“ | We drived in nightmares...and now I awaken to another nightmare. | „ |
~ Fox-318 awakening. |
Fox-318 is the original humanoid colonial marines who served the United States Colonial Marine Corps since 2209, and later was reawaken in 2239 during a attack on the EGC Station. His real name is unknown, due to the fact that he can't remember his past due to a accident occurred during his cryto-sleeping. He is the centered protagonist of Aliens: Awakening.
Aliens: Awakenings[]
Fox-318 was awaken after 30 years of crypto-sleep, by a Pravite Colonial Marine, named Wind. He shows signs of questionings, as he do not see any other members in the shuttles, before heading down to the ground, stepping his first steps after years. He laters learned that the other members are nowhere to be found, as a sound clock at the door, giving him some hints about something is happening. He wanted to open it, but the marine stopped him and told him not to. Confused, he ask the pravite, before she reveals that the ship, have now received a outbreak. He slowly desend to anger, as he asked why and how did they returned after years, but up to his words, she told him that the scientist brought them here, and she have none any other idea than that.
He grunted in anger and scream, as he couldn't understand why the scientist will bother bringing them back. The door then was melted down, as the pravite sprayed it with his blaster, killing it down. Upon so, she brought Fox outside and sees chaos centered in the station, marines was covered everywhere, blasting the xenomorphs with survivors and scientist running around in fear. Fox was then confronted by Colonial Taylor and a Predator with some other colonials, who leads them to the armories rooms, where Fox suited himself up for combats.
They exited the place and encounter the xenomorphs, as they battled their way through the paths and entered the scientists room. Pravite Wind then sreaches around, find that those resreachs are more just normal, but instead just scary things to her, Fox told her that it's just a regular basis thing when she fought them many later on. Commander Ashiin, asking if the crew is moving towards Planet X, with Fox asking what is it and why does it important for them to move. He will be revealed by the general about how they found about a new planet whom was infested by xenomorphs, as a result of severals testings by the scientistics team. Fox thought for a moment, as he told the general about nuking down the whole station to prevent further infection, which was agrued by some other members but finally accepted in will. He also suggest that they will rescue as many as they could, but against Ashiin motif, this cause them to sperate.
After so, Fox and Wind was lead by General Paxton, whom told them to stay further aware of the surronding. Fox will make a run for it, seeing a bunch of xenomorphs being fought against by the Marines crew, he was caught by a xenomorph, but managed to break free and gun it to it's death. Heading near to the infested nest, Wind was caught and brutally mauled by a xenomorph, causing Fox to relive his trauma and kill it in a filled anger addittute. General Pax calms him down, and they move on into the nest. The nest was covered with open eggs, even ones that was destroyed or had already opened, they discover some marines and researchers body, and take their guns for better use. As arriving at the testing room, by searching through the scientists body, the two marine managed to get the active code and the card for it. Fox then was lead to a control room, where the General opens the door and enter it. Being leave out, Fox decided to follow his command, by when they leave the place, a call will be made to alarm the general.
Fox say his goodbyes to Pax, with the crew then reunited by very much scarred, Commander Ashiin accompanied Fox by covering him to the exit bay. Fox blasted along with a few soldiers, before they reached inside the ship and gone from the station. He calls the general, seeing the base finals moment, with it now destroyed fully. The ship landed on Planet X, but leaving the fate of Fox unknown.
Personality and Traits[]
Fox seems to be a easily to be angered and pissed, due to his desires to stop the outbreaks which caused by the xenomorphs. Suprisingly, he did not suffer from traumas frequently like other soldiers who survived, which made him a person who is most likely to get used to action. Although was a hot-head fighter, he is also shown to be much heroics by refusing to leave backs the others people, whom he suggested to the commander that they will try to save as many as they could before the destruction.
- Fox-318 is the original humanoid marine, but was cloned for a unknown reason, as seen in the prequel Planet Of The Xeno, which take place in 2329, another soldier who resemble him was seen.
- He was stood on the rank of pravite, due to his anger and easy to get pissed adittude, which almost results in the others death.
- The character was heavily inspired by Andrew Harrison, the main playable character of Alien Versus Predator PS2 Game.
- Aliens: Planet Of The Xeno (mentioned)
- Aliens: Awakenings
Aliens Heroes |
Fox-318 |