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Hero Fanon Wiki

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Heroine Overview

Seems like Elaine Castro was going to her mansion when i was at the building after I stopped the criminals. Perhaps, when i got some money from the people for stop the criminals, i give them to my crewmates and not for myself. But i had to look up at my crew first.
~ Jessica's introductory quote

Detective Jessica Flintridge (with the real name of Jessica Dee Flintridge born Jessica Avaro) is one of the three main protagonists (alongside Elaine Castro and Melly Magnet) of the upcoming movie, Ultimate Chaos: A Elaine and Melly Movie, which is based on 2021's The Elaine and Melly show, she is the female detective who has a goal of stopping the criminals in order to bring peace to Los Angeles.

in her debut, she is looking up though the building, following the massacre of the CN city with many victims were disappeared suddenly after she send a warning letter to Elaine Castro, she would came into the two to stop David Zaslav and the Purge Raiders from causing havoc.

Jessica's voice was proved by two TTS voices, Moira and Joanna for and the show's creator, TheWeirdoGirl for most of the parts.


Jessie has green hair with light red striped on the front, green eyes and glasses. Jessie was weared in a black sweater that contains pink necklace, golden jacket, bluish gray belt, black and golden skirt, black long socks on the right leg and dark pink jewel knee boots.


Being a inventor with sense of justice, She's a calmful and serious person who has obsessed with stopping numerous criminals, who attempted to cause a havoc around the city of Los Angeles. Jessica can be rather a tomboyish as she is not involve in romantic relationships, but her jerkiness, stubbornness and wrathfulness can get the best of her, which is how she isn't pure enough for a pure of heart character.


She was born in the richest family with the original name of Jessica Avaro, she was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Avaro and getting mistreated a lot by both of them due to lack of perfection nor earning money until they abandoned her and later was adopted by the Flintridge family, her adoptive parents would renamed her as Jessica Dee Flintridge.





  • Mr. and Mrs. Avaro (real parents; abandoned)
  • Noah Colson Flintridge (adopted father)
  • Artemis Flintridge (adopted mother)
  • Unnamed brothers


  • Gloria Brighton (best friend)
  • Chase
  • Myoung Jim
  • Wilfred
  • Quint
  • Caleb
  • Elaine's Crew
  • Kumatarõ Akao
  • Resistance
  • Tulip Olsen
  • Kaio Kincaid/K.O.
  • Mao Mao
  • Vambre Warrior
  • Oscar Peltzer
  • Victor
  • Her adopted family
  • Professor Ferdinand † (teacher)
  • Spies of Heroes
    • Raitaro Kumomoto
  • FBI Police
  • Her 2 Childhood Friends
  • The Los Angeles Residents





  • Jessica is the first TheWeirdoGirl character to be the main protagonist in the movie as many characters from movies have supporting or minor roles.
    • She is also the first protagonist out of every protagonists in TheWeirdoGirl to be human.
  • Originally, she was going to have a concept appearance prior to movie's announcement (along with Professor Ferdinand and Caleb). However, TheWeirdoGirl changed her in later.
  • Her hair style was a spoofed of Jaiden Animation.
  • Her Zodiac sign may be Taurus or Gemini, given that she was born on May of 1995 as stated on TheWeirdoGirl's tumblr account.
  • Her surname originally was Codicioso, but later changed to Avaro.
  • She actually has no interest in money due to her real parents' greed, but she would give the money to her crew and her family.

External Links[]


           TEaMs logo Heroes

Elaine and the Flock team/Elaine's Crew
Leaders: Elaine Castro | Melly Magnet | Akey | Coronet | Bengie | Professor Joey | Captain Henry | Maya Karika | Ryuko Matoi | Ayano Aishi | MilkyWay | Uncle Grandpa | Boyfriend | WordGirl | Buddy Thunderstruck | Ladybug | Red | Sunflower
Others: Renda | Delia | Dani | Bea and Vincent Herrada | Horrid Henry | Esthy Kent | Grace Budd | Twilight Sparkle | Esthy

Spies of Heroes
Currently: Raitaro Kumomoto | Marcia Lombardi
Formerly: Phoebe Lynxleg | Alessia Leewood | Klara Smirnov

Other Heroes
Around L.A
The Ages: Ariel Risen | Cassy Remy | Cole Carlos | Michael Jackson (formerly) | Amy Williams | Kylie Karla-Gregory | Monique | Elisa Assay
Super Hero Girls: Wonder Woman
Infinite Rhymes: Listy | Lunar Rockstar | Fire Wolf | Evelyn and Clementine | Chris
Other People: Kumataro Akao | Connie Riley | DJ Headmaster37 | Mando | Dancing Zombie | Mrs. Wolfie | Peashooter | Amarllis and Snapdragon | Sans | Blossom | Jessica's Crew (Jessica Flintridge | Gloria Brighton | Chase | Myoung Jim | Wilfred | Quint)

Jesus Christ | Queen Luna | Sapphire Castro | Elliott Castro | Mel Magnet | Raffael Tolleson | Colonel | Benny

Elaine's Crew | Spies of Heroes | The Ages | Infinite Rhymes | Plants | The Resistance | Jessica's Crew

See Also
Heaven Age Heroes | TheWeirdoGirl Heroes

           Heaven Age logo Heroes

The Ages
Currently: Ariel Risen | Cassy Remy | Cole Carlos | Monique | Amy Williams | Kylie Gregory | Elisa Assay
Formerly: Akey | Coronet | Elaine Castro | Michael Jackson

Supporting Heroes
Queen Luna | Jesus Christ

ImportPress/Los Angeles
Kenny Gregory | Captain Henry | Professor Joey | Delia

Infinite Rhymes
Listy | Lunar Rockstar | Fire Wolf | Chris | Evelyn and Clementine

Groups and Organizations
The Ages | Elaine's Crew | Infinite Rhymes

See Also
The Elaine and Melly show Heroes | TheWeirdoGirl Heroes
