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Don't reverse the roles! We know who the bad guy is! You transformed the innocent into villains! And you took advantage from Ivan's heart! If there's one thing I hate, it's a bully playing the victim!
~ Marinette yelling mad with Hawk Moth in Origins: Part 2
Pollen, buzz on!
~ Marigold's transformation phrase

Marinette Dupain-Cheng (also know as Maotif, Marigold, Multimouse, Ladygold and Ladybug) is one of the main characters from Scarlet Lady, a Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir's AU created by zoe onee-sama in Tumblr.

She is an alternate version of the original Ladybug who had the Ladybug Miraculous stolen from her by Chloe Bourgeois before meeting Tikki, preventing her from becoming Ladybug. However, she still helped Cat Noir many times and later received the Bee Miraculous, being known as Marigold.


Marinette is a quarter Italian, a quarter French, and half-Chinese. She has vivid azure eyes, light scarlet lipsticks, freckles, and black hair with blue highlights that she usually wears back in two pigtails with red bands.

As a civilian, she wears a dark gray dress blazer with sleeves and a collar that are white with pink polka dots and outlined with black. Underneath, she wears a white t-shirt with a black collar and sleeve line, and a design below the collar with black leaves and pink flowers. Also, she has pink jeans and very reddish-brown soled light pink ballet shoes. However, during the story, her clothes - and sometimes her hairstyle - change in each episode. However, her clothes almost always have the color pallete white, black and light pink, her characteristic colors. She wears her Miraculous in right pigtail: a hair clip that are pink when not holding Pollen.

When she becomes Marigold, her hair turns completely black, her ponytails get yellow stripes, her hair clips turn yellow, she wears a mask half-black and half-yellow, she wears a colant suit yellow in the low half and black in upper half. She also gains fuzzy yellow bracelets and fuzzy black anklets, as well as black boots. Her suit has two black stripes in each thigh, one in the chest, and her spinning top stays in her waist.

After a power's upgrade, the clothing design and details were redesigned in a more detailed way, her bracelets becaming black, her anklets becaming yellow and gaining some more yellow lines for the suit.

As Maotif, she looks exactly the same as her canonical counterpart wearing the Black Cat Miraculous (Lady Noir), but her eyes and the originally green details of her costume are blue, to match her natural eye color. She also has pointed canines, making her mouth appear more feline.


Marinette is a sweet, outgoing, joyful, and generous yet clumsy girl who loves fashion, her friends and family, and her crushs Cat Noir. But she does struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem. If a situation she deems is dangerous, she becomes very nervous and awkward, failing to keep calm and being quick to panic.

She deeply cares for other people, and she usually puts their feelings and interests before her own, in some cases being at a personal cost. Despite not carrying the Ladybug Miraculous, Marinette maintains her heroic spirit and desire to help others, as well as her wit, to the point that several characters, such as Cat Noir and Alya, comment (ironically) that she is who she should be the heroine.

Despite being genuinely kind, she does have her limits, such as in "Zombizou", when she refuses Caline's wish that she forgives Chloé for vandalize the gift her made to her teacher. She can also act impulsively and irrationally at times.

She is notably more hot-headed than her original universe's counterpart, as seen when she angrily yells at Hawk Moth in "Origins: Part 2" for threatening the city instead of speaking calmly like her canon counterpart, or freaking out when she is in her civilian form and feels useless, wishing she could do something to help Cat Noir. Like other characters in the story, she occasionally uses offensive language (censored) when she is suddenly frightened or loses her temper, the latter usually occurring towards Cholé, Scarlet Lady, or Hawk Moth.

Although she is absentminded and acts before thinking at times, mostly if she is panicking about a dilemma, she is extremely clever, like hiding her signature in her bowler hat design that exposes Chloé for stealing her design, or the various times when she discovered how to use Scarlet Lady's Lucky Charms.

