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"You are not ready for more pain."
~ HSG, bestowing wisdom upon his students.

Heavy Sumo Guy (shortened as HSG or alternatively, Sumo Heavy) is one of the major protagonists of the FreakShow franchise. He is a teacher of Martial Arts and strongly believes in solving problems with body and mind alone.


HSG is even fatter than a typical Heavy. Aside from his pants and belt (and probably undergarments), he forgoes all the articles of clothing and accessories Heavies are issued. He wears a Humanitarian's Hachimaki over his Dread Knot hairstyle.


Heavy Sumo Guy is a very patient and reserved martial artist. He never carries any weapons as he believes in solving problems with only his mind and body.

He is Ninjineer's friend and battle starter. Although Ninjineer's opposite, HSG is flat, concentrated and serious. He is not very long, but when he speaks, his words usually show his wisdom and endurance. As a wrestling and martial arts teacher, he was very strict and sometimes used questionable and/or harsh methods to train his students or get his point across. Despite this, he still has a lot of trust in his students and friends and can occasionally be seen smiling when he is with the Ninjineer.


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Powers and Abilities[]

A giant mountain of thick fat and muscle, heavyweight sumo wrestlers are essentially covered in "armor" even when they're shirtless. Some body shots just bounce off with little effect, and he even resists bullets quite well. Although he is ignited by the Pyro's flamethrower, he does not seem to mind even if a Scout is killed by the same flame.

Heavy Sumo Guy's physical strength is far superior to that of an average human and can even exceed Freak standards, defeating upper-mid (albeit weak) Freaks such as Drunk Monks in a single attack. Unlike Heavy, HSG rarely uses his fists in combat. Instead, he uses his large hands for slaps and other overt tricks that seem to be just as (if not more) effective. He has trained himself not to feel tired, or at least not as quickly as most.

He has amazing stamina and endurance, especially for someone so overweight. Although he is not particularly agile or quick on his feet, he has sharp reflexes and can jump surprisingly high (landing from such a jump often shakes the ground, knocking those nearby off balance).

Last but not least, his incredibly focused mind allows him to keep a cool head throughout the fight, which is very effective against enemies that use tricks or taunts during combat (such as Trollscout).


  • Heavy Sumo Guy is usually not a threat if he can keep his distance as he relies entirely on body movement.
  • Although he can attack and react quickly, he runs slowly, which only makes him worse against attacking enemies. Also, he may not be able to dodge charges that are bigger than him.
  • Heavy Sumo Guy prefers head-to-head matches, not that he has much of a choice in the matter. His size and fighting style make it very difficult to steal or otherwise go unnoticed (if the situation calls for it). Thank god he usually has ninjas.


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External links[]


           FreakShow Heroes

TF2 Freaks
Solgineer | Spyper
Ass Pancakes | Bellatrix | Cheese Scout | CyborScout | Major Scout Guy | Sgt. Chucklenuts
Ainis Cupcake | American Boot | Edo Soldier | Jane Doe | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Polish Soldier | Private Funnyman | Protagonist Soldier | Rubberfruit | Seeldier | Soldine | Soljah | The Agreeable Soldier | Warrior
Bob and Bob | Professor Pyrowise | Samyro | Shinobi Pyro | Teivel
Aengus | CyborDemo | Dream Demoman | Drunk Monk | Gentlemanly Demo | Orangeman | Penance | Seeman | SoupCock PorkPie
CyborHeavy | Heavy Sumo Guy | Intelligent Heavy | Official Heavy | Shogun Heavy | Stu Pidface |
Bacon Pardner | Bombgineer | Cyborneer | EnGeR | Energineer | The Gunslinger | Kickass Engineer | Mule Corn Cakes | Ninjineer | Porkgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Spanner
Archangel | Dragh Vundabar | Erzengel | Johann Van Windhoek | Madic | Medizard | Mender
CyborSniper | Karate Sniper | Reaper | Weaselcake
Christian Pure Spy | Interesting Spy | Polite Spy | Spy of Influence | Spy Samedi | TelroSpy | The White Spy
Groups and Organisations
HECU | Troopers

Gmod Freaks
My Little Pony
Element of Insanity
Applepills | Brutalight Sparcake | Derpigun | Fluttershout | Pinkis Cupcake | Rainbine | RariFruit
Cutie Mark Creeps
Creepy Belle | Francie Bloom | Karateloo
Dash Pancakes | Endario | Sanarah Streak
