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"Deus has protected this page from evil forces." This page, Katsu Umino, is currently owned by CrystallicWolf108. Any original work, images, etc. presented here is therefore theirs under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Please do not add onto, delete, or copy anything on this page without the original author's permission. Thank you. |
“ | I want to join the Terrene Protectorate! I want to bring peace to everyone, and unite races together! It's always been my dream, to see all these fascinating cultures co-exist in harmony! | „ |
~ Katsu’s dream. |
“ | I DON'T CARE WHAT EVERYONE ELSE THINKS!!! That's RIGHT. I don't! Yes, I want people to be safe around me... That's true! But I am NOT going to let the opinions of everyone hold me back, that's the problem! I have been caring too much about what people will think, and that's what's holding me back, I've been working too hard to impress people, some who can't even be pleased! But now, I don't care... I don't care about society's toxic expectations! Let's see how I improve without stress... Because I'm not alone! I may mess up from time to time, and I know I can't be this perfect anime protagonist who saves everyone, but I have my friends, my team to look out for me! We all look out for each over! And that's all I can ever ask for! And I'll never give up when so many people need us! Giving up will only hold us back! My mother wanted peace with the florans, and it cost her her life! I'll fight for peace, no matter the cost to myself!!! | „ |
~ Katsu to Mika, declaring he doesn’t care what everyone else thinks anymore. |
Katsu Umino is one of the six deuteragonists of Crystallic’s Starbound Trilogy. He serves as tone of the two deuteragonists of Starbound: The Black Nebula, a major character in Starbound: Rise of the Stargazers and one of the four tritagonists of Starbound: The Glitch Empire. He is an enthusiastic nerd who is fascinated by other cultures. He later became a graduated protector who seeks to unite the races and protect innocent people, but sadly he couldn't receive his Matter Manipulator in time due to the ruin disaster and destruction of earth. He tries to be a good role model and someone to be safe around, although pushed himself too far, to the point of having anxiety and insecurities over what everyone else thinks of him, until Tori taught him not to care about what everyone else thinks.
Read Starbound: The Black Nebula Here
Read Starbound: Rise of the Stargazers Here
Read Starbound: The Glitch Empire Here
Katsu is an upbeat, energetic and enthusiastic hylotl, contrary to how most of them are much more calm and sophisticated. He gets excited and hyped up about stuff rather easily, and often acts very charismatic and dramatic at times, even during a fight. Once he has his mind focused on something, he will do his absolute best to do it, never giving up even in the face of danger. He is also very selfless, as he is willing to protect innocent people with his life, putting others before himself all the time.
He is also very kindhearted, being very friendly towards people and not wanting to start fights or arguments. He never judges people based on their differences, in fact he is fascinated by other cultures/races, keeping an entire notebook about other cultures, which he still keeps to this day. He understands people's problems, and sometimes he is willing to try and change people for the better, as he lets Ethyl join the protectorate rather then remain an outlaw. He even tries to reason with Mika after everything she had done.
However, despite his energy and kindness, Katsu is extremely insecure. He stresses out over what other people think of him, as he wishes to make people feel safe around him, and doesn't want everyone to think of him as pathetic. He will usually become consumed with guilt if he fails to save someone. That, along with Mika's bullying got bad to the point of giving him anxiety and inner demons, which he tried to hold in and suppress, but it just hindered his performance, and made him have an emotional breakdown in front of Tori. He then had to learn not to care about what everyone else thought, which helped both his performance as a protector and his mental health. He still tries to be a good person for everyone, but he no longer stresses out over what everyone thinks of him.
Heroic Deeds[]
- He saved Tori from The Ruin, and tried to save other people. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- After he graduated, he and Tori began to protect and save innocent people, and offering aid whenever needed, even though he didn't get his matter manipulator until a year later.
- He fights for peace between all the races.
- While he does value his reputation, it is only because he wants people to feel safe around him, because he cares about the well-being of other people, and wants to be a role model for people.
- He helped stop Tatasia from harming an ex-miniknog who felt remorse for his actions, trying to get her to calm down, and even fighting as a last resort.
- He agreed to track down Desert, acknowledging he was extremely dangerous.
- When Desert and some of his gangsters attacked a town, he did his best to help citizens seek shelter.
- He eventually went face to face with a gangster, while in an innocent families house. He did his best to protect the family, even throwing himself in front of bullets to shield them, risking his life to save the family from the gangster, even defeating the gangster. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He felt bad for Ethyl not being able to join the protectorate, so he branded him as protectorate so he could fulfill his dreams. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He went to Solunar Nexus III to rescue Tori and her village, at first being willing to die so everyone else lived, until Ethyl came up with a plan where everyone survived.