She's also more confident than in the canon, imposing herself against Chloé (something that the original Marinette took almost five seasons to do), not being intimidated by her threats and speaking harshly to her, to the point of saying "don't touch me" when the blonde puts her finger against her. Apparently, she doesn't have the same traumas that Chloé caused her in the main timeline, being just a normal clumsy and shy (and somewhat hot-headed) teenager. As a result, she is also more determined, bold and overcomes her fears faster.

Her passion for Adrien proves not to be as obsessive as in the canon, as she is mainly in love with Cat Noir, but has a slight crush on Adrien, until this leads to their dating.

She also takes advice from others very well whether it's family or friends seen in "Malediktator", "Heroes Day", and other episodes.

As Marigold, Marinette retains many of her alter ego's characteristics, but she is much stronger. Her confidence and bravery come out more prominently. Her quick-thinking, resourcefulness, and wits are more obvious, especially when she is figuring out how to solve a crisis's situation. Marinette strives to rescue everyone, including those akumatized by Hawk Moth. No matter the difficulty of her tasks, she does everything in her power to set things right while keeping up with her everyday responsibilities, like designing something or working in the bakery. Like Cat Noir, Marigold is clever with her words and occasionally enjoys making puns.

Like her partner Cat Noir, she despises Scarlet Lady because of the arrogance, ego, indisposition, incompetence and lack of scruples of the latter. She is even willing to support people who share her contempt for Scarlet, like Lila. Marinette tells Lila that, despite hating liars, Scarlet Lady is the biggest liar of all, and that's why Lila has her support against Scarlet. As it was Scarlet and not Marinette who humiliated Lila, the two do not have their rivalry and future relationship as archenemies from the canon, and appear to be good friends. Marinette even encourages Lila to go back to school and try to be friends with everyone by being honest.

She has a more serious side when fighting against Hawk Moth's villains, as opposed to Scarlet Lady's selfish and arrogant personality. At times, she enjoys teasing her and others, while she can get exasperated, she handles joking calmly. Marinette as Marigold is more cautious and careful than Scarlet Lady sometimes needing to restrain or stop her from doing hasty acts seen in several episodes. As her alter ego, Marinette strives to keep her personal and superhero lives separate to protect herself, the people she knows or she is close to. She is also great at advising others when they need it. With her greater confidence, she aims to be honest with others in other ways, like her honesty with Luka about not having romantic feelings for him.

Marinette believes that evil wins when good does nothing, as she said to Caline when she vents about this one never having done anything to stop Chloé from mistreating everyone in the class, and she learns that justice is always the answer than revenge, although she shows a more sadistic side when it comes to Chloé or Scarlet.

In "Heroes Day: Part 2", she also acknowledges that good things come by doing good actions and that not all problems can be solved by wishing them away, especially at the expense of hurting the innocent.


First season[]

