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“ | "I'm your one way ticket to hell." | „ |
~ Soldine confronts Robosol. |
Soldine is one of the major protagonists of the FreakShow, serving as the titular main protagonist of QMSC series, one of the main protagonists of Doppelganger's Rampage and a supporting character of The MSG saga.
Before he becomes Soldine, he was originally an experimental cybernetic warrior whose success was initially dubious at best, Proto-Soldine was often a stupid and unpredictable individual with a distinct set of quirks. He tended to strike awkward poses when walking and generally stood still. Leaning forward, arms dangling, head tilted to one side. He had a strange obsession with fruits such as watermelons and oranges, and was prone to violence when deprived of them. Proto-Soldine was good-natured, yet and took his mission to protect others seriously. Relentless and stern in battle, he pursued and fought evil TF2 monsters and other evil beings.
Soldine is usually a taciturn and composed individual. He rarely speaks of his own free will. When he does, he usually speaks in succinct military jargon. Also, he's not someone who can be easily disturbed. virtually fearless and will not hesitate to take on enemies, no matter how powerful. Overt expressions of sentiment are rare. In battle, he speaks out ruthlessly and brutally smacks his opponents. However, depending on the severity of their misdeeds, you may allow them to surrender. However, when faced with an incorrigible individual, he will not hesitate to eliminate them.
Despite his fierce and implacable demeanor, he is very kind to his allies and friends. Soldine respects those who actively oppose TF2's malevolent monsters. While he prefers to fight alone, he has no problem working in a team when the need arises. Orangeman was his companion and best friend until his death, an event that accounted for the only known instance of Soldine expressing excitement and sadness. He strives to complete missions out of a sense of duty and a willingness to protect others, without concern for his own well-being.
Soldine was an ordinary RED soldier armed with a black box. Several years ago, his team tried to steal BLU intelligence on 2Fort. However, RED Demoman was killed by a BLU Vagineer, known as "The Mastermind". The soldier fought against the deformed engineer, but was quickly defeated and severely wounded. Fortunately, he was rescued by the rest of the group and taken to a secret warehouse. A RED engineer turned him into a prototype cyborg warrior, similar to Scombine.
Soldine's initial lineup is at least eccentric, and despite all the combat protocols and built-in weapons, he's still deadly clumsy. While he single-handedly defeated a horde of zombies ravaging the outskirts of Evo City, he was defeated by the BLU Mastermind Vagineer some time later. He suffered great damage, but survived. Engineer RED, a member of his former team, once again retrieves his badly damaged body and completely rebuilds Soldine, this time turning him into a real killing machine.
Battle against Criminals[]
Soon after, a freak from TF2 named Handsome Rogue appeared in Evo City and quickly began wreaking havoc. RED Sniper, Soldine's friend, was there and called the robot to help. Soldine quickly arrives on the scene and engages Rogue in a brutal and protracted fight. Despite the villainous Freak's best efforts, Soldine was finally able to kill him with a powerful hook punch.
A few weeks later, HECU enlists Soldine's help in dealing with Madic, a frenzied former doctor who has defeated HECU's trusted ally, Orangeman. The cyborg fought fiercely with Madic in an old laboratory in the mountains and eventually subdued him and forced him to surrender. Orangeman was rescued and he almost immediately befriended Soldine.
Revenge on The Mastermind Vagineer[]
Months later, a mob of zombies invaded the outskirts of Evo City. Soldine, Orangeman, and a team from HECU attempted to eliminate the threat and recover any potential survivors. Turns out the mob was led by Team ZOM, a group of undead mercenaries and Orangeman's former teammates. A huge, fiery battle ensued and all the zombies were eventually defeated, with Soldine single-handedly destroying ZomHeavy and ZomSniper and losing her right arm in the process.
A few days later, a necrotic BLU robot named Robosol destroyed a HECU unit guarding Evo City's Quarantine Zone, and Soldine was once again asked for help. The cyborgs fought hard and seemed to be on par. However, Soldine was eventually able to win with her finishing move, Thunder Punch.
Soon after, the infamous BLU Mastermind Vagineer was responsible for Soldine's condition and two major incidents that finally unleashed his final evil plot. Soldine, Orangeman and HECU battle his zombie hordes in Milltown, as he prepares to increase his power in Madic's old mountain lab. Fortunately, the former mad doctor betrayed Vagineer and informed Soldine and her allies of the situation. When the resurrected handsome Rogue tried to stop them from thwarting their evil plans, the Ninjineer came and took care of him.
