“ | I think I was born with special strength for the purpose of destroying Black Hat and Lucifer Langdon. That's my best duty to assume their demise. | „ |
~ Luigi Latorre |
Luigi Latorre is an OC in LOTM's Crossover War Heroes series. He is created by Luigi777 (formerly known as Porfirio 739 and Darthnecrozma666)
Luigi Latorre is a silver-haired youngman, who looks very young and immortal. He wears green outfit. During Martial Arts Practice, he wears a Taekwondo Uniform.
Luigi has been considered a hero. After being reformed infnite times, Luigi is a not-so serious, relaxable person by having a humor or Elmer Fudd Laughing Style. He believes that laughing and happiness are the best cures to his life by developing happy cells. Luigi has a greater sense of Adaptational Heroism upon being inspired by all of his favorite heroes by series, including Bugs Bunny. He is now ready to fight off against many threats like The Empire from Zoids, MetsubouJinrai.NET, and many of them.
When his dream is easily done. Luigi is ready to become the new King of Heroes in order to help many people of countless species in the entire Multi-Universe, including the HumaGears themselves. He is destined to bring peace between humans and countless species.
While in female form, Luigi/Porfa is lot more cheerful than her male form.
Crossover War Heroes[]
Luigi Latorre made a debut as a loyal servant to Yuinshiel Asteria. He trains himself to get stronger with the help of the Code Talkers, who acted as loyal bodyguards of Lady Yuinshiel Asteria. When Leo Conrad and Sally Land had arrived, he and the heroes discussed to them that they can become sacrifice-vessels to assume Wild Liger's evolution to Beast Liger. So that, they can win the war against Gunther Prozen and his men.
After Hiroki Nagase and the rest of his friends were saved by the Tekkadan, Leo Conrad, Sally Land and their friends managed to destroy Judgement 6 for good. Following the victory of our heroes, Leo Conrad and Sally Land reported to Yuinshiel Asteria and her followers that the heroic martial artists and many innocent heroes were recently saved. He and his friends had visited Rona Tsunomori for the first time. After that, he was greeted by Kuroto Dan and Knight Unryuji to have a happy Ketogenic Dinner time in the Dinning Hall.
When Symphogear heroines and their friends have return home. He and his girlfriend woke themselves up in the next morning to enjoy the peaceful time in the Subic Bay Peninsular Hotel, along with Luigi Latorre. However, he heard the mysterious ships arrived on earth. He and his friends decided to visit Sento Kiryu and Milinda Brantini for the first time. Upon visiting them, Leo Conrad and his friends decided to encounter Kanami Etou and her parents. After they finished the meeting, he, Sally, and Luigi decided to join forces with Tekkadan.
After death of Alice McCoy, Luigi and his fellow heroes continued their journey. Suddenly, the magical rainbow aura caused Luigi to have a transgender transformation into Porfa. She later accompanies Leo and Sally. After the deaths of Kenzo Tenma and Atra Mixta, she/he and the gang arrived to visit Kudelia Aina Bernstein for the final time. After the short visit, Luigi and the heroes encountered Pierce, the remnant of Team Rocket.
Digimon Forms[]
Single Forms[]

AncientGreymon is Luigi's Fire Form.
AncientGreymon is an Ancient Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ancient" and "Greymon". Possessing the attribute of "flame", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors who saved the Ancient Digital World. A Mega Digimon who existed only in the distant past, it is told that its strength surpasses that of current Megas, and it is certainly an "Ultimate" being. AncientGreymon's abilities were later passed on to the "Dragon Digimon" of the Greymon-species. It is said that in the previous crusade, it survived to the end alongside AncientGarurumon, and sealed away Lucemon. Its Special Moves are gathering the spirit of the land and creating a tornado to swallow up the opponent and blow them away (Gaia Tornado), and inducing a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers alongside an intense flash (Omega Burst).

AncientGarurumon is Luigi's Light Form.
AncientGarurumon is an Ancient Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Ancient Garurumon". Possessing the attribute of "light", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors who saved the Ancient Digital World. A Mega Digimon who existed only in the distant past, it is called the "Supreme Shining Beast". AncientGarurumon's abilities were later passed on to the "Beast Digimon". It is said that in the previous crusade, it survived to the end alongside AncientGreymon, and sealed away Lucemon. Its Special Moves are brandishing its two greatswords with a dazzling radiance and cutting apart the opponent (Sharpness Claymore), and completely halting the movement of electrons with super-cold air at absolute zero and a super-ray of light.

AncientBeetlemon is Luigi's Thunder/Lightning Form.