~ Marinette seeing Stoneheart attacking Paris and her first word in the history.
ALYA! What are you doing?!
~ Marinette seeig in TV Alya running after Stoneheart.
Sabine: Marinette, where are you going? Lunch is almost over.
Marinette: OUT, because my new friend is INSANE!!!
~ Marinette running to save her new friend.
Marinette: ALYA!
Alya: You came!
Marinette: YEAH, BUT WHY DID YOU?!
~ Marinette saving Alya for the first time
Marinette: Cat boy, he doesn't open his fists!
Cat Noir: Is Cat Noir, actually. Good note, thanks! Maybe you shound be a hero!
Marinette: Priorities!
~ Marinette and Cat Noir's first interaction in the story
Marinette: Cat boy, run interference!
Cat Noir
(while obeys): It's Cat Noir.
(giving the diving suit Lucky Charm for Alya): Alya, the tap!
Alya: You got it!
~ Marinette helping Cat Noir defeat Stoneheart, showing her heroic spirit.
~ Marinette helping a des-akumatized Ivan.
Marinette: Don't worry, Mylene! You'll be okay!
Mylene: Oh Marinette, are you sure?
Marinette: Of course! Ivan would never hurt you!
~ Marinette calming Mylene down while Stoneheart captures both.
(It's me that I'm worried about!)
~ Marinette's thoughts in Stoneheart's hand, knowing that she got Ivan to confess his love for Mylene, indirectly being responsible for his akumatization.
~ Marinette screaming after Stoneheart thrown her from Eiffel Tower.
~ Marinette with a indignation expression after Cat Noir save her and call her "princess", also making her fall in love with him.
~ Marinette losing her patiente when Hawk Moth speaks that Scarlet Lady and Cat Noir "have done enough damage" to Paris's people, also resulting in the quote in top of this page.
Chat, he's in love with her! Try keeping them together!
~ Marinette telling Cat Noir how des-akumatize Ivan.
Hey, I have an idea!
~ Marinette deciding sits on Cholé's favorite place in classroom, challing her.
I'm standing up to all supervillains and a lowlife like you is no exception! I'm done taking orders from you and your stupid ponytail, so sit down!
~ Marinette imposing herself against Chloé.
That's what you're mad about?
~ Marinette after Chloé asks how she dares to insult Cholé's ponytail.
Marinette: Heheh, thank you. You were pretty amazing too, telling Cholé off like that.
(chuckling): Somehow, I don't think those two things are the same.
Marinette: They are to me.
~ Marinette chatting to Adrien.
Well! Now you have me! I'de like to be your friend, Adrien!
~ Marinette offering to be Adrien's friend after he tells that he feels a bit bad for speak harshly with Chloé, because she've been his only friend for years.
Marinette: Sooo, how do you feel about heroes?
Adrien: Cat Noir was so cool! He took on that akuma-thingy all on his own, you know.
Marinette: Heh. So then... what about Scarlet Lady?
Adrien: Oh, she's the worst. Took all the credit did none of the work? Ugh.
Marinette: ...I love you.
~ Marinette and Adrien on umbrella's scene.
Oh, Aurore mentioned this was today. Should I vote?
~ Marinette watching the contest for weather girl in TV.
Manon: You know Mireille?!
Marinette: I know Aurore! Mireille kinda keeps to herself.
Manon: Introduce me to Mireille!
Marinette: I can introduce you to Aurore.
~ Marinette and Manon in beginning of Stormy Weather.
Marinette: Who dat? (open the bakery's door) Alya?
Alya: Hey girl! I've got a scoop for you!
(shows her phone) Adrien's got a photoshoot at the park!
(without understanding the point): So?
Manon: Park!
Alya: Girl, this is your shot! To get close to your crush!
(calming Manon down): Huh? I'm not crushing on Adrien!
Alya: Reeeeealy.
(blushing a little): I mean, he's cute and I like that he stoop up to Chloé, that's all!
(Alya so notices that herself is gorgeous and stood up to Chloé.)
(kidding): Oh, Marinette, I didn't know you felt that way about me!
Marinette: You're incorrigible.
~ Marinette and Alya chatting.
S'not your fault, but shouldn't your bodyguard deal with her?
~ Marinette chatting with Adrien in the park after Chloé ruined a possible moment between them.
Aurore! What are you doing here?!
~ Marinette when Stormy Weather arrives to park.
Of course I voted for Aurore! Right before I left!
~ Marinette after Stormy Weather question her about who did her vote for.
Marinette: Manon! Are you okay?!
Manon: It's cold.
Adrien: I'm gonna cal for help!
Marinette: Okay, be careful. It'll be okay, Manon. Cat Noir and Scarlet Lady will be here soon.
Manon: Yay! And I'll tell them about the unicorn princess!
Marinette Haha, sounds good!
~ Marinette chatting to a trapped in ice Manon.
Marinette: Cat Noir, are you okay?
Cat Noir
(shakes to remove the leaves from his body): Yeah, but where'd the walking tornado go?
Marinette: She's broadcasting from the studio. It'be a good idea to keep her "grounded".
Cat Noir: I am awed by your cleverness, my princess.
(kisses her hand)
~ Marinette and Cat Noir interacting, the hero praising her and flirting with her, just for the cute moment to be interrupted by a wet and irritated Scarlet Lady.
I guess tere's nothing to but wait for Aurore to be defeated.
(She waits for two squares)
~ Marinette freaking out, wanting to help Cat Noir.
Bon anniversaire, Adrien.
~ Marinette wishing a happy birthday to Adrien in beginning of Bubbler, and saying the same phrase when she finds him in school.
Nino always throws awesome parties for his close friends. I just wanted you to be ready, cuz no way he's gonna hold back on Adrien.
~ Marinette to Alya after convince her friends to wear different clothes for the birthday party that Nino is planning for Adrien.
Adrien: Thanks a lot! This is the most birthday wishes I've ever gotten!
(Omg, too cute) Actually, I got you someth-
Chloé: Beat it, numbskull!!
Marinette: AGAIN!?
~ Marinette trying to give a birthday present to Adrien, just to be interrupted by Chloé
~ Marinette about Chloé
Don't touch me.
~ Marinette when Chloé touchs her chest, questioning her if she bough something for Adrien.
Not that it's your business, for now, cookies. And coffe.
~ Marinette showing Chloé what she brought for Adrien.
Alya: So what about his real present?
Marinette: I'll give it to him when Chloe's not around to mess with it.
Alya: Okay, but... doesn't he have a photoshoot today?
Marinette: GAH!
~ Marinette wanting to give Adrien's present to him.
This mailbox won't budge!
~ Marinette trying to give the present to Adrien by mail.