- He and Tatasia are responsible for saving Tori from burning to her death. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He helped fight against the Floran Extermination Order.
- He and Tori destroyed three of Mika's superweapon fuel stations, saving three planets in the process. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- Even after EVERYTHING she did to him and everyone else, he still tried his best to reason with Mika, trying to get her to come to her senses and stop her from destroying her star system. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He helped defeat Mika Aikawa after she refused to redeem herself.
- When Ethyl told him to leave without him, he was very reluctant to do so.
- He stood up to some Occasus Cultists attacking a restaurant.
- He helped defend an avian village on Solunar Nexus VI from Ezalco.
- When he saw a glitch being arrested by Moonquill’s soldiers, he wanted to help her and was saddened at the fact he couldn’t do anything.
- He helped raid the temple where the Ancient Kluex Staff was.
- During the Climax, he, Tori and Azima fought against the Stargazer fleets, stopping them from attacking the avians on that planet. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He saved Azima from falling to her death. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He helped fight against Xochtal Reklaw and helped damage the Ancient Kluex Staff.
- He refused to join Stormlance.
- He helped look for the ships for everyone to escape Ragnarok Delta I.
- He helped Azima and Ludvig with their plan to remake the protectorate.
- He, Tori and Kumiko defended Solunar Nexus III from the Glitch Empire.
- He saved Tori (and tried to save Kumiko) from being captured by Stormlance, which resulted in his capture. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He led the escape out of the glitch castle once he got his manipulator back. He then called the distress signal, allowing them to be rescued immediately.
- He accepted a redeemed Moonquill onto his team.
- He helped fight against Kleriya in the climax.
- When Kumiko was maimed and dying, Katsu went to absolute lengths to save her, running through a battlefield to find Lexie right away so she could be healed, not giving up on Kumikos life. (GOODNESS ZONE)
- He helped defeat King Stormlance.
- He donated some of his own blood to help Kumiko recover.
- He continues to protect the universe 10 years later.
The Black Nebula[]
“ | Can't we move on from that? See them as they are now! Florans aren't all savage! Quite a lot are "civil" as you put it! | „ |
~ Katsu to Mika, expressing his beliefs that not all florans are bad, and that the past doesn’t matter. |
“ | I want to join the Terrene Protectorate! I want to bring peace to everyone, and unite races together! It's always been my dream, to see all these fascinating cultures co-exist in harmony! | „ |
~ Katsu’s dream. |
“ | *sighs* It's been a year since... yeah. (Tori: *nods* Floran missses earth and the protectorate... We were graduated too!) I miss everyone. I'm glad we could escape, and I'm glad that another graduate found Esther Bright! They proceeded to defeat the Miniknog, and the Occasus Cult too! And destroyed the monstrosity that destroyed the earth, so no more planets suffered! Isn't that nice? (Tori: *nods* Floran has ssseen how humans are adapting! They ssseem to be improving, they have managed to ssstart making cities again! Floran hasss been helping them as well!) Yeah, I'm also trying my best to help. I want to try my absolute best, and be there for anyone in danger! I wish I could have saved more people during the ruin disaster... So I want to make it up, by any means possible. I AM a protector! I will continue my goal of peace! I just hope that people... see me as someone who's good enough, who's fit for the job, y'know... Am I still worthy, a year later? Am I still a good graduate? What does everyone think of me? Would all my late friends be proud of me if they were still alive? | „ |
~ Katsu and Tori about the protectorate’s destruction. |
“ | Now it feels like we're in an anime! In a weird room! And we're uhhh.. Doing something! Anyone wanna talk about something? (Ethyl: *notices both of their shirts* So... You two are protectors?) Oh! Yes! We are! Technically we're graduates! It's been a year since the... you know... (Ethyl: Yeah... I'm sorry about that. Must've been nasty to see all yer' friends gone just like that.) Indeed... But all I can do now is keep going! I'll keep going for all of their sakes! I will NOT give up my goal! I, Katsu Umino, shall bring peace to everyone! | „ |
~ Katsu and Ethyl talking in a shelter. |