AncientBeetlemon is an Ancient Insect Digimon. One of the Ten Legendary Warriors who saved the ancient Digital World, this Digimon bears the attribute of 'Thunder'. One of the first Mega-leveled beings to exist in ancient times, its form is similar to that of various insects such as rhinoceros beetles and stag beetles. Its outer shell's hardness rivals that of Chrome-Digizoid, so that its sickle-shaped arms can lift objects hundreds of times its own mass easily, yet are light enough for it to cut through said objects. AncientBeetlemon's attribute was passed down to Insect type Digimon. Its special attacks are "Calamity Thunder", a super-electrical discharge attack so powerful that it can create super-disasters, and "Tera Blaster", an attack 1,000 times more powerful than the "Giga Blaster" attack.

AncientKazemon is Luigi's Wind Form.
AncientKazemon is an Ancient Bird Man Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Wind", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it has golden wings and a beautiful rainbow-colored figure. With its golden wings, it soars around the vast skies, and it is said that, by erecting rainbow bridges, it can move freely even through the earth and sea. Its beauty and abilities were later passed on to the "Bird Man" and "Fairy Digimon".

AncientMegatheriummon is Luigi's Ice Form.
AncientMegatheriummon is an Ancient Beast Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Ice", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it is said that the power and bravery it possesses can adapt even to the intense cold of the freezing tundra. Its abilities were later passed on to the "Mammal" and "Ice-Snow Digimon".

AncientWisemon is Luigi's Steel Form.
AncientWisemon is an Ancient Mutant Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Steel", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it is the wisest person in the Digital World. Due to the Akashic Records which record all of the excellent intellects of ancient times, it is said that there is nothing which AncientWisemon doesn't know. It is a sage that possesses the knowledge of the distant past, but can also forecast the distant future. Also, it is said that AncientWisemon's mirror body is connected to the spirit world. Its abilities were later passed on to the "Mutant Digimon"

AncientWisemon is Luigi's Earth Form.
AncientVolcanomon is an Ancient Mineral Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Earth", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it has the most power among the Ancient Digimon. There is always high temperature magma welling up inside its body, which becomes the source of its mighty power. Its abilities were later passed on to the "Ore" and "Mineral" types of Rock-species Digimon.

AncientTroiamon is Luigi's Wood Form.
AncientTroiamon is an Ancient Plant Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Wood", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it boasts of the greatest size among the Ancient Digimon. Various mechanisms are set within its body and it displays tricky attacks and movements. Its abilities were later passed on to the "Plant Digimon".

AncientMermaidmon is Luigi's Water Form.
AncientMermaidmon is an Ancient Aquatic Beast Man Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Water", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it is the guardian goddess of the birthplace of Digimon, the "Net Ocean", ruling the whole of it and able to handle all water, such as the ocean currents and tidal waves, as if they were its own limbs. It is said that countless continents and islands have been erased when AncientMermaidmon felt angry. Its abilities were later passed on to the "Aquatic Digimon".

AncientSphinxmon is Luigi's Darkness Form.
AncientSphinxmon is an Ancient Mythical Animal Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "Darkness", it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digital World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it is set at the opposite extreme to AncientGarurumon as a being born from darkness. It rules over the destruction and annihilation of all existing or living things, and is feared as the "Deadly Dark Beast". Its abilities were later passed on to the "Mythical Animal" and "Demon Beast Digimon"
Hyper/Fused Forms[]

EmperorGreymon is Luigi's Fusion Sun Form.
EmperorGreymon is a Dragon Warrior Digimon. It is a Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Flame which is said to have surpassed even the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. It is said to bear the power of the nine dragon's veins that flow through Gaia, and it has been prophesied that if it can restrain the might of the nine dragons, it will demonstrate unfathomable ability and even be able to rule Gaia. It is said that, in order to control their power, it possesses the "Ryuugonken" (龍魂剣 Ryūgonken?, lit. "Dragon Soul Sword") in which the dragon's souls are sealed.

MagnaGarurumon is Luigi's Fusion Moon Form
MagnaGarurumon is an Android Digimon. It is a Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Light which is said to have surpassed even the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. It specializes in moving at light speed, and when its aviation unit is equipped, it is able to fly at subluminal speeds. Also, its "Charge Phantom" chest armor, its long-range firing "Sniper Phantom" on its right arm, and its mid-range firing "Strike Phantom" on its left arm are capable of being detached, although this decreases a portion of its firepower. By spinning at high altitudes, the "Laser Sights" on its chest are capable of locking onto all anti-air and anti-ground targets, so as soon as it spins at an extremely high altitude and confirms its targets, it commences a full-scale attack. It seems that it's already too late to escape from MagnaGarurumon
Ultimate Fusion Form[]

Susanoomon is Luigi's final fusion form by combining all of the ten elements of the Ten Legendary Warriors.
Susanoomon is a Wizard Digimon. Told of in Oriental legends, it is the strongest destructive god and the god which governs over regeneration. It is told that when the Network System descends into chaos, it will erase the existing system, and create a new one. It wields the "ZERO-ARMS: Orochi", which emanates a gigantic sword of light.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Transformation Ascendancy - Luigi can ascend through transformation, undergoing a change of being completely remaking/modifying their personal existence into a far more powerful and ascending/transcending state completely enhancing themselves into a far more superior version of self, possibly achieving an almighty ascension making them virtually omnipotent.