Nathalie: (Yes?)
Marinette: Eek! Um, I'm fron Adrien's class, and, you know...
Nathalie: (Put it on the box.)
Marinette: Um, thank you.
~ Marinette "meeting" Nathalie.
I forgot because a robot was staring me down! Hal 9000 works for the Agrestes!
~ Marinette noticind that she didn't signed the present.
Maman! Papa!
~ While her parents are trapped in bubbles, Marinette gets worried about them.
Well, I want a refund.
~ Marinette after hear the Bubbler's message.
Marinette: AGH! NINO!
Bubbler: Hey Marinette.
Marinette: Nino, what the heck?!
Bubbler: It's Bubbler.
Marinette: Why are you an akuma and what do you suddenly have against my parents?!
Bubbler: Man, adults are such a drag. Y'know Adrien's old man won't let him have a party? Even if after I asked him in person!
Marinette: But, he does everything his dad says and he's top of the class! On top of chinese, piano, fencing...
Bubbler: You're so awesome, dudette.
Marinette: This doesn't means I support you, you sentient popsicle!
~ Marinette meeting Nino akumatized as Bubbler.
Whoa, you got so much ready in no time!
~ Marinette while Bubbler is taking her to Adrien's party
Adrien: I mean, I know it's not a normal party, but everybody looks so sad.

Marinette: You mean, you don't know? The Bubbler made everybody's parents–

~ Marinette dancing with Adrien, just to be interrupted by a furious and jeaulous Scarlet Lady.
Nino, plase! No one's having fun!
~ Marinette trying to reason with Bubbler before this one arrests her in a bubble.
Adrien! Nice scarf!!
~ Marinette when she and Alya meet Adrien and Nino at the school.
Alya: Uh, but that's-
Marinette: GREAT! Just. Great.
Adrien: Thanks, Marinette!
(You forgot your son's birthday?!)'
~ Marinette when she discovers that Gabriel gave to Adrien the present that she made.
Hey, I gotta get something from my locker real quick.
~ Marinette to Alya in the begginning of Lady Wifi
Okay, that's that project done, time for homework. ... Hmm maybe that was the wrong order to do that in... ...Maybe I should stop to talking to myself...
~ Marinette working alone in her room.
Sabine: Marinette, are you just now getting up? Class started-
Marinette: One hour ago, I know! I stayed up too late doing homework and overslept!
~ Marinette late for class
Marinette (whispering): Pst, where's Alya?
Nino: Dude, she got
Marinette: WHAT?!
Caline: Marinette!
~ Marinette hearing Alya was suspended.
Marinette: ALYA?!
Nino: Whoa, how do you know it's Alya?!
Marinette: ... ...Because of the phone charm, Nino.
~ Marinette being sarcastic to Nino because Lady Wifi's identity is very obvious; also a joke with the canon.
Man, ruined perfectly good sleep to rush to school, just for class to be let out because my best friend is an Akuma who attacked the principal. ... Guess I'll fine tune my project while I wait for her to be rescued. Ugh, I hate being useless.
~ Marinette, back in her home because of Alya's akumatization.
Marinette: Alya? Did they save her already?
(Lady WiFi jumped out of Marinette's phone)