~ Katsu trying to mimic All Might. |
“ | Huh? That's odd... *checks their ship signal* W-What the... Our ship's signal... IS BROKEN?! *calls his dad* Hey Dad! So uhhh... WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SHIP? ... WHAT THE HELL?!? I'll have to tell the others, talk to you later! *hangs up* So Tori... our ship got destroyed... apparently by... a bunch of hooded hooligans, apparently they have the jackets, and the back of them has the letters "F E O"... | „ |
~ Katsu discovering his ship has been destroyed. |
“ | Oh! Uhh... *blushes a bit* We're best friends... That's all... She is really great, and I'm glad to have her! She always looks out for me, and others as well by the way! She's really energetic and fun to be around, she's funny and I don't think there's anyone else like her. Actually... *whispers to ethyl* I actually like-like her... Don't tell anyone, ok?! I don't wanna freak her out... Besides, a floran and hylotl relationship? People are gonna hate us... | „ |
~ Katsu’s crush on Tori. |
“ | Oh! Hey there citizens! How are you guys, are you doing ok? *smiles, but due to their silence, his smile almost fades but he manages to keep it* Well, don't worry... We're protectors! It is our job to protect you from people like him! When I joined the protectorate those years ago, I swore I would protect everyone... And now, that will be put to the test! So please, don't worry! *thinks: "PLEASE? SERIOUSLY?! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN SAY YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A PROTECTOR?!"* I'll go and see if there's any danger! Stay safe! | „ |
~ Katsu trying to reassure citizens. |
“ | (Inner Katsu: What's the matter? Feeling hopeless again?) Your just a voice... go away!!! You aren't real... (Inner Katsu: Oh I'm real alright! Just like every one of your pathetic failures... Just, come on! Lets just look! Remember the protectorate incident? You went to save Tori, but left... If you were good enough, you could have saved more.) I TRIED TO! BUT... (Inner Katsu: But what? You couldn't? Because your so scared and weak, you couldn't even punch Mika? Grow up!) You know what would have happened if I did... Look what happened when she stabbed herself! (Inner Katsu: And you all ran like cowards?) You wanted us to fight against a mob?! (Inner Katsu: ... Well, my truth still stands! Your not good at anything! Not as a protector, you did terrible against Tatasia, and then went to save a family with the most horrible efforts, which caused the death of all those hostages!) I DIDN'T KNOW! I WOULD HAVE SAVED THEM IF I WAS ABLE TO... (Inner Katsu: WELL YOU COULDN'T! BECAUSE YOUR NAIVE, WEAK, PATHETIC, AND HAVE NO PURPOSE! YOU COULDN'T SAVE THEM!!! Oh, what's the matter, are you crying? Your so weak!) JUST... LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *starts crying* (Inner Katsu: YOU ARE JUST SO PATHETIC!!! AREN'T YOU? IT'S WHY NOBODY LIKES YOU! EVERYONE SEES YOU AS A FAILURE! YOU WILL NEVER UNITE PEACE, BECAUSE ALL YOU DO IS FAIL. YOU COULDN'T EVEN SAVE ONE FAMILY WITHOUT BEING INJURED! IT TOOK SO LONG, THAT YOU COULDN'T SAVE THOSE HOSTAGES! THEIR ALL DEAD, AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU... THIS ISN'T EVEN THE FIRST TIME!) I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... *hyperventilating* (Inner Katsu: That isn't going to bring them back. Do the whole universe a favour, and do the only thing you can do... GIVE UP AND DIE!) | „ |
~ Katsu fighting with his inner demon. |
“ | Because I want people to feel safe around me! I want people to be reassured! But after that... They aren't gonna accept me as welcoming... They will just see me as this... monster, or failure that can't do anything... and their right... | „ |
~ Katsu on why he wants to have a good reputation. |
“ | I really have to thank him here, y'know... I know you just said that I shouldn't care what people think, but Ethyl... he didn't have to do that. My minds in a weird place right now, and I'm still processing everything... It's been a long two days! But now that Deserts in jail, I just wanna know what he meant... about Ethyl. | „ |
~ Katsu feeling grateful for what Ethyl did. |
“ | O-Oh my... I'm so sorry... That must have been horrible... *sighs* My mothers gone too, she got assassinated by a mysterious hylotl for supporting the florans. | „ |
~ Katsu about his mother’s death. |
“ | You don't need to stand and let the eyes of others control what you do! Tori spoke some sense into me earlier... You wanna protect people right? Why not start now? It's not too late! Your snugget agrees! We're graduates! If you all want... Me and Tori can make you part of the protectorate! You won't need to con or scam either! | „ |