- Gender Transformation - The user can alter ones and/or other's gender either permanently or temporarily, they may be able to combine genders for hermaphrodite or remove both for neutri. The change is completely to cellular level.
- Sacred Light Manipulation - The power to manipulate divine light. Variation of Divine Element Manipulation. Combination of Divine Force Manipulation and Light Manipulation. Counterpart of Sacred Darkness Manipulation. Opposite to Demonic Light Manipulation. Not to be confused with Pure Light Manipulation.
- Divinity - Luigi has divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making users a divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained a number of different ways.
- Dimensional Travel - Luigi can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.
- Rainbow Manipulation - Luigi can create, shape and manipulate rainbows, an optical and meteorological phenomenon that is caused by both reflection and refraction of light in water droplets in the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky in the form of a multicolored arc.
- Black Hole Manipulation - Luigi can create, shape, and manipulate black holes, a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing – no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light – can escape from it.
- Angelic Empowerment - Luigi can draw strength from powerful angelic forces in order to increase their natural abilities. Often times, this occurs when one gives prayer to the angels, comes in contact with a relic of their power, or becomes a conduit of their energy. If the user is deemed worthy, they may be able to keep the powers they are blessed with.
- Healing Prayer - Luigi can heal others through intense, undoubting and pure prayer.
- Prayer Empowerment - Luigi become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by the prayers of others, possibly unlocking abilities related to their affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the prayers or even slow or stop aging.
- Gaia Tornado: Gathers the spirit of the land and creates a tornado to swallow up the opponent and blow them away.
- Omega Burst: Induces a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers alongside an intense flash.
- Omega Corona
- Sharp Claymore (Sharpness Claymore): Brandishes its two greatswords with a dazzling radiance and cuts the opponent to pieces.
- Absolute Zero: Completely halts the movement of electrons with super-cold air at absolute zero and a super-ray of light.
- Calamity Thunder: Attacks with a calamitous thunder which brings about super-disasters.
- Tera Blaster: Attacks with a super-electrical discharge with a thousand times the power of "Mega Electro Shocker".
- Storm Gazer: Continuously generates a colossal storm.
- Rainbow Symphony: Uses its rapier to play a symphony of super-fused lasers that shine with the colors of the rainbow.
- Freezing Blizzard: Generates a super-blizzard at absolute zero which suspends the atomic movement of every object.
- Great Snowplow: Performs a super-charge which easily destroys even the eternally-frozen gigantic icebergs.
- Laplace no Ma (ラプラスの魔 Rapurasu no Ma?, lit. "Laplace's Demon"): Calculates the coordinates to the spirit world with ultimate wisdom, and imprisons the opponent there for an eternity.
- Elder Sign: Summons the ultimate evil god from the spirit world.
- Lava-lanche (Atomic Bomber): Detonates the volcano on its back, which propels it into a super-strong lariat.
- Lava-lanche (Supernova): Generates antimatter within its body, which causes a super-detonation comparable to a tiny Big Bang.
- Epeius Gimmick: Simultaneously operates every gimmick throughout its body.
- Surprise Cannon: Shoots super-massive shells from the huge cannons in its mouth and chest.
- Great Maelstrom: Generates a gigantic maelstrom which swallows everything in the water.
- Crystal Billow: Crystallizes water into supersolids, then fires them off like a machine gun.
- Dark Blast: Fires a laser beam alongside a roar.
- Necro Eclipse: Attacks with the ultimate annihilation technique which completely envelops the opponent in the darkness of death.
- Dragonfire Crossbow (炎龍撃 Enryūgeki?, lit. "Flame Dragon Attack"): Fires arrows from the Ryūgonken, whose flames are so intense that they become a white light.
- Pyro Dragons (九頭龍陣 Kuzuryūjin?, lit. "Nine-headed Dragon Array"): Releases the eight dragon's veins dwelling within Gaia, then becomes the final dragon itself and pulverizes the opponent with the Ryūgonken.
- Hikuzuryūjin (飛九頭龍陣? lit. "Flying Nine-headed Dragon Array"): Slashes downward with the Ryūgonken in the air.
- Ryūgonken (龍魂剣? lit. "Dragon Soul Sword"): Slashes with the Ryūgonken.
- Dragon Crusher
- Enjin (焔刃? lit. "Flame Edge"): Slashes with the Ryūgonken.
- Kūenjin (空焔刃? lit. "Air Flame Edge"): Slashes with the Ryūgonken in the air.
- Hayate Homura (疾風焔? lit. "Gale Flame"): Performs a lunging slash with the Ryūgonken.
