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The Team Fortress 2 Mercenaries, also referred to as the TF2 Mercs or simply the Mercs, are the main protagonists of the YouTube animation series FNAF vs TF2 by wolfalberto.

They are a group of mercenaries from the hit game Team Fortress 2 who are involved in various conflicts with the FNAF Animatronics. This group is led by Soldier and consists of Scout, Heavy, Demoman, Medic, Spy, Pyro, Sniper, and Engineer.


Episode 1[]

After the mercenaries' van accidentally hits a power pole and breaks down, Demoman is accidentally teleported to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. While looking around the pizzeria, he accidentally steps on the stage light button with turns on the light that highlight the three main animatronics. Initially scared when the light shine on Bonnie and Chica, but when the light shine on Freddy, Demoman imitates the Freddy Trashcan meme by saying "Is that Freddy Fazbear!?" and urring with his ears and face shaped like a bear before falling asleep standing up, much to the confusion of the three. Demoman then woke up to look for a drink.

Soldier, Scout, and Heavy arrive at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to look for Demoman. A creeped out Scout tries to leave, but is stopped by Heavy. Soldier plays with the stage light button and Bonnie suddenly disappears. Soldier steps on it again and Chica and Scout also disappear. Soldier goes to pee in the toilet, leaving Heavy to glare at Freddy. In the toilet, Soldier pees in a bucket. Bonnie suddenly opened the door of one of the restrooms and screamed in his face. Soldier then screams at Bonnie and throws him against a wall, causing the two to start fighting. Soldier manages to get Bonnie's ear out and one of his eyes falls out as he removes the plunger from his face. Soldier manages to defeat Bonnie by blasting a piss-soaked mop at him which electrocutes him and makes him explode.

Scout, on the other hand, wakes up in the kitchen and begins to get frightened. Chica's cupcake launches at Scout and begins biting his face but Scout manages to grab and throw him. Chica arrives and walks towards Scout. Scout throws a knife at her which has no effect. As Chica is about to kill Scout, Soldier falls from the vents and snaps Chica's neck, which still doesn't kill her and she throws scout at Soldier, who uses him to attack chica and knock off her lower jaw before putting a pot on her head and smacking it with a big spoon repeatedly as she trips and falls on a cart all dazed. Soldier tells Chica that he is not trapped in with them, they are all trapped in here with him, before he turns on the oven and shoves Chica in it, causing her to explode.

Meanwhile, Demoman enters a room with free drinks and unaware of several traps set by Foxy which backfires on the latter in a comedic ways. Foxy attempts to stab Demoman with his hook but misses as he sees a bunch of beer bottles and rushes to them. Foxy becomes enraged and runs at Demoman only to slip on a banana peel and fall of a balcony.

When Heavy enters the hallway, Freddy appears behind with his power out glowing and dances but stops right before Heavy can see. Heavy rushes towards Freddy and looks at him before walking away. Freddy dances again and gets punched by Heavy. Freddy repeatedly punches Heavy's chest but no avail. Heavy grabs his arm and twists it before throwing Freddy across the hall and then through several walls. Freddy attempts to bite Heavy which fails and he flicks him into an arcade game where he beats Fredy with a table and throws him out of the minigame and back into the main hallway they were in, Freddy lays defeated. Heavy walks away but gets in a massive fight with Golden Freddy. Heavy defeats him, and Soldier arrives with Scout, who complains that he is dead. Chica's Cupcake arrives while holding a knife in his mouth, but accidentally gets crushed by a drunken Demoman. The four of them then leave the pizzeria.

In the backroom, the Engineer tries to create a teleporter to return to his world until he was confronted by Foxy who falls from a balcony after trying to kill Demoman. Engineer then took out his wrench, planning to dismantle Foxy to complete the teleporter, much to Foxy's silent in resignation.

Episode 2[]

After arriving at Medic's house, Soldier decides to take a shower after his fight with the animatronics left him covered in oil, while Medic treats the injured Scout with sadistic methods. After taking a shower, Soldier is suddenly confronted by a short animatronic named Balloon Boy who steals his hat and escapes by flying with his balloon. Soldier chases Balloon Boy using his rocket launcher and tries several times to catch him but is unsuccessful. In their pursuit, Balloon Boy and Soldier encounter Sniper, Pyro, and Spy who are driving Sniper's van. Soldier then fires his rocket launcher at Sniper's van, causing it to crash. Their chase leads them to Fredbear's Family Diner, where Soldier manages to intercept Balloon Boy while cosplaying as Duke Nukem. However, Soldier was immediately hit by someone with a hammer. When he wakes up, Soldier finds himself tied up and someone talking to him through a camera. The person sends an animatronic named Mangle to torture Soldier. Mangle then attached a Soldier-like hand puppet to the real Soldier's right hand. Mangle and Puppet Soldier torture Soldier by playing the Skibidi Toilet video, causing Soldier to scream in pain.