~ Katsu offering Ethyl to join the protectorate. |
“ | WHAT?!? Okay, Mika is stuck up, racist and a jerk but... a GENOCIDAL CRIME LEADER?!? *immediately looks up Mika's name* Ok, nothing on her yet but... Jesus... if she's the leader of some... organisation... | „ |
~ Katsu shocked to learn Mika is the head of the Floran Extermination Order. |
“ | No, that's not how it works... She's going to die because of me... | „ |
~ Katsu feeling guilty for Tori’s capture. |
“ | Tori... I'm sorry! I didn't want you tell you because... I didn't want you to feel bad... I don't like dwelling on the past! I forgive the florans, and it's not because I'm "Morally Superior" or crap like that, it's because it's in the past! Done! | „ |
~ Katsu apologising to Tori for not telling her about the war after saving her. |
“ | I DON'T CARE WHAT EVERYONE ELSE THINKS!!! That's RIGHT. I don't! Yes, I want people to be safe around me... That's true! But I am NOT going to let the opinions of everyone hold me back, that's the problem! I have been caring too much about what people will think, and that's what's holding me back, I've been working too hard to impress people, some who can't even be pleased! But now, I don't care... I don't care about society's toxic expectations! Let's see how I improve without stress... Because I'm not alone! I may mess up from time to time, and I know I can't be this perfect anime protagonist who saves everyone, but I have my friends, my team to look out for me! We all look out for each over! And that's all I can ever ask for! And I'll never give up when so many people need us! Giving up will only hold us back! My mother wanted peace with the florans, and it cost her her life! I'll fight for peace, no matter the cost to myself!!! | „ |
~ Katsu to Mika, declaring he doesn’t care what everyone thinks of him anymore. |
“ | ... Mika? (Mika: What do you want? Your gonna try and brainwash me with your other races propaganda?!) This has gone on too far! That station me and Tori just destroyed, that was fueling the weapon you intended to destroy Solunar Nexus III! You know, the planet that... we grew up in? We may have never gotten along, but... there was a lot of nice things I saw you do... Your squad, they were really nasty to me but you seemed to get on with them, you smiled and talked happily about your fashion, or how cool the latest movie was, or gossiping about who had a crush on who? After all those fond memories, you want... to kill them? Why? Why throw it all away? Your hometown, your dad raised you there. How would he feel seeing you trying to destroy the planet you grew up in? After you graduated, you went onto college to do a beauty course, and you passed! You went to Solunar Nexus I, and started a model career in that heavily-hylotl underwater city who's name I can never remember, and you became richer! All those fans, they loved you. You sang, people loved your voice, people admired you! And weren't you supposed to star in an upcoming movie as the main heroine? There are probably countless people who have been devastated after seeing you on the TV broadcast, their souls crushed... Look at this star system, all the diversity, all the thriving people! Everyone's happy... You could have been too! I just want to ask... *says it loudly without shouting, in a sort of upset and desperate tone* Why did you throw away your bright future? Why are you trying to destroy EVERYTHING you knew?!? Is... this even you anymore...? | „ |
~ Katsu trying to convince Mika to stop. |
“ | (Mika: I'M GOING TO ENJOY WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO, KATSU...) This is for bullying me all those years... AHHHHHH!!! | „ |
~ Katsu and Mika getting into a swordfight. |
~ Katsu refusing to leave without Ethyl. |
~ Katsu, relived that Ethyl is ok. |
Rise of the Stargazers[]
“ | Ok, I'm sorry if that was a bit too much! I just really can't let you hurt those people! | „ |
~ Katsu after attacking an Occasus Cultist with acid. |
“ | You can't force them to believe what you believe! (Ezalco: Our race lost our wings for entering the mortal world. If we all devote to Kluex, WE'LL BE FLYING LIKE... uhhh... AHA! *looks at a rabbit* LIKE THIS RABBIT!!! *runs up and kicks the rabbit into the sky* Look at it go, yeah!) But not everyone believes that! It's not right to sacrifice innocent people to Kluex for your own goals! | „ |
~ Katsu trying to reason with Ezalco. |
“ | Hi Mr. Reklaw, my name is Katsu Umino, I'm a member of the Protectorate. It's nice to meet you! | „ |
~ Katsu introducing himself to Xochtal. |
