possibly directionz, and fired two shots at it before it infected him. scubamaster96 stood still as he was quickly assimilated, starting to repeat "we go together" in the chat as dicksalot and Hector0n reached him, dicksalot realizing that they should go. scubamaster96 then dropped his shotgun and revealed an arm growing out of his mouth, still repeating his chat message- which quickly changed to denote him as dead as he was fully assimilated.

Now a part of the Serverblight, scubamaster96 started screaming for help while charging at the Soldier and Medic, the Heavy's arms and fingers stretching and distorting. However, just as it cornered the pair against a wall, dicksalot called a votekick on scubamaster96, banishing the component from the server. The pair then took off running, dicksalot ordering Hector0n to just throw themselves into the pit and escape. The two soon came across the assimilated SnoWDooM, slamming his head into a post repeatedly, but dicksalot recognized it as bait and took a detour with Hector0n. Then, the pair came across a partially-assimilated inexperienced RED Engineer (JonyDany12), who was laying shivering in the snow, his left leg distorted and stretched under the door of the nearby RED respawn room, connecting him to the main mass of the Serverblight.

JonyDany12, a new player who had encountered the Serverblight just after dicksalot, and accidentally showed the creature how to jump servers, had been tormented in the gestalt and thought he was dead, asking why "heven" was so cold. Deeply saddened by the young player's plight and seeing how JonyDany12 was tortured, held back tears and drew his shotgun to put the Engineer out of his misery. However, just as he mustered the determination to shoot, the Serverblight's main mass burst out of the Respawn Room, forcing dicksalot and Hector0n to flee and leave JonyDany12 behind. SnoWDooM, now distorted to a monstrous form, chased after the pair, but dicksalot blew SnoWDooM apart with his Direct Hit.

Regrouping near the pit, dicksalot, now almost as fused with the game as GUILLIESUIT was, realized that JonyDany12 was used as bait, explaining to Hector0n that he saw the Serverblight before, and how dicksalot figured out that it's learning. dicksalot then realized that the Serverblight was only capable of repeating voicelines it heard- and in turn, realized that to each point he made, Hector0n replied with "what?" in the exact same tone, which was a repeat of something he said when the Serverblight first joined. Additionally, it turns out that everything Hector0n had said on the mic after fighting directionz was just spliced repeats of his previous lines, and he had acted far too calm around the distorted monstrosities. dicksalot then turned to confirm his worst fear- seeing Hector0n's voice chat icon misaligned with his character model. Presumably, he was infected during the melee exchange with directionz, and was gradually overtaken by the entity since, as he had shown visible fear while being attacked by scubamaster96 and acted as dicksalot's ally up until that moment. Now, however, there was nothing left of Matt- only the Serverblight in his model.

Seeing that its cover was blown, the assimilated Hector0n dropped the medigun and began to distort, stretching its arms and fingers out as a hand came out of its mouth, using Hector0n's distorted voice to call dicksalot by name. Horrified and distraught, dicksalot backed off, stammering denial in the voice chat. dicksalot then fled, chased by Hector0n, who was joined by an assimilated RED Pyro and Demoman, the Serverblight using Hector0n's warped voice to declare that there was no leaving. However, just before its stretched-out fingers could reach dicksalot, dicksalot rocket jumped right into the UFO pit, dying to the instant death zone. As his body lay in the pit, dicksalot could only send a final somber message of apology to his assimilated friend before disconnecting and presumably having his game crash, once again escaping the Serverblight.


           Team Fortress Fanon Heroes

Scout: Scout (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Scout (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Scout (Lil' Pootis) | Scout (Minion Archive) | Scout (Soul Bringer) | Sgt. Chucklenuts | Pancake Man | Blind Femscout | Epic Scout | Climber | CyborScout | Iris (TF2 Freakshow) | Major Scout Guy | Bellatrix | Radioscout | Soul Scout | Cheese Scout | NinjaScout | Scombine | Waails | Armeni | Ass Pancakes | SomeCleanTrash | Miley Durant | Bat Pudding

