A girl from Tokyo who went to the city of Onomichi to pursue her dream of becoming a space fisherman, Haru is very fond of her grandmother, who had raised her as her parents had separated when she was young, as well as cute things such as cats.
Crossover War Heroes Series[]
Crossover War Heroes: Iron-Blooded Kid Warriors[]
Haru Soramachi first appeared as one of Lady Yuinshiel's followers. She was first seen as the pilot of Sword Wolf, along with her fellow pilots. She and her fellow pilots made friends with Symphogear heroines and the heroes.
After the visit of Ranko Kanzaki, she and her fellow friends must keep on training to get stronger. Haru and her frineds visited Professor Touma Kamiyama and his fellow Kamen Riders of Sword of Logos for the first time. During the meeting, she and the heroes started their journey in order to end Prozen's tyranny at all cost.
After the deaths of Tekkadan's allies, Makoto and her friends arrived to fight Professor Sento Kiryu and the combined forces of Tekkadan and Transylvanian Business in order to reunite Leo Conrad and Sally Land. Postponed, she and the heroes joined forces to combat KOG's Bio-Zoids. Suddenly, her Soul Tiger Mecha was very powerless to defeat them. By doing so, her mecha was unharmed. After the fight, HAru and her friends had mourned the deaths of Leo Conrad and Sally Land. Haru and the heroes continued their journey by accompanying Tekkadan and Transylvanian Business.
Powers and Abilities[]
Archetype: Mech Pilot - Kate is one of the trained pilots that ride in mechs, giant mechanized suits. These suits are designed to either fight with each other, serve and combat a war, or battle giant kaiju level monsters. They sit inside a mech and drive it. This requires extraordinary coordination and proprioception. They must train and relearn how to make basic movements such as walking to properly pilot a mech. Mech pilots are often found in political themed anime, as such some mech pilots might have intuition in politics.
Mech Pilot Intuition - Kate has formidable skill in piloting mechs (giant robots) and are able to use the amazing arsenal at hand from either at a distance using a remote or a cockpit inside the machine. Depending on the type of robot being controlled, the weapons, abilities, and equipment varies. In some cases the robot's power may be connected to the user.