Soldier's friends, Sniper, Pyro, and Spy, arrive at Fredbear's Family Diner to find and rescue Soldier. Pyro and Spy entered the pizzeria first, while Sniper took some of his weapons in the trunk of the taxi. Balloon Boy suddenly appears in the taxi and steps on the pedal which makes the taxi speed up, leaving Sniper with only two machine guns and a machete. Seeing Sniper chasing the taxi, the person speaking through the camera sends Toy Bonnie to kill him. When Sniper stops to catchs some breath, Toy Bonnie takes one of the machine guns before trying to shoot Sniper. Sniper quickly picked up the lying machine gun and the two immediately engaged in a combat where they tried to shoot each other. When Toy Bonnie managed to pinned Sniper to the ground, Sniper saw a giant plush Bonnie about to fall and immediately pushed Toy Bonnie away. When Toy Bonnie tries to kill Sniper, the machine gun runs out of bullets and much to Toy Bonnie's horror, the giant Bonnie plush falls and crushed him. Sniper then lying tiredly on the ground.

Inside the restaurant, Pyro was playing with plushies and lighting cone hats on fire. However, while they were still burning the cone hats, they were confronted by Toy Freddy, who arrogantly put out Pyro's lighter because he thought that he could defeat Pyro. Pyro then suddenly disappears when the lights start flickering, creeping Toy Freddy. Pyro then threw their axe to Toy Freddy's hand and managed to pin him to the wall. Pyro appears after burning Toy Freddy's cardboard and acts like a crazy psychopath. A frightened Toy Freddy tried to get the axe out of his hand, but to no avail. Because Pyro was getting closer, Toy Freddy was forced to cut his hand off. Unfortunately, this wasn't the end of Toy Freddy's problems because Pyro immediately pulled out the axe stuck to the wall and approached him. Toy Freddy stumbles and falls and sees in horror as Pyro raise their axe to kill him. Pyro sadistically kills Toy Freddy with their axe. Elsewhere, Mangle saw what happened to Toy Freddy which scared her and made her hid in the room. Unfortunately, her efforts fail after Pyro breaks a hole in the door with his axe and imitates the iconic "Here's Johnny" scene with their mumbling, causing Mangle to scream in fear. Pyro then kills Mangle offscreen.

Elsewhere, as Spy is walking down the hall, he comes across the sexy and seductive Toy Chica who tries to seduce him. However, Spy is unfazed and instead slaps Toy Chica for disgusting him. When Toy Chica asked why she was slapped, Spy instead showed her a file which turned out to contain pornographic images of Toy Chica. Seeing her pornographic images, Toy Chica became speechless in shock and disgust. Spy then left a speechless Toy Chica.

Sniper arrives at the main stage area, where he finds four inactive Withered Animatronics. When Spy also arrives there, the lights suddenly go out and the man speaking through the camera activates the four animatronics to kill Sniper and Spy. When the lights came back on, Sniper and Spy found themselves surrounded by the Withered Animatronics. To make matters worse, they find Soldier who has been brainwashed after watching too much Skibidi Toilet and is being controlled by Puppet Soldier. Sniper tries to kill Withered Foxy, but his machete got stuck to the fox animatronic. Spy decides to creates a diversion by dancing, leaving the five of them confused. While they are distracted, Sniper pulls his machete from Foxy's body and tries to kill Puppet Soldier. Puppet Soldier controls Soldier to kill Sniper with a chainsaw. Fortunately, when the two were almost got killed, help arrived in the form of other mercenaries who arrived in a van. Their van breaks through the pizzeria wall and accidentally hits Withered Freddy, killing him instantly. Scout immediately came out of the van and managed to wake Soldier up from his brainwashing by throwing a baseball at his head before engaging in a fight with Withered Foxy. Soldier who regained consciousness then got into a fight with Puppet Soldier. Medic quickly rescued Spy who was being held by Withered Chica by sawing off her left arm before decapitating her with a bonesaw. Demoman, who regained consciousness after being thrown out of the van, saw a alcohol bottle, but the bottle was quickly stepped on and crushed by Withered Bonnie. Enraged, Demoman lunged at Bonnie before hitting him several times with a broken bottle. Soldier manages to kill Puppet Soldier by finishing him off with a chainsaw, but accidentally cuts off his right hand as well. Foxy tries to kill Scout once again, but Heavy appears in front of Foxy, where Heavy's Jojo intimidation scares Foxy enough to cause him to destroys himself.