The trio arrives at the mountain lab and is almost immediately attacked by Robosol. Orangeman and Madic fought against him, allowing Soldine in to stop Vagineer. The robot damaged the lab's accelerator, preventing the brain from refueling and drawing it into an epic duel. When the deformed engineer had the upper hand, Orangeman's timely intervention allowed Soldine to perform the Thunder Punch and kill BLU Vagineer once and for all. A few days later, Orangeman encountered his old friend, the Boy Scout Major, who suddenly attacked him. Soldine, who was watching from a hiding place, broke up the fight and took down Scout Guy. The surprisingly aggressive Freak regained some of his repressed memories and forced the cyborg out of the way when retreating, confusing the two mercenaries.
Regain his Focus on Fighting Criminals[]
Another day, while on patrol in the Evo City, Soldine and Orangeman encounter an aggressive Freak, JD Aussie. Seeing that he was attacking civilians, the duo approached him. Soldine orders Orangeman to take care of an injured engineer, while he himself engages the Mad Freak. While the RED cyborg had the upper hand at first, J.D was stronger than expected. Orangeman watched the match from a safe distance. The two struggled for a short while, and Aussie was finally able to hold off Soldine temporarily, giving herself enough time to escape.
A few days later, while patrolling the Turbine, Soldine encountered Pyrogun and Robot Engie. He is amused by their struggles and is quick to inform them of his unfavorable opinion of them. Angered by the insult, the duo formed a temporary alliance and engaged the Machine Soldier. Despite their best efforts, they were clearly overwhelmed. Pyrogun was destroyed by Soldine's Black Box, while Robot Engie was knocked in the face by Rocket Fist.
One night, Soldine and Orangeman watched BLU Gentlemanly Demo and BLU Paintrainingineer do their shady work in Kong King, before approaching them to arrest them. However, the two criminals refused to surrender and engaged the Monster Hunters. Soldine engaged the BLU Gentlemanly Demo, who was easily overwhelmed by the cyborgs while Orangeman fought and defeated the Paininginginineer. Suddenly, a BLU Heavy called the Mobster Heavy ambushed Soldine, who then pinned the BLU Gentlemanly Demo to the wall. Startled, Soldine tried to fend off the Heavy but was overwhelmed and shot down. However, Orangeman attacked Mobster Heavy with the Painintineer's monstrous head, then, along with Soldine, both shot at the criminal, defeating him. The BLU Gentlemanly Demo took this opportunity to stab Soldine with his katana, even though the cyborg was just excited, causing the terroristic crime lord to react with fear. He was then detained by the duo and taken to a correctional facility.
At Dustbowl, Soldine and Orangeman faced off against BLU EnGeR. After a brief one-sided battle, the two monster hunters were approached by Major Scout Guy and Cyborneer. After reassuring Soldine and Orangeman, the Major asked for their help in taking down The Evolved Vagineer. The two agree to help the Major, however, as they begin to make their way to Vagineer's base, the Handsome Rogue ambushes the group. Soldine, knowing her slow pace would hinder their escape, faced Snape alone so the others could continue.
Battle against Dr. Schadenfreude[]
During a full-scale invasion of Dr. Schadenfreude's base organized by Energineer, Soldine, Orangeman, along with Major Scouts Guy and Medizard entered the compound and annihilated a unit of compound soldiers. As his allies engaged the Doctor's minions across the base, Soldine headed straight for the evil boss he encountered in a large warehouse. To show his pragmatic attitude, he attacked Schadenfreude shortly after the person greeted him. However, the robot RED was surprised by the remote control power of his opponent. The two fought a short but intense battle. Soldine was able to get the upper hand when activating Power Boost, although Schadenfreude tricked him with an illusion and was temporarily disabled with a mental attack just as the former was about to win.
The intervention of Soldine's allies prevented Schadenfreude from finishing him off, however, the scientist revealed his own surprise: Destroyer, the ultimate genetically modified warrior. Destroyer easily overwhelmed the battle-weary robot and his colleagues, forcing them to retreat. Later, while evacuating the area by VTOL with her team, Soldine listened to the efforts of HECU, who managed to complete the mission on their own. Unfortunately, they were defeated by the Terminator and Aberrant. A few days later, the group, without Medizard, discussed their next move to HECU headquarters. Soldine was punished by Energineer for her rough approach. The RED robot was happy to see Madic and Ghost joining the team shortly after. To carry out their plan, Soldine, with Orangeman and Major Scout Guy in the background, sent a broadcast video to Dr. Schadenfreude, taunting him and his executioners. Enraged, the Doctor sends his best minions on a mission to destroy Soldine and his allies once and for all, leaving his own base protected only by Aberrant. After that, Soldine waits for Destroyer on Granary. However, he was furious when he learned that the GRY Engineer had hired a unit from HECU to replace it. Soldine tries to join and help the soldiers but is stopped by Golem and Shriek. The two executors blocked him for a while, but despite their joint efforts, the robot managed to get through, forcing them to hastily retreat.
