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Nobody. Touches, my nickel!!!
~ Mama Luigi's heroic moment of facing against Bowser to save Mario's life in "Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures Season 2 Episode 11, Season Finale"

Mama Luigi is the original deuteragonist the SuperMarioLogan series. He is Luigi's clone.

He was primarily voiced by Zeke Snuffin. However, he was also voiced by Logan Thirtyacre in 2012 and Chris Netherton (also known as Pablo Sanchez) and Lovell Stanton in 2014.

He was the deuteragonist of the Mario and Luigi's stupid and dumb adventures series, but it is argued that he was the real protagonist because he was the one who defeated and took done Bowser and started the whole adventure. However, he was revealed to be secretly an antagonist as well because he kidnapped the real Luigi and replaced him. Despite being secretly antagonistic, he is also a hero deep down.

He is also the main antagonist of Toad's Mistake and its remake.

In July 2009, Mama Luigi was killed off because his voice actor, Zeke moved out. However, despite being dead, Mama Luigi has sometimes been revived, but then dies again. He also emailed Mario in Jeffy's New Toy!, which caused some people to debate whether he is actually dead or still alive outside of the Mario and Luigi's Stupid and Dumb Adventures series.

For season 3 of Mario and Luigi's stupid and dumb adventures, Mario goes through many dimensions and finds a smart version of Mama Luigi. With the smart Mama Luigi's help, Mario travels to another dimension. After Mario returns to the right dimension, the Real Mama Luigi was revived.


Mama Luigi is very dim-witted, fun-loving, goofy, unintelligent and generally stupid. But overall, despite being dumb beyond belief, he is still very nice and he is not nearly as idiotic as Tony the Tiger is.

Mama Luigi also can be sometimes evil or morally grey-zoned, especially when he attacks Toad for just touching his nickel. Regardless of this, he can be just as ruthless to his enemies whenever they provoke him.


~ Mama Luigi to Toad in "SML Short: Toad's Mistake!", 2017 edition
I'm going to do the super-duper... duper deluxe, body slam!
~ Mama Luigi in "SML Short: Toad's Mistake!", 2009 version
What, did you say?! Do you know what this marker, can do?'
~ Mama Luigi to Bowser in "Mario and Luigi's Stupid Adventures Episode 9"


  • Since Mama Luigi is Luigi's clone and Luigi is Mario's brother, he is technically Mario's brother as well.
  • Despite having the name "mama" which means "mother", Mama Luigi's gender is male.
  • The SuperMarioLogan Movie! was set to be Mama Luigi's final appearance and Zeke's final time being in SML before the film was cancelled.

Also See


           SuperMarioLogan Heroes

Black Yoshi | Bowser | Bowser Junior | Brooklyn T. Guy | Chef Pee Pee | Goodman | Cody | Jeffy | Joseph | Mama Luigi | Mario | Rosalina | Shrek | Simmons | Woody