- Rengokukenbu (煉獄剣舞? lit. "Purgatory Sword Dance"): Performs a dashing lunge with the Ryūgonken.
- Ni no Mai (二の舞? lit. "Second Dance"): Performs a second slash after Rengokukenbu.
- San no Mai (三の舞? lit. "Third Dance"): Performs a third slash after Ni no Mai.
- Feral Fire (Machine Gun Destroy): Conducts a simultaneous firing of all its guns at all the locked targets, then violently pulverizes the main target at high speed.
- Starburst Hunter (Starlight Velocity): Accelerates to speeds that exceed the subluminal and reach the superluminal level after detaching the Charge Phantom, then erases everything that comes in contact with any of the bands of light.
- Magna Missiles: Consecutive missiles are launched at the opponent. Can be fired from either his flying unit, "Sniper Phantom", or "Strike Phantom".
- Magna Rockets
- Magna Blade: Slashes four times with its light sword.
- Aero Magna Blade: Slashes with its light sword while in the air.
- Magna Cannon: Fires from the Sniper Phantom.
- Celestial Blade (天羽々斬 Ama-no-Habakiri?, lit. "Slash of Heavenly Wings"): Slices and stabs everything in the world with the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi.
- Heaven's Thunder (八雷神 Yakusa-no-Ikadzuchi?, lit. "Eight Thunder Gods"): Points the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi at the heavens, which then rain incessant bolts of lightning upon the ground. Its power is rivaled by "Plasma Crack".
- ZERO-ARMS: Orochi
Sento Kiryu[]
Sento Kiryu is a loyal soldier to Marika Kato and the soldiers of Tekkadan. He and Milinda are befriended by Luigi for the first time during his adventures. After Leo Conrad and Sally Land's demise, Sento and the gang kept helping Luigi to fight back against Gjallahorn.
Milinda Brantini[]
Milinda is a loyal soldier to Marika Kato and the soldiers of Tekkadan. She and Sento are befriended by Luigi for the first time during his adventures. After Leo Conrad and Sally Land's demise, Milinda and the gang kept helping Luigi to fight back against Gjallahorn.
Hinako Shirai[]
Hinako has been reunited with Sento and Milinda after Takaaki Tenjo and Matori are killed. She got befriended by Luigi Latorre.
Pulsemon was befriended by Luigi for the first time during his adventures. After Leo Conrad and Sally Land's demise, Milinda and the gang kept helping Luigi to fight back against Gjallahorn.
Lucifer Langdon[]
Lucifer Langdon is one of Luigi's archenemies for the first time. Lucifer and Luigi met like Muzan and Tanjiro in Kimetsu no Yaiba. Like his fellow evil Kamen RIders, he was honestly the person who killed the 12 DigiDestined.
Isaac Kanda[]
Isaac Kanda is one of Luigi's archenemies for the first time. Like his fellow evil Kamen RIders, he was honestly the person who killed the 12 DigiDestined.
Bacht is one of Luigi's archenemies for the first time. Like his fellow evil Kamen Riders, he was honestly the person who killed the 12 DigiDestined.
Ryoga Shindai[]
Ryoga Shindai is one of Luigi's archenemies for the first time. Like his fellow evil Kamen RIders, he was honestly the person who killed the 12 DigiDestined.
Reika Shindai[]
Reika Shindai is one of Luigi's archenemies for the first time. Like her fellow evil Kamen RIders, she was honestly the person who killed the 12 DigiDestined.
Luigi's Gallery[]
Battlizer Gallery[]
Heisei Kamen Rider Form[]
Spirits of the Ten Legendary Warriors[]
- Luigi shares the same birthday with his creator Luigi777, January 23 1992.
- Luigi loves chocolate sweets/foods.
- Unlike his real life counterpart, he serves many gods to protect humanity from darkness.
- Luigi is one of the main heroes who is Pure of Heart.
Joan of Arc[]
Not just a legendary female warrior but also a Roman Catholic saint, Joan was but a girl when visions of the Archangel Michael drove her to approach the military of France's King Charles VII and offer to assist in his efforts to expel the occupying English in the later days of the Hundred Years' War. Though initially mocked by these men and soldiers, Joan was taken seriously once her influence ended the Siege of Orleans in nine days.
By age 17, she played a key role in commanding France's army, and her forte in the military seemed to be for strategy over slaying. The French owed much to Joan, and yet it was the Burgundians, Frenchmen loyal to England, that led to her demise. She was captured in 1430 and, despite several escape attempts and rescue efforts, Joan was put on trial by the English for heresy and cross-dressing. Her visions were now derided, and her armor called an atrocity. She was convicted, sentenced to death, and burned alive at the stake.
Even after her death, her strategies are said to have influenced the French battle model. More than 25 years later, the Catholic Church revisited Joan's trial for heresy, overturning the charges against her in a case of too little too late. It would be more than 460 years before Pope Benedict XV declared Joan a saint.
