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Hero Fanon Wiki
This is an article about Leafy, a character created by SakuraWarrior123 on 8/30/2022.

Leafy is a young elven girl who lives from the Realm of the Fey. She accompanies Eve on her new adventures to continue saving other Miis from monsters that still scattered around the land after the redemption of the Dark Curse. She is an OC created by SakuraWarrior123 and will appear in their upcoming Wattpad story Eve and the Land of Miitopia.

Physical Appearance[]

Leafy is an elven girl with lime green hair (blondish in certain lighting) tied into braids and green eyes. She wears a white flower on the right side of her head. She wears the green version of the floral raiment and wears bracelets, a white cape, and brown shoes.


Leafy is a kindhearted elf seeks to travel the world to learn more about it when leaving the Realm of the Fey. She enjoys adventuring with her friends and can be a tsundere sometimes. She does not hesitate to fight to monsters and is willing to spare them sometimes. Leafy loves nature and cares for her friends and her older brother Branch.

Powers and Equipment[]


Leafy uses a bow which is a elf's weapon of choice. She can enchant her arrows with magical powers and can make an enemy dance with Dancing Arrow.

Nature control[]

Leafy can pray to the forest to protect her friends and herself from her enemies.


  • She is really into cute things.
  • She dislikes bugs such as spiders but she likes butterflies.
  • Her age is unknown because elves live longer than humans.