Soldier: The Soldier (Emesis Blue) | RED Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Soldine | Soldier (Yum Crum) | Soldier (Meet the Amazing Team) | Soldier (STBlackST) | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Soldier (Soul Bringer) | Tone Soldier | The Agreeable Soldier | Santa Soldier | Proto-Soldine | Jane Doe (TF2 Freakshow) | Ainis Cupcake | Edo Soldier | Sodic | American Boot | Protagonist Soldier | Warrior (TF2 Freakshow) | Private Funnyman | Robot Cupcake | Painisman | Polish Soldier | RubberFruit | Soljah | Heavy Metal Soldier | Uncle Crusty | Weird Soldier | Crouton Haircut | The Rolling Soldier | Edo Soldier

Pyro: Pyro (Meet the Amazing Pyro) | Pyro (Burning Through Space) | RED Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | Pyro (Soul Bringer) | BLU Pyro (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Red Pyro (TF2 Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama) | Teivel | Samyro | BLU Pyrogun | Bone Pyro | CyborPyro | Pyrogun | Scuttlebucket | Buddhist Murder Pyro

Demoman: Demoman (Soul Bringer) | RED Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Demoman (15.ai) | Cyclops | Demoman (Yum Crum) | Drunk Monk | Melonman | Spiderdemo | Orangeman | Demoman (SMG4) | Drunk Monk | Dentlemanly Demo | Dream Demoman |Aengus | Deemomeeng | Fratman | CyborDemo | Captain Demoman | Panoman | Demopan | Scurry Scrumpy | King Caberface

Heavy: Heavy (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | Heavy (Heavy is Dead) | Heavy (Soul Bringer) | RED Heavy (Heavy's Quest) | Heavy (Gmod Centennial High School) | Heavy (Minion Archive) | Heavy Sumo Guy | Heavy Guy | Official Heavy | Intelligent Heavy | CyborHeavy | Pootis-MAN | Ninja Heavy | Oddball Heevy | Heeboo | Magician Heavy | Shogun Heavy | Rex (TF2 Freakshow) | Stupid Heavy | Heavybine | Hoomba | Kid Friendly Heavy | Dick Sandvich | Soiled Diaper Station | Stu Pidface | GAYPENlS | Heavy Props Guy

Engineer: Engineer (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Engineer (Soul Bringer) | Bombgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Rusty (TF2 Freakshow) | Cyborneer | Spanner | Ninjineer | Bacon Pardner | Kickass Engineer | Spengineer | Energineer | BLU EnGeR | Piegineer | Robot Engie

Mssnor | Sphai's Summoner | The Gunslinger Vagineer
Medic: Fritz Ludwig | RED Medic (Lil' Pootis) | Medic (Meet the Amazing Team) | Medic (Soul Bringer) | Medizard | Erzengel | Doktor Clean | Mender | Johann Van Windhoek | Madic | Sergai | Mr. Dan | Dr. Dum | Dragh Vundabar | Mischievous Medic

Sniper: Sniper (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Sniper (Soul Bringer) | Reaper (TF2 Freakshow) | Karate Sniper | Weaselcake | Santa Piss | CyborSniper | Old Bloke | RED Sniper (The JarateThon) | Gravy Guitarman | Schniper | Crotch Sniper | Scott Mundy | RED Nnnngh Sniper | Dicksalot

Spy: BLU Spy (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Spy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spy (Soul Bringer) | Spy (Minion Archive) | Polite Spy | Christian Pure Spy | RED Spy (Spy's Creed) | Interesting Spy | TelroSpy | Spyper | White Spy | Spy of Influence | Sphai | Knivehand | Ugly Spy | Slender Spaps | Up High Spy | Skinny Spy | Dr. Melon | Fat Spy | Skinny Spy | Spy Samedi | Spoy | Blue Spy GEN-01 | Mr. Red Spy aka. Fared Spier (Delivery Mann)

Others: Mimi-Sentry | Mini Sentry-Chan | Dispenser Lady | Entela and Exodus | Senthia | Dell-Spencer | Valve Guy | Ghost (TF2 Freakshow) | God Cow | Dicksalot | Solgineer | Spy and Spy | Lil' Pootis | Blootis | (Tiny Desk Engineer (Lil Pootis)

Groups and Organizations: HECU | Van Windhoek's Students | The Poot Troop | Bob and Bob | Troopers (TF2 Freakshow) | The Shades