Mythological and Religious[]
Susanoo (スサノオ; historical orthography: スサノヲ, Susanowo) is a kami in Japanese mythology. The younger brother of Amaterasu, goddess of the sun and mythical ancestress of the Japanese imperial line, he is a multifaceted deity with contradictory characteristics (both good and bad), being portrayed in various stories either as a wild, impetuous god associated with the sea and storms, as a heroic figure who killed a monstrous serpent, or as a local deity linked with the harvest and agriculture. Syncretic beliefs that arose after the introduction of Buddhism to Japan also saw Susanoo becoming conflated with deities of pestilence and disease.
Susanoo, alongside Amaterasu and the earthly kami Ōkuninushi (also Ōnamuchi) – who, depending on the source, is depicted as being either Susanoo's son or descendant – is one of the central deities of the imperial Japanese mythological cycle recorded in the Kojiki (ca. 712 CE) and the Nihon Shoki (720 CE). One of the gazetteer reports (Fudoki) commissioned by the imperial court during the same period these texts were written, that of Izumo Province (modern Shimane Prefecture) in western Japan, also contains a number of short legends concerning Susanoo or his children, suggesting a connection between the god and this region. In addition, a few other myths also hint at a connection between Susanoo and the Korean Peninsula.
Moses (/ˈmoʊzɪz, -zɪs/), also known as Moshe Rabbenu (Hebrew: מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ lit. "Moshe our Teacher"), is the most important prophet in Judaism, and an important prophet in Islam, Christianity, the Baháʼí Faith, and a number of other Abrahamic religions. In the biblical and Qur'anic narrative he was the leader of the Israelites and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the first five books of the bible, the Torah, or "acquisition of the Torah from heaven," is attributed.
Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE; Jerome suggested 1592 BCE, and James Ussher suggested 1571 BCE as his birth year. Scholarly consensus sees Moses as a mythical figure, while retaining the possibility that a Moses-like figure existed.
According to the Book of Exodus, Moses was born in a time when his people, the Israelites, an enslaved minority, were increasing in population and, as a result, the Egyptian Pharaoh worried that they might ally themselves with Egypt's enemies. Moses' Hebrew mother, Jochebed, secretly hid him when the Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed in order to reduce the population of the Israelites. Through the Pharaoh's daughter (identified as Queen Bithia in the Midrash), the child was adopted as a foundling from the Nile river and grew up with the Egyptian royal family. After killing an Egyptian slave-master who was beating a Hebrew, Moses fled across the Red Sea to Midian, where he encountered the Angel of the Lord, speaking to him from within a burning bush on Mount Horeb, which he regarded as the Mountain of God.
God sent Moses back to Egypt to demand the release of the Israelites from slavery. Moses said that he could not speak eloquently, so God allowed Aaron, his elder brother, to become his spokesperson. After the Ten Plagues, Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses died within sight of the Promised Land on Mount Nebo.
Jesus Christ[]
Jesus (c. 4 BC – AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited messiah (the Christ), prophesied in the Old Testament.
Natsuru Seno[]
Natsuru Senō [瀬能 ナツル, Senō Natsuru] is a second year student of Seitetsu Gakuin High School. He is the only known instance for a male to be chosen to fight as a Kämpfer. He was transformed into a Kämpfer upon receiving an Entrails Animal, Harakiri Tora, from his crush, Kaede Sakura. Natsuru lived a regular life until he woke up to find that he was a girl. Harakiri Tora revealed itself as his Messenger and went on to inform him of the existence of Moderators and Kämpfer, and their purpose of fighting other Kämpfer. While initially adamant, Natsuru eventually accepted the fact that he was indeed a Kämpfer. Natsuru fought with many Kämpfer, though later befriending some of them. He seeks to discover the reason and extent of Kaede'sinvolvement with the Moderators. At the end of the original series (Light Novel) Natsuru chooses to be with Akane, however, at the end of the manga Natsuru eventually chooses to be with Shizuku thus making him Shizuku's lover. At the end of episode 12 of the anime series, both male and female Natsuru are seen as adults together with their daughter. The revelations of the two Natsuru separate and living their lives has not been explained. This implies that, at some point in the future, he will separate and marry his female alter ego through unknown means.
Tanjiro Kamado[]
Tanjiro Kamado (竈門かまど 炭たん治じ郎ろう, Kamado Tanjirō) is the main protagonist of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is also the older brother of Nezuko Kamado. He is a Kanoe ranked Demon Slayer and a member of the Demon Slaying Corps. He is hunting down the demon who is responsible for the murder of his family and his sister's transformation into one.