“ | That still feels weird to say, you know? I always thought she was just a jerk and nothing more... But yeah! (Tatasia: Well Katsu, I gotta be surprised, why aren't you more happy that your childhood bully is dead?) Oh! Well, I don't really like wishing death on people, and it was a while back... | „ |
~ Katsu about Mika months later. |
~ Katsu and Tori reuniting with Azima. |
“ | So, uhh... Hey, what's your name? I haven't really talked to many humans before, I really would like to know you! (Azima: Oh, my names Azima Abbas! I'm from Arabia, if your wondering!) Wow, that's a country from... Asia, right? (Azima: Wow, your actually pretty smart! Where are you guys from?) (Tori: We're from Sssolunar Nexuss 3! We lived in a rather nice town! Only bad part wasss thisss bitch named Mika.) (Azima: Yeah, a lot of people called me filthy because I'm Asian, I had quite a few bullies... You see, I was born in Arabia but when I was 12 we moved here to America due to some... issues. People kept telling us "GO BACK HOME!", it was... you know.) (Tori: Wow, that is sssimilar to what some hylotl told floran!) I'm sorry you had to deal with it, Azima... But don't worry, I wish to stop stuff like that from happening! I want to protect people, and end this stuff! | „ |
~ A flashback to when Katsu and Tori met Azima for the first time. |
“ | Oh no, we need to help her! (Ethyl: We... can't...) No... | „ |
~ Katsu desperate to help a rebel glitch being taken away. |
“ | (Inner Katsu: So pathetic, you can't make an impact...) So anyways, where we going? (Inner Katsu: I- DON'T IGNORE ME!!! YOU SUCK, YOUR WORTHLESS AND EVERYONE HATES YOU!!!) (Azima: You all have to do what I say, pizza is amazing!) (Tori: YESSS!!! We have a pizzeria around here! It tassstes like... *drooling and starts jumping around excitedly* FLORAN NEEEEEDS IT!!!) Welp, it's decided! (Inner Katsu: Giving into your girlfriend, I see? Your weak, get a backbone...) *in his head: "Nah, I actually wanted pizza and was about to suggest it myself!"* (Inner Katsu: GAHHHHHH!!! *screams in rage and fades away*) | „ |
~ Katsu ignoring Inner Katsu. |
“ | Robin helped me when I was going through a dark time. Just like everyone else. Let's help her! We'll find out what's bothering her! | „ |
~ Katsu wishing to help Robin. |
“ | I-It can't be... *falls to his knees* p-please say this is a joke... | „ |
~ Katsu’s reaction to Xochtal being evil. |
“ | Woah woah woah, no she's not! That's a ridiculous and over the top accusation! | „ |
~ Katsu defending Robin from someone accusing her of working with Xochtal. |
“ | We are the Black Nebula! A group of random misfits ganged up together in times of need, thanks to our run-in at Solunar Nexus! We have defeated many villains in our times, from evil organisations to rogue outlaws, and we've all come out! People at home are terrified right now, hoping for a hero... Remember how people reacted when we saved that village? I'd like to see these avians live another day, in relief, when the stargazers are stopped. Now, the Stargazers will be a dangerous foe, especially with the staff, but we can do it! I love you guys, and we will prevail, with our own talents, where we are ALL IMPORTANT! | „ |
~ Katsu encouraging his friends. |
“ | Mika always thought she was doing the right thing, but all she was really doing was killing to further her own wishes, and your no different! I won't let you claim another innocent life! | „ |
~ Katsu to Xochtal. |
“ | Ok, ok, please, let's work this out! I know you want to convert people into stargazers, but that's not the right thing to do! Do you think your god would want you to kill all these avians? | „ |
~ Katsu trying to convince Ezalco to stop helping Xochtal commit genocide. |
- Tori Spearleif (Wife)
- Ethyl Countrisyde (Captain)
- Azima Abbas
- Tatasia Offentus
- Robin Reklaw
- Lexie Ventus
- Nightheart
- Ludvig Lopez
- Kumiko Matsumura
- Tetra Sunfyre
- Mark Coleman
- Zaura Thunderhawk
- Queen Moonquill
- Sakura (Ex-Girlfriend)
- Mika Aikawa (Arch Enemy)
- Inner Katsu (Inner Demon)
- Desert Tumbler
- Xochtal Reklaw
- Ezalco Starlight
- King Stormlance
- Ironwall
- Kleriya Offentus
- Princess Moonquill (Formerly)
- Mika's Posse
Katsu is a 21 year old male hylotl with white skin, a light blue belly, light blue axolotl style fins and 3 red eyes. He wears a grey protectorate shirt, grey trousers and grey shoes. He is also pretty tall, despite being one of the youngest characters.
- Katsu is a fan of My Hero Academia, which most likely inspired his dreams of protecting others and being a hero. He is even seen trying to mimic All Might.
- Katsu likes pineapple on pizza. Please don't be mad.
External Links[]
- Katsu Umino at the Pure Good Wiki