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Hero Fanon Wiki

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Jeremy Willis, better known as the Scout is a supporting character in the Soul Bringer.

He was one of nine mercenaries originally hired by Mann Co. to eliminate the enemy competition during the Gravel War of 1968. He and the other mercenaries later joined Lady Emeraldblade in her fight with Nightmare, as Merasmus, an enemy of the team, had joined forces with the Azure Knight.


The Scout has tan skin, hazel eyes, and a slender figure. He has short, slick brown hair and wears a black baseball cap with an orange earpiece over one of his ears.

His default outfit consists of a red t-shirt with two silver dog tags around his neck, brown cropped pants, white knee-length socks, and black cleats with white stripes. He also wears a pair of large white bandages on his arms.


The Scout is very arrogant, as he takes great pleasure in insulting his opponents, often times making cocky remarks about their poor performance against them. His condescending persona often times brings great annoyance to Lady Emeraldblade as she loathes arrogance, and even much his own team is irked by his comments.


Not much is known about the Scout prior to the Gravel War. In 1968, he was hired by Mann Co. in order to eliminate the competition: Blu Co., however as the war progressed, neither side gained a serious advantage, leading to the company going bankrupt and the team to abandon the war and concentrate more personal matters.

The search for Merasmus continued for over fifty years, and it wasn't until the Scout, as well as the other mercenaries met Lady Emeraldblade after the Soldier and the Demoman had an accidental run-in with her. Upon meeting the strange woman, Scout initially laughed at her due to her strange name, but was reprimanded by the Heavy for insulting her, much to his chagrin.

After hearing that the team's old nemesis Merasmus was working for a strange villain named Nightmare, Scout, alongside the other mercenaries agreed to help Lady Emeraldblade search for the evil sorcerer and defeat him.

(More Coming Soon)


           Soul Bringer Logo Heroes

Main Characters
Lady Emeraldblade | Rosalina | Vaggie | Demoman | Shantae | Launchpad McQuack | Sniper | Millie | Moxxie

Supporting Characters
Scout | Soldier | Pyro | Heavy | Engineer | Medic | Spy | Charlie Morningstar | Bliztø | Angel Dust | Nifty | Alastor | Mario | Luigi | Princess Peach | Yoshi | Wario | Bowser

Possessed Objects
Soul Bringer | Fire LEO-04 "Rynex" | Vic Viper | Raiden Mk-II

           Team Fortress Fanon Heroes

Scout: Scout (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Scout (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Scout (Lil' Pootis) | Scout (Minion Archive) | Scout (Soul Bringer) | Sgt. Chucklenuts | Pancake Man | Blind Femscout | Epic Scout | Climber | CyborScout | Iris (TF2 Freakshow) | Major Scout Guy | Bellatrix | Radioscout | Soul Scout | Cheese Scout | NinjaScout | Scombine | Waails | Armeni | Ass Pancakes | SomeCleanTrash | Miley Durant | Bat Pudding

Soldier: The Soldier (Emesis Blue) | RED Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Soldine | Soldier (Yum Crum) | Soldier (Meet the Amazing Team) | Soldier (STBlackST) | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Soldier (Soul Bringer) | Tone Soldier | The Agreeable Soldier | Santa Soldier | Proto-Soldine | Jane Doe (TF2 Freakshow) | Ainis Cupcake | Edo Soldier | Sodic | American Boot | Protagonist Soldier | Warrior (TF2 Freakshow) | Private Funnyman | Robot Cupcake | Painisman | Polish Soldier | RubberFruit | Soljah | Heavy Metal Soldier | Uncle Crusty | Weird Soldier | Crouton Haircut | The Rolling Soldier | Edo Soldier

Pyro: Pyro (Meet the Amazing Pyro) | Pyro (Burning Through Space) | RED Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | Pyro (Soul Bringer) | BLU Pyro (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Red Pyro (TF2 Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama) | Teivel | Samyro | BLU Pyrogun | Bone Pyro | CyborPyro | Pyrogun | Scuttlebucket | Buddhist Murder Pyro

Demoman: Demoman (Soul Bringer) | RED Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Demoman (15.ai) | Cyclops | Demoman (Yum Crum) | Drunk Monk | Melonman | Spiderdemo | Orangeman | Demoman (SMG4) | Drunk Monk | Dentlemanly Demo | Dream Demoman |Aengus | Deemomeeng | Fratman | CyborDemo | Captain Demoman | Panoman | Demopan | Scurry Scrumpy | King Caberface

Heavy: Heavy (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | Heavy (Heavy is Dead) | Heavy (Soul Bringer) | RED Heavy (Heavy's Quest) | Heavy (Gmod Centennial High School) | Heavy (Minion Archive) | Heavy Sumo Guy | Heavy Guy | Official Heavy | Intelligent Heavy | CyborHeavy | Pootis-MAN | Ninja Heavy | Oddball Heevy | Heeboo | Magician Heavy | Shogun Heavy | Rex (TF2 Freakshow) | Stupid Heavy | Heavybine | Hoomba | Kid Friendly Heavy | Dick Sandvich | Soiled Diaper Station | Stu Pidface | GAYPENlS | Heavy Props Guy

Engineer: Engineer (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Engineer (Soul Bringer) | Bombgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Rusty (TF2 Freakshow) | Cyborneer | Spanner | Ninjineer | Bacon Pardner | Kickass Engineer | Spengineer | Energineer | BLU EnGeR | Piegineer | Robot Engie

Mssnor | Sphai's Summoner | The Gunslinger Vagineer
Medic: Fritz Ludwig | RED Medic (Lil' Pootis) | Medic (Meet the Amazing Team) | Medic (Soul Bringer) | Medizard | Erzengel | Doktor Clean | Mender | Johann Van Windhoek | Madic | Sergai | Mr. Dan | Dr. Dum | Dragh Vundabar | Mischievous Medic

Sniper: Sniper (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Sniper (Soul Bringer) | Reaper (TF2 Freakshow) | Karate Sniper | Weaselcake | Santa Piss | CyborSniper | Old Bloke | RED Sniper (The JarateThon) | Gravy Guitarman | Schniper | Crotch Sniper | Scott Mundy | RED Nnnngh Sniper | Dicksalot

Spy: BLU Spy (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Spy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spy (Soul Bringer) | Spy (Minion Archive) | Polite Spy | Christian Pure Spy | RED Spy (Spy's Creed) | Interesting Spy | TelroSpy | Spyper | White Spy | Spy of Influence | Sphai | Knivehand | Ugly Spy | Slender Spaps | Up High Spy | Skinny Spy | Dr. Melon | Fat Spy | Skinny Spy | Spy Samedi | Spoy | Blue Spy GEN-01 | Mr. Red Spy aka. Fared Spier (Delivery Mann)

Others: Mimi-Sentry | Mini Sentry-Chan | Dispenser Lady | Entela and Exodus | Senthia | Dell-Spencer | Valve Guy | Ghost (TF2 Freakshow) | God Cow | Dicksalot | Solgineer | Spy and Spy | Lil' Pootis | Blootis | (Tiny Desk Engineer (Lil Pootis)

Groups and Organizations: HECU | Van Windhoek's Students | The Poot Troop | Bob and Bob | Troopers (TF2 Freakshow) | The Shades