Tanjiro is kind by nature and has been described by others as having very gentle eyes. He exhibits a great deal of determination and will not give up once he has a goal to achieve; the best example of this being his relentless quest to find a cure for Nezuko. Even though he is relatively strong on his own, Tanjiro isn't opposed to asking others for help when he needs it. He is very protective of his friends and even more so of his younger sister. However, despite his kind and understanding nature, Tanjiro does have a limit to his tolerance and has a distaste for rudeness, as he easily becomes annoyed by Zenitsu Agatsuma's constant whining, and angered by Inosuke Hashibira's barbaric actions.
Tanjiro's most notable attribute is his ability to empathize with anyone, even demons, which often made him hesitate before delivering the final blow. This moment of hesitation has a downside, as it has allowed some Demons to take advantage of Tanjiro's understanding nature to recover and continue the fight, though this occurs rarely. However, as Tanjiro gains experience over the years of his service, he becomes more calculating and strict in his decisions. His courage to protect the weak commits him to face his enemy with respect and dignity, whether versus good people or evil Demons.
Nodoka Hanadera[]
Nodoka Hanadera is the main protagonist of Healin' Good♡Pretty Cure. Nodaka's alter ago is Cure Grace and she is known as the Pretty Cure of Flowers.
She is voiced by Aoi Yūuki who also voiced Hibiki Tachibana in Senki Zesshou Symphogear, Mina Tepes in Dance in the Vampire Bund, Meme Tatane in Soul Eater Not!, Yuuki Konno in Sword Art Online, Tamaki Kotatsu in Fire Force, Diane in The Seven Deadly Sins, Madoka Kaname in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Iris in Pokémon: Black & White and Natsume Amano in Yo-kai Watch Shadowside from TV series in Japanese Version.
Takeru Tenkuji[]
Takeru Tenkuji (天空寺 タケル Tenkūji Takeru), alternatively spelt Takeru Tenkuuji, is the son of Ryu Tenkuji and a member of the Mysterious Phenomenon Institute at Daitenku Temple. After being killed by the Katana Gamma on his eighteenth birthday, he was brought back to Earth by Edith to fight against the Gamma as Kamen Rider Ghost (仮面ライダーゴースト Kamen Raidā Gōsuto), while venturing on a journey to collect Eyecons in order to fully restore him back to life.
Makoto Naegi[]
Makoto Naegi is the main protagonist of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Unlike most students, he was selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy because he won a lottery, earning him the title of Ultimate Lucky Student. He is also the older brother of Komaru Naegi.
He is voiced by Megumi Ogata in the Japanese version of the anime and the game, and by Bryce Papenbrook in the English version of the anime and the game.
Hajime Hinata[]
Hajime Hinata is the main protagonist of Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. He originally had no talent, entering Hope's Peak Academy as a reserve course student, but he eventually earned the title of Ultimate Hope after participating in Project Izuru Kamukura - a brain alteration/augmentation program named after the school's founder designed to "create a genius out of the ordinary" - in which his original memories were erased. During this time, he was known as Izuru Kamukura.
He and Izuru are voiced by Minami Takayama in the Japanese version of the anime and the game, and by Johnny Yong Bosch in the English version of the anime and the game.
Shuichi Saihara[]
Shuichi Saihara is the deuteragonist-turned true main protagonist of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.
He is a student in Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles and a participant in the Killing School Semester. Shuichi has the title of the Ultimate Detective (Super High School Level Detective), though he himself claims he doesn't deserve it, as he is only a "detective-in-training".
He is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara in the Japanese version of the game, and by Grant George in the English version of the game.
Kouya Marino[]
Kouya Marino is the younger brother of Yuhya Marino and the main protagonist of Crush Gear Turbo. Like any of the Gear Fighters, Kouya dreams to become a World Cup champion. Hence, the anime’s storyline revolves around his struggle to become a great Gear Fighter similar to his late brother.
Kouya’s Crush Gear is Garuda Eagle which is inherited from Yuhya, and later on in the series, Garuda Phoenix. He is also seen using Battlehawk during the elimination match in the first episode. During his participation in Gear Pancratum as Sukiyaking, he uses Ark Cavalier which is given by Sean Firestone, a Gear Master whom he met in San Francisco.
Loran Cehack[]
Loran Cehack is the main protagonist of the anime ∀ Gundam(Turn A Gundam). A young boy from the Moonrace who was on a mission to scout Earth, along with Keith and Fran Doll. The three split up to explore, and Loran was first attacked by wolves, to be saved by the local lord, then nearly drowned before being saved by Kihel and Sochie Heim, daughters of a prominent local family. After being hired as a driver and mechanic by the household, Loran acclimates to Earth living and concludes that it is time for the Moonrace to return. The Moonrace coincidentally does come back while Loran is participating in a coming-of-age ceremony (while nude, incidentally), but they attack Nocis City and Vicinity Town immediately. This awakens the "White Doll" statue on the moutain—which turns out to be a mobile suit of immense power, the Turn A Gundam.