Lady Wifi: I knew it!
Marinette: AH! Alya, what–?
Lady Wifi: C'mon, we're gonna show that liar Chloé Bourgeois the truth!
Marinette: ALYA, WAI–!

~ Marinette being surprised and being taken to the Grand Hotel.
Marinette: Alya, what are we doing here?

Lady Wifi: Tch, not here. Chloé got me suspended because she didn't believe me. But we'll show her!
Marinette: Believe you?
Lady Wifi: That you're Scarlet Lady!
Marinette (angry): I'm not Scarlet Lady.
Lady Wifi: Obviously you'd say that.
Marinette (still angry): I don't even like Scarlet Lady.
Lady Wifi: Girl, we gotta work on your self esteem.

~ Dialogue beetween Marinette and Lady Wifi, the last one thinking that her best friend is Scarlet Lady.
I'm really not though.
~ Marinette in a whisper when Lady Wifi "reveals" to Paris that she "is Scarlet Lady".
I told you...
~ A embarassed Marinette to Lady Wifi when Scarlet Lady and Chat Noir arrive to defeat the villain, proving that Marinette is not Scarlet Lady.
Drag me all the way to Chloé's stupid hotel to blast me all over Paris and then ditch me when the heroes show up... Alya, you're lucky I'm not a super hero cuz I'd yo-yo you in the face.
~ A angry Marinette alone in a room from the Grand Hotel.
'(Sooo... Does anyone actually stay in this hotel? Where is everyone?)
~ Marinette walking by the Grand Hotel; another joke with the canon.
~ Marinette to Scarlet Lady when this one questions her about what she is doing walking to the battlefield.
Hurry up and catch it!
~ Marinette ordering that Scarlet Lady capture the akuma.
Alya: Hey, so, sorry about kidnapping you girl. Even if I don't remember doing it...

Marinette: Don't worry about that. I'm more embarrassed by you broadcasting how much I'm not Scarlet Lady all over Paris.
Alya: Oh no, seriously? Wait but – the yo-yo!
Marinette: It's all for my 'project'! Besides, don't you remember Stoneheart throwing me off the Tower? It was broadcasted live.
Alya: Project?! Now I gotta know, gimme the scoop!
Marinette: No spoilers! For now, let's go home.

~ Marinette with Alya after this last one be des-evilized
I'll show you. Ella, Etta, c'mere!
~ Marinette showing her project to Alya.
Marinette: Yeah! Manon really likes the heroes, so I wanted some for her to play with when she came over. I even learned some tricks to teach her.

Alya: OOOO!
Marinette: Y'know, I could have told you this stuff if you'd asked me. Or using your own memory...
Alya: You're right. I'm sorry. (puls her phone again and bring up a photoshop she had made of Marinette with Scarled Lady's costume) But I still think you'd make a great hero. Clumsiness and all.
Marinette: Me? No way!
Alya: Seriously, girl?
Marinette: Well, maybe if you're a superhero with me.

~ Marinette dialoguing with ALya, this last one speaking how Marinette could be a great heroine.
Soooo, are you still suspended?
~ Marinette helping Alya with her sisters in the end of Lady Wifi.