Unable to reach the ally in time, Soldine must witness Destroyer pin Orangeman to a container and kill the cyborg's best friend with an explosion. Momentarily overwhelmed, Soldine quickly fell into a silent rage and vowed to assassinate the GRY Engineer. He quickly activates Power-Up, benefits from a new upgrade that improves his stamina, and engages the Terminator in a fierce battle to the death. Despite his anger and increased energy supply, Soldine was unable to confront the enemy, although he fought well. The two fight in the area, The Terminator is slow but sure against the cyborgs. Either way, due to the previous battle with HECU and Soldine's teammates, Destroyer's last energy stores began to deplete, allowing Soldine to survive and eventually defeat the GRY Engineer. Finally, the two face each other for the last time. Soldine's thunderous punch pierced the Terminator and combined with its explosive energy detonated the genetically engineered abomination, killing it.
Some time later, Soldine personally reported her success to her superior, Colonel Dyson. Though his allies cheered, the robot barely acknowledged the celebration. Missing his best friend, he flew away without saying a word.
Powers and Abilities[]
In battle, Soldine is a real power. His superhuman physical strength is one of his main strengths due to his fondness for hand-to-hand combat. He can easily knock many of his enemies away with simple attacks and overwhelm tough Monsters using massive force continuously. He can lift extremely heavy objects, such as modern tanks or train engines, as evidenced by his fighting against the Handsome Rogue.
Another key quality of his is being super durable. Armed with heavy armor, durable prosthetics, and reinforced skeletons, Soldine is a truly resilient warrior. As a result, he can take an impressive penalty. He is virtually immune to many conventional means of damage, such as edged weapons, small arms fire, and explosives. This toughness often allows him to ignore multiple attacks in quick succession and potentially outlast less resilient enemies.
However, Soldine has several built-in weapon systems for long-range combat. There is a Black Box Rocket Launcher and a Sentry Pistol mounted in his right and left arms, respectively. Both weapons are retractable for convenience and he can deploy them at will. Such an arsenal of heavy weapons was one of the few conventional ways to counter TF2 Freaks that proved quite effective. Additionally, Soldine can unleash her fists into high-speed projectiles that deal concussion damage and deal a moderate knockback.
In addition, it has limited flight capacity by propelling itself with pressurized steam emitted from its tail. He sometimes uses this ability to move quickly over great distances or dash towards a distant opponent.
Additionally, Soldine can use a super mode called "Power Boost" as an emergency measure. Power Boost temporarily unlocks his limits to allow him to exceed his usual 80% output power limit and unleash his full power. In this state, he can charge a large amount of electricity into his fists to perform "Thunder Punch", his most powerful technique. Soldine is able to maintain this state for several minutes thanks to the collapsible battery he received in preparation for his fight against Destroyer.
- Soldine is about 70% robotic and therefore susceptible to electromagnetic pulses and magnets.
- He is slower than most of the other monsters, true to his "glacial warrior" nature. Therefore, it is relatively easy to dodge his attacks and land quickly.
- Soldine is quite single-minded and straightforward, so it is possible to defeat him with careful planning and/or clever tactics.
- After his Power Boost wears off, Soldine is severely weakened due to the high energy consumption involved.
Theme of Soldine[]
- The original incarnation of Soldine is generally a cross between Scombine and Painis Cupcake.
- Its creator considered naming it "Solbine", but ultimately disliked its pronunciation and decided otherwise.
- Proto-Soldine was originally going to use twin SMGs from Team Fortress 2 Sniper, but since its creator didn't know how to fire them at the time, he used GMod turrets instead. default.
- Soldine is left-handed. This is easily noticeable in his battles, especially when launching his strongest attacks. * He started out as a clumsy, eccentric character. However, his transformation into a ruthless warrior was planned long before his first video was released. Soljah inherited and developed this first personality.
- Soldine was originally based on a conceptual hybrid between Painis Cupcake and Scombine. However, after upgrading in Reconstruction, it gradually becomes a unique TF2 monster with a different personality and appearance. * It has always used the HWM pattern since its inception.
- Soldine is voiced by 0mikr0n, a gamebanana.com user who recorded the full "Soldier-Bot" voice pack.
- Soldine is blind in his left eye after his first encounter with Mastermind Vagineer. He received a Cross-Comm Crash helmet to fix this after the events of the campaign: vagina.
- Although Soldine is not an ordinary member of HECU, he holds the rank of Sergeant Gunnery Master and holds the appropriate authority. As seen in the Necropolis, he is a direct subordinate of Major Lewis, commander of the First Company Rapid Response Force.
- The output energy of Soldine's Thunder Punch is 40 gigajoules, enough to destroy a large building.
External links[]
- Soldine on the TF2 FreakShow Wiki
- Proto-Soldine on the TF2 FreakShow Wiki
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TF2 Freaks