Samurai Jack[]
Samurai Jack (real name unknown) is the titular main protagonist from the Cartoon Network TV show of the same name. He is the son of a Japanese Emperor who once defeated the evil dark wizard, Aku by wielding a magical Katana infused with the power of the gods, making it the only weapon capable of harming the demon.
He was voiced by Phil LaMarr during the series, who also voiced Static in Static Shock.
Professor Utonium[]
Professor Utonium is the creator and father of the Powerpuff Girls. He is known for his gentle ways and being much caring for his daughters. He is also an inventor and a scientist and has a huge merit of inventions in his backpack. His interactions with the girls often include what one would think of as common events in a household with three children, such as telling them to eat their broccoli. His first appearance (although his appearance was different) was in Whoopass Stew.
Roan is the main protagonist in the anime, Ragnarok: The Animation. He is a norman whose his job was the swordsman as he seeks strength to protect his childhood friend, Yufa from the evils in the kingdom of Rune-Midgard. Later, he gained his second job class which is the crusader.
Ash Ketchum[]
Ash Ketchum is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Pikachu) of the Pokémon franchise. Pikachu is the only Pokémon he travels with to every region he goes to in his journey. Ash's ultimate goal is to become a Pokémon Master, the greatest Pokémon Trainer ever. His mother is Delia Ketchum. His father has not yet been seen in the series. He is the longest-running character in the Pokémon series. He is based on Red from the Generation I games.
Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ, Pikachu) is the mascot of the Pokémon franchise, and is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Ash Ketchum) of the Pokémon franchise, one of the eight protagonists of the "Subspace Emissary" sub-game, and the titular main protagonist of the Pikachu Shorts series. It is an Electric-type Pokemon that resembles a mouse.
Pikachu evolves from Pichu by leveling up with max happiness. Pikachu evolves into Raichu if given a Thunder Stone. In Sword and Shield, Pikachu can dynamax as a Gigantamax Pikachu.
It is voiced by Ikue Ōtani in most of its appearances, particularly its male version and in Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!, he is voiced by Kate Bristol (best known as Kisa Sohma) as speaking.
Takeshi Hongo/Kamen Rider 1[]
Takeshi Hongo aka Kamen Rider 1 is the main protagonist of the original Kamen Rider series from 1971. He is a biochemist at Jounan University, who also races motorcycles as part of the Tachibana Racing team. He was abducted by the evil organization Shocker and converted into a cyborg to serve the organization but managed to escape before they could brainwash him. After making his escape, Hongo became the first Kamen Rider and dedicated his life to fighting against evil and bringing down Shocker, along with their successor organizations and any other threats to the world.
He was portrayed by Hiroshi Fujioka, who also did his stunts in suit.
Ragna the Bloodedge[]
Ragna the Bloodedge is the main protagonist of the video game series BlazBlue. He is the older brother of Jin Kisaragi and Saya. He was a wanted criminal with an extraordinarily large bounty on his head (well in the trillions) for rebelling against the Novus Orbis Librarium.
Zordon of Eltar was a wise galactic sage who fought for the side of good against the forces of evil. He was known particularly for the creation of the Power Rangers. He appeared in the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and remained a regular character until Power Rangers: Turbo, and died during the finale of Power Rangers in Space.
Harry Potter[]
Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980) is the titular main protagonist of the series of books and films of the same name.
He is a wizard who survived an attempted murder by an evil dark-wizard named Lord Voldemort as an infant — leaving him with a distinctive lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry's survival, coupled with the prophecy that surrounded him and Voldemort as revealed by Sybil Trelawney, led him revered as one of legendary figures by many in wizarding world (the other being Dumbledore and Voldemort himself) where in his case, as the Chosen One who is prophesied to defeat the Dark Lord. He is the son of James Potter I and Lily Potter, the godson of Sirius Black and the best friend of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
Ruby Rose[]
Ruby Rose is the main protagonist of the web series RWBY.
Ruby is a student at Beacon Academy and the leader of Team RWBY (pronounced the same as her name). Her weapon of choice is a High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe that she had dubbed Crescent Rose.
Cloud Strife[]
Cloud Strife is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy VII and a recurring character in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, appearing as the main protagonist of Advent Children and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and a supporting character of Crisis Core, and in Dirge Of Cerberus.
Outside of the series continuity, Cloud has been a recurring playable character in the Fortune Street, Super Smash Bros. and Dissidia Final Fantasy series, and has been playable in the titles Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring, Chocobo Racing, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Explorers and Final Fantasy Tactics. Cloud has also had several minor roles in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Cloud is an expert swordsman that starts out as a mercenary, but as the story goes on he wants to save the world from Shinra and his mortal enemy, Sephiroth.
Kanami Etou[]
Kanami Etō (衛藤 可奈美, Etō Kanami?) is the main protagonist of the original anime series Toji no Miko and a second-year student in the middle school division of Minoseki Academy.
