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Larry Daley is the main hero in [My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum, My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum 2, and My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum 3. He is in love with Shining Armor's younger sister Twilight Sparkle (Tara Strong), much to Flash Sentry's dismay and annoyance.

He is voiced by Ben Stiller in his first heroic fanon role.

Character biography[]

My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum[]

Larry started as a man who had trouble finding work, his inventing career did not take off for a while, so he decided to work at the Museum of Natural History as a night guard. When he found out that everything came to life he wanted to quit. But then he realized that he needed to protect the Tablet of Ahkmenrah or everything in the museum would turn to dust.

Later, the tablet got stolen by Cecil and two other night guards so Larry and the other members of the museum set out to retrieve it. They ended up getting the tablet and restoring it to its rightful spot in the museum.

Dr. McPhee fires Larry again after seeing news reports of the strange events around the museum – such as cave paintings in the museum's subway station, dinosaur footprints in Central Park, and cavemen sightings. However, upon seeing how much these events raised attendance, he thinks better of it and gives Larry his job back. Larry, Nick, and the exhibits celebrate the following night and throw a huge party for everyone.

My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum 2[]

Three years after the events of the first film, Larry now runs his own company Daily Devices in which he invented the Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight, Super Big Dog Bone and the Unloseable Key ring and eventually quit job. He visits to the museum, discovering most of the exhibits will be moved to the Federal Archives at the Smithsonian Institution, replaced with holographic information providers and The Tablet of Ahkmenrah is to remain in the museum, leaving most of the exhibits without the ability to come to life at night. After the exhibits are moved, Larry receives a phone call from Jedediah, who informs him that Dexter the monkey stole the tablet and took it to the Smithsonian, bringing every exhibit in it to life. Larry travels to Washington, DC, navigating his way to the archives with help from his son Nick while posing as a night guard. Larry finds his friends trapped in their shipping container under attack from Ahkmenrah's evil older brother Kahmunrah, accidentally activating the tablet and bringing the exhibits in the Smithsonian to life again and defeated nim with help his friends and Amelia Earhart.

Later Larry sells his company, donating the money to the museum to renovate it and keep it open later into the night, and the exhibits remain, capable of moving about at night under the pretense of being animatronics or hired re-enactors. Larry is rehired as a night guard.

My Little Pony: Night at the Haunted Museum 3[]

Larry now heads of night program and has a Planetarium exhibit grand opening being spectated Dr. McPhee. But the grand opening goes haywire, creating trouble with his job and McPhee getting fired. He goes home and finds his son, Nick throwing a party and him being as DJ.

Larry seeks help from Cecil for information, who informs him that Ahkmenrah's parents are located in London. They save the Tablet but have a little trouble with Sir Lancelot, who is at the British Museum. Teddy and others New York exhibits decided that Ahkmenrah (with Tablet) should stay with his parents if they not become alive again. Larry unwillingly accepts their decision and before returning home he tell Tilly (British Museum night guard) that her boring job become coolest since tomorrow night. After that he return in New York spend last sunset with his friends.

Three years later it is revealed by McPhee that Larry helped him return his position as director by took blame on himself. And he went back to school, got his degree and became teacher. Tilly, who has traveled with exhibits (including Ahkmenrah and Tablet) to New York, revealed truth to McPhee about Tablet and her magic abilities because Larry told her to do it and McPhee can be trusted.
