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Hero Fanon Wiki
I won fair and square. Now please leave me alone, I got some other stuff to do.
~ Jefason
Hero Overview

Jefason "Jōsuke" Pepito, is the main protagonist of Freedom's Blueshift Sequence (Freedom: Blueshift Sequence) and a major supporting character of the main Freedom Sequence (Freedom), as well as its


Jōsuke is derived from two words, "jō" (丈), which stands for “stature” and "suke" (助), which stands for “help” or “assistance”.[1]


Jefason is modeled after the traditional Japanese manga and anime hero just like his source inspiration (that being Ragna) and is a young adult with aqua blue eyes. Jefason's clothing consists of a hybrid of modern, futuristic and old features and wears a dark purple sleeved jacket with two long thin tails hanging from the back. Under it is a black shirt with three dark purple belts. He wears a pair of white gloves with a dark purple shell on the backs of the hands. Jefason wears a black hakama and steel-toed dark purple boots.


Jefason is


Early Life and Supposed Death[]

Born to a Filipino Man and Japanese Woman, Jefason was diagnosed with an identity crisis at an early age after having nightmares of a serial killer's soul inhabiting his body, which caused him to socially separate himself from society.

Jefason would enlist at the School of the Holy Light right out of high school at the age of 17, where he studied to become a paladin to exterminate any form of darkness from the planet, including the spirit of the serial killer that dwelt within him.

His fate and destiny was sealed when he was assigned with a search and rescue mission in the frozen north, but he was never seen again once his duty was completed. Until 50 years later, when he reappeared as an undead wielding one of the most legendary swords: Frostmourne.


Jefason's good acts were undone when he murdered his own father, who had grown elderly and frail, as well as many innocent others, turning him into a wanted outlaw.

Despite being pursued by United Nations peacekeepers, they all perished on the same day, earning Jefason the codename "Hades".

It was subsequently discovered that Jefason had committed these heinous crimes against his will and was being controlled by a dark entity in the shadows known as The Lich King.

Following the discovery of this revelation, Mai Natsume, a paladin trained in the School of the Holy Light and one of Jefason's classmates, developed a plan to defeat the Lich King and liberate Jefason from his iron grip.

Despite the plan's failure, they were successful, with Jefason recovering his free will and executing his master soon after. He immediately surrendered. His trial was broadcasted throughout the world, and he was convicted guilty of his crimes.

Instead of being condemned to death, he was deported to the Sahara desert, where he wandered in shame through the scorching dunes. He is granted parole as a new threat known as "The Burning Legion" arrives to seek dominion over the world, waging war on its inhabitants in the process.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Jefason ultimately clashed with his arch-nemesis, Hanzo, in the death valley, with the former prevailing.

He was quickly assumed dead after he sacrificed himself to seal the portal that allowed the Legion's soldiers to invade the planet, trapping him in the other world in the process.

150 years later, it was discovered that Jefason was still alive, since Frostmourne had devoured so many demon souls, making him much more formidable. powerful enough to slay the Legion's creator and leader.

Following his comeback, Jefason teams up with Kruger to defend the Palace of Nasion against[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


Jefason's signature weapon, Frostmourne.

Jefason is a very powerful individual, having been trained in the School of the Holy Light, wielding a legendary sword that originally came from the Frozen North called Frostmourne after being assumed dead. Much of his fighting style involves somewhat crude-yet-controlled swings and strikes of brute force and simplistic martial form, ranging from wide sword swings to basic roundhouse-and-axe-kicks which implies a self-taught-yet-standard style.


  • Jefason is originally created by Mugen Guild User Mushypepito123.
  • Jefason is inspired by the characters:
    • Arthas from World of Warcraft.
    • Ragna from Blazblue.
      • This is supported by the fact that Jefason has the exact same appearance as Ragna, but with different colors.
    • Vergil from Devil May Cry.
    • Light Yagami from Death Note.
    • Raiden from Metal Gear.
    • Unlike his Original MUGEN Counterpart, Jefason was born on July 9 1940, one day before the Battle of Britain during the Second World War.

External Links[]

Links and References[]


  1. Joe in Japanese - YourKatanana Website
  2. Story of Jefason Pepito, Mugen Guild


            RandomUser44800 Profile RandomUser44800 Heroes

The Spider-Man
Hyde Li (Earth-2029 · Earth-2506 · Earth-2024 · Earth-2500) | Minami Nguyen | Skipz | Clyde | Norman Osborn | Takeru | Orenji Nguyen | Naomi Matsumoto | Lily Itsumi | Naoki Matsumoto | Nixon | Kham | Benjiro Kurosaki | Black Cat | Ares | Timī | God | Prowler | Hiei | Silver Sable | X-51 | Miura Kenpachi | Sener | Kureha Asuka | Wagakki | Harry Osborn | Peter Parker | Tori Sakai |

The Shadows
Fox Kyokuchi | Leomar Bullet |

Hayato XII | Hayato I |

Kruger | Miyashita | Kozaharu Kiyotaka | Shouta | Kurihara | Yeager | Kenny Floch | Tabi | Nexus | Galliard | Okami | Ryōka Tsukihime | Karin Tsukihime | Shin Tsukihime | Myri | Botan | Ace | Phalox | Galahad X2 | Galahad X1 | Wagamama | Hazuki Himejima | Cobain | Yoseph | Morningstar | Leonhart | Shouta | Kurihara | Tanrei | Javelin | Hiro | Kyouran | Kizukeyo | Jefason "Jōsuke" Pepito |

Kaine |

Soul |

Rebellion Edge
Hyde Li |

Takeru | Slade Makinohara |

See Also
The Spider-Man Heroes | Freedom Heroes | Time-Runners Heroes | The Shadows Heroes | Change Heroes | Insanity Heroes | Rebellion Edge Heroes

            Freedom Logo Heroes

Main Cast
Kruger |
Supporting Cast

Miyashita |

Minor Characters



Sengoku Sequence

Blueshift Sequence
Jefason "Jōsuke" Pepito |

Argent Rune String Sequence
Meteora |

See Also
The Spider-Man Heroes | RandomUser44800 Heroes