Domon Kasshu[]
Domon Kasshu (ドモン・カッシュ, Domon Kasshu?) was the main protagonist of Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Domon was seen as brash, impulsive, emotional, and extremely impatient. Domon was very prone to letting his emotions overcome his better judgement, but that was usually leveled off by his partner, Rain's even-keeled personality.
Chizuru Yukimura[]
Chizuru Yukimura (雪村 千鶴 Yukimura Chizuru) is the main protagonist in the Hakuōki Shinsengumi Kitan series and the narrator of the anime/games.
She is a pure-blooded oni and the only female in the Shinsengumi who becomes a medic, cook, messenger and attendant for the organization after being taken in by the Shinsengumi. Throughout the series, she develops feeling for Toshizo Hijikata (the vice-commander) that she eventually became his lover.
Momotaros (モモタロス Momotarosu) is one of the main good Imagin in the series Kamen Rider Den-O, and one of the Taros. As Ryotaro Nogami's first Imagin ally, he allows him to use Den-O's Sword Form. Momotaros eventually becomes the representative of the Den-O series, becoming Kamen Rider Den-O (仮面ライダー電王 Kamen Raidā Den'ō, lit. "Power King") himself. He is voiced by Toshihiko Seki.
Zayto is an alien warrior from the planet Rafkon. More than 65,000,000 years ago, Rafkon was attacked by the Sporix, alien beasts that know nothing but destruction. Zayto lead the Knights of Rafkon to try and repel the attacking Sporix monsters, but the Sporix proven too powerful and Rafkon was laid to waste. Zayto and the remaining knights fled Rafkon and tracked the Sporix to Earth. Zayto and the remaining knights fought alongside the dinosaurs to try and defeat the Sporix. Unfortunately, the Sporix had gotten stronger than before, gaining the ability to grow giant, forcing the knights and their dinosaur companions to retreat.
During the fierce battle, the knights and their dinosaurs received a visit from the Morphing Masters, who transformed them into the ancient Dino Fury Rangers and created their weapons and Zords. Zayto would eventually meet a wise Solonosaurus known as Solon. The ancient Dino Fury Rangers managed to seal the Sporix away, but five of them would perish in the battle. Only Zayto and Solon survived, with Solon being injured and was forced to be augmented with cybernetic enhancements. Zayto would be placed into stasis for more than 65 million years, therefor, along with Solon, surviving the asteroid strike that wiped out the entire dinosaur population.
Zayto would be reawakened by Solon millions of years later when Void Knight attacked his chamber. He would then meet his newest Ranger teammates, Ollie and Amelia. As a being from Rafkon, Zayto can read minds and can retract his antennae to blend in with the Earth population.
Atem (Yami Yugi)[]
Yami Yugi (real name: Atem), also known as Dark Yugi in the original Japanese version, is the central protagonist in the manga and anime Yu-Gi-Oh! by Kazuki Takahashi. Yami Yugi is the ancient spirit of a dead pharoh that has been reincarnated as a young boy in the modern era.
Leomon is an Animal Digimon. He is called the "King of Beasts", as well as the "Noble Hero". While most Digimon are ferocious, Leomon possesses a strong will and a heart of justice, and has defeated a great number of fiendish Digimon. Also, he is a rival to the "Digimon Hunter" Ogremon, who runs the whole gamut of destruction.
Leomon's tough flesh, tempered well by daily training, can endure any attack, and since he chokes the life out of the opponent with his quick attacks, Leomon can be said to be an outstanding Combat Species.
He carries a sentient magical sword called "Beast Sword" (獅子王丸 Shishiou-maru?, lit. "Lion King") on his waist.
Margrave Juro[]
Margrave Juro was a human male Jedi who ruled the Outer Rim Territories planet Hy Izlan. Seeking to revive the Jedi Order after it had been absent for a long time, Juro sent out a message summoning masterless Jedi to Hy Izlan, where he hoped to supply them with lightsabers crafted by the legendary sabersmith Lah Zhima. However, Juro became aware that Sith were beginning to take out the Jedi he had contacted and come disguised in their place. Thus, he remained hidden inside of a droid suit until his enemies revealed themselves when Lah Zhima's daughter, Lah Kara, finally delivered the lightsabers. Together with Kara and Ethan, Juro dueled and slew five of the other six warriors, save for Homen, who he appealed to and allowed to come back to the light.
Ryubee Gundam[]
The successor of Ryuutei. A young samurai who is from the bloodline of the Ryuutei, who once ruled the whole Mirisha. He is born in Rousou Village (楼桑村) of Yuushuu (幽州) in northern Mirisha. He does not accept the evil, for justice he can stand against anyone without any fear, a man of men. His righteous spirit later gathered a number of warriors under his banner. A cheerful youth who is always caring to children. He looks up to his senior Kousonsan (Gongsun Zan).