  • Differently from the canon Marinette:
    • She is much more whrathful and occasionally foul-mouthed.
    • She falls in love for Cat Noir instead of Adrien.
    • She have not traumas caused by Chloé.
    • She have many more scenes with Adrien to develop their relationship.
    • She does not have obssessed feelings for Adrien and can talk with him normally.
    • She challenges Chloé almost all the time.
    • She uses the Black Cat Miraculous in the second season of story, while her canon colleague only uses it in the third season.
      • She also appears using the night vision, something that Lady Noir never was seen using.
    • She does not humiliated Lila for her lies, and encourages her to back to school and make friends being honest, what makes that they do not become rivals and Lila don't becomes a villain.
    • She meets Master Fu as guardian after Adrien.
    • She does not have her inicial antipathy for Kagami and becomes her friend in the first appearence of the japanese girl.
    • She confess her true feelings for Luka more faster.
    • In the episode "Dark Cupid", she is caught by the titular villain's power and Cat Noir kisses her to free her, what is the opposite from the canon episode.
    • She reveals her identity as Multimouse to not to be other heroine as the same time she is Marigold.
    • She gives the Turtle Miraculous to Alya, instead of the Fox Miraculous.
    • In "Zombizou", she refuses to forgive Chloé.
    • She gives the Pig Miraculous to Rose in "Sandboy", while in the canon, she gave in "Remorse".
    • In the story, she was never caught by an akuma, while her canon colleague was already caught by an akuma three times.
    • She gives the Dog Miraculous to Mylene and the Mouse Miraculous to Sabrina, exacty the opposite of the canon.
    • As the episodes "Time Tagger" and "Cat Blanc" was never adapted, she never meets Bunnyx or travels across time.
    • As the saga "The Battle of the Miraculous" never happened in this story, she never becomes the Guardian of the Miraculous and does not meets Su-Han.
    • When she and Adrien reveal their identities to each other, they are mature enough to be together while balancing their relationship with their duties as heroes, unlike two alternative lines of the canon where each other's discovery of their identities resulted in Adrien's akumatization and a disaster that forced the characters to go back in time to prevent them from discovering their identities.
    • She knows Adrien is Cat Noir, differently of the canon.
    • When she gives the Bee Miraculous to Zoé, she does not choose her as the new Bee Miraculous holder, because Zoé becomes Vesperia temporally. Marinette is still finding a sucessor for her as the new Bee Miraculous holder.
    • She only uses one Miraculous fusion.
    • She and the other heroes defeat Hawk Moth and discover his identity as Gabriel Agreste in the Heroes's Day, while in the canon just happens in "Re-Creation", and it's just Ladybug who confronts him.
      • As he was defeated in Heroes's Day, Marinette never faces him as Shadow Moth or Monarch.
        • She also never confronted him as The Collector, after all, she was not Marigold in that point.
    • She meets Emily Agreste in person, which never happens in the main timeline.
  • A running gag in the episode "Lady Wifi" is Marinette talking to herself when she's thinking out loud, since she doesn't have Tikki to talk to. Pollen, in the future, will fill this void.
  • Along with Adrien/Cat Noir and Chloé/Scarlet Lady, Marinette is the only AU's character who appears in all the episodes.
  • At one point, Marinette reveals to Alya that she mapped out all her friends' schedules, instead of just Adrien's.
  • Despite Marinette never been akumatized in this AU, the episode "Sandboy" reveals that the greatest fear of this version of Cat Noir is Marinette be akumatized. Zoe, the author, revealed that the akumatized's name is "Little Devil", and have a post with her powers.
  • The episode "Sandboy" also reveals that this version of Marinette's biggest fear is Cat Noir falling in love with Scarlet Lady. Ironic, given that canonical Marinette's fear is Adrien falling in love with Chloé, so in a way, it's the same thing.
  • A recurring joke in the story is the fact that, whenever Marinette is injured or affected by the powers of an akumatized, Cat Noir becomes furious and attacks the akumatized person without mercy. Even Hawk Moth realizes this and tells Kung Food not to mess with Marinette - which ends up doing nothing, resulting in the obvious. It's probably because of that Hawk Moth never akumatizes Marinette.