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I could hack anything. One thing I won't hack is how great Inkopolis is.
~ Dylan’s message in the ending book.
Dylan Octarine is a major supporting character in the Inkopolis Chaos trilogy. He serves as a minor character in Inkopolis Chaos, a supporting character in Inkopolis Chaos 2 and a major character in Inkopolis Chaos 3. He was a reluctant soldier in the Octarian Army, but he deserted recently, and moved into an apartment in Inkopolis. He is Natalie’s older brother.
He also returns in the following oneshots: “A Burden To Bear”.
Dylan seems to be a reclusive, calm, serious octoling. He doesn’t have much energy most of the time, and hated being a soldier. He also lives a quiet life in his apartment, away from the others. However, he is shown to really care for his sister, as he shows concern when she leaves octo valley. He also seems to be protective of her, as he didn’t seem to trust Samuel at first.
His serious nature does help him, as he was able to escape octo valley, and live quietly. He also is an amazing hacker, and wanted the octobusters exposed and caught. After a while he does slowly warm up to the others, even falling in love with Melissa, and showing a more compassionate and honourable side to him, as at the end of the day he just wants to do the right thing.
Heroic Deeds
When Natalie was homeless, he helped her out, by sending her food, recourses and letting her stay at his place sometimes if she stayed low-key. He always made sure she was surviving well on the surface while she was in such tough times.
He was understanding of Natalies situation and frustration in the first story.
He deserted the Octarian army, not wanting to do any more evil deeds.
He provided hacking assistance whenever needed, and his hacking skills proved to be extremely useful.
He uploaded the octobusters database online, exposing them all as the racist criminals that they were. (GOODNESS ZONE)
He helped make agent suits for Samuel, Natalie, Luke, Sylvia, Melody and Melissa.
When Sylvia was just tortured by Blakeson, he was desperate to rescue her, and when he found her traumatised, he carried her away to safety.
He called out Lieutenant Obsidian for lying about parts of her past.
He helped out in the final battle, especially with hacking, and also kept updating everyone as much as he could.
While he didn’t trust Samuel at first, his respect for him grew clearer, and got stronger.
As reclusive as he is, he clearly cares about others.
Inkopolis Chaos
I know it's rough... I hate being a soldier too. At least your not one...
~ Dylan sympathising with Natalie.
This isn't going to be good news... But there's an octoling soldier after them. They want to arrest them, and then talk to you all about how we should be separate...
~ Dylan warning Natalie about Ruby.
Natalie if it helps, I know where some prisons are. Maybe ask them if they have them. And take some money just incase. And please, keep your identity HIDDEN.
~ Dylan giving Natalie a hint.
Inkopolis Chaos 2
Why did you come out of nowhere? (Sylvia: It's my speciality. So basically what I was thinking... We find octolings doing good things! Saving lives! Heck, even octolings fighting bad octolings works.) Alright. I did have to fight my way to get to the surface... So maybe that works.
~ Dylan and Sylvia.
My brothers actually a good hacker. He can try to hack one of his devices.
~ Natalie about Dylan.
So I have to hack this phone number? (Samuel: Yes.) Alright. *begins typing on his computer* Might take a while. As in, a few hours while. Come back in a bit.
~ Dylan hacking Cyalux’s phone number.
Sis, what's there? (Natalie: So it seems like we've got everything here. Samuel has taken photos, and he's sending it to you. Luke's undercover in the crowd, and he's filming it, pretending to be excited. Poor guy.) (Samuel: Ahh it's fine, Luke has it under control. Meanwhile, I've got photos, files and everything. But you need to hack the password.) Dylan: Got it!
~ Dylan talking to Natalie and Samuel before hacking the database.
Inkopolis Chaos 3
Hello. So I was spying on your conversation, and I managed to make you all agent suits with Sheldon's help. They will be delivered to cuttlefish cabin tomorrow.
~ Dylan saying he made agent suits for the heroes.
This is so much... And I don't know what to do... I'm worried about my sister.
~ Dylan at the concentration camps.
Your a monster. (Lt. Obsidian: I'm not a monster, Dylan. It's just how octolings are.) No its not how octolings are. We've been brainwashed our entire life! First DJ Octavio, and now you!
~ Dylan to Lt. Obsidian.
No, hold on. You also killed people who didn't bully you. You killed people who didn't know you, just so people would fear you. I have the files. Octavio recruited you because he didn't want you killing more of his soldiers. So stop lying.
~ Dylan calling Lt. Obsidian out on her BS.
And you tried to make me kill my own sister, and hunt her down. That's why I left you.
~ Dylan revealing by he left the octarians.
Melissa is even cuter in her squid form...
~ Dylan’s thoughts, which reveal he has a crush on Melissa.
Oh no... I'm sorry, she was a great person.
~ Dylan’s reaction to Ruby’s death.
Ahh, save it for the after show you overgrown Halloween decoration.
~ Dylan taunting Lt. Obsidian.
I'm just glad you two made it out ok. Feels like a relief.
Dylan is a male octoling with white skin, pink ink, a punk hairstyle, glasses, yellow eyes, grey shirt, trousers and black socks. He doesn’t wear shoes, as he usually stays inside all day.
While it isn’t stated in the story, it was confirmed by CrystallicWolf108 that he is bisexual, with a female lean.