Irritated that the animatronics couldn't kill the mercenaries, the man speaking through the camera decides to bring out his ultimate weapon: a supernatural animatronic named The Puppet. The Puppet comes out of the box and immediately engages in combat with the Heavy. Initially, The Puppet was able to dominate the battle by throwing and hitting Heavy in all directions. However, things turned around completely after Medic provided additional power and strength to Heavy, where the latter managed to hit The Puppet through the wall. When Heavy and Medic ran towards The Puppet, The Puppet threw her box at the two of them and sent them to her realm. In The Puppet's realm, Heavy and Medic are confronted by a giant The Puppet who use her supernatural powers to kill them. Even though at first they were overwhelmed in fighting The Puppet, fortunately, thanks to cooperation and strategy, Heavy and Medic managed to kill The Puppet by stabbing her in the eye, causing The Puppet to explode and at the same time taking Heavy and Medic out of The Puppet's realm into the real world.

Enraged that all the animatronics had been destroyed and the mercenaries were still alive, the man speaking through the camera decided to kill the mercenaries with his own hands. The man appeared in front of the mercenaries and it turned out that the man was a yellow rabbit animatronic suit named Spring Bonnie. Spring Bonnie angrily taunted, babbled, insulted, and ranted at the mercenaries with incoherent words, while the mercenaries watched in confusion as they didn't understand what Spring Bonnie was talking about. When Spring Bonnie was still taunting them, Demoman shouted and said that Spring Bonnie was Big Chunggus. Seeing that Spring Bonnie is distracted, Spy attaches a sapper to Spring Bonnie's head, causing the springlock to activate and crushing Spring Bonnie's body before falling unconscious due to the springlock. When the mercenaries looked in shock at Spring Bonnie's body, Balloon Boy appeared behind them and without hestitation, the mercenaries beat Balloon Boy in anger for getting them into this trouble by stealing Soldier's hat. While the others are still beating up Balloon Boy, Heavy hears a noise and finds that Pyro has set fire to Toy Freddy and Mangle's broken bodies, which causing the pizzeria to burn down. Knowing that the pizzeria will burn down, the mercenaries rush to leave the pizzeria, where Scout sees a still speechless Toy Chica and tries to seduce her before Heavy drags him out. The mercenaries managed to escape from the burning pizzeria which ultimately destroyed all the animatronics.

On their way back, Soldier realizes that Engineer is not with them and asks the mercenaries where he is. Engineer turns out to be in the Minecraft world and looks frustrated.



The Soldier[]

Unlike the original Soldier who was a patriotic and serious person who had the stereotype of a strict American general, this version of the Soldier is instead a childish and even dimwitted man who does stupid things that not only harm himself, but also his fellow mercenaries too. Examples of his stupidity include Soldier stupidly shooting a piss-soaked mop at Bonnie which made the animatronic explode and the oil staining Soldier's clothes, using Scout as a weapon against Chica causing Scout to be battered, firing his rocket at Sniper's van which cause it to crash, and finally killing Puppet Soldier with the chainsaw that caused his right hand to be cut off in a stupid way as well. However, despite his stupidity, Soldier is very brave and tough, as seen when he tells Spring Bonnie to come in front of him so he can hit him or when he fought Bonnie and Chica bravely and brutally.

The Scout[]

Okay guys... Bad news: We lost the freakin' Demo... Good news: See ya!
~ Scout shows his cowardice by trying to leave Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Scout is a cowardly and timid teenager who prefers to avoid fighting the animatronics, because when he first arrived at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, he tried to leave until Heavy stopped him. He also cowardly chose to hide from Chica instead of fighting her. Scout is also very weak as he was battered when Soldier used him to hit Chica. However, in the second episode, Scout becomes braver. This was proven when he participated in Spy and Sniper's rescue by throwing a baseball at Soldier's head, automatically saving Soldier and Sniper. He also bravely smashed his head into Withered Foxy when he was being detained.

The Heavy[]

Unlike the original Heavy who was a loud and talkative guy, this version has a cold, quiet, stoic, no-nonsense, and serious personality. This Heavy rarely even spoke and only mumbled. Also, unlike the friendly and calm version of the original, this version is a bit grouchy and grumpy as he gets annoyed when Demoman makes their van crash into a power pole. Despite this, he seems close and friendly with Medic as they easily work together and cooperative to defeat The Puppet. Heavy even thanks Medic for helping him.

The Demoman[]

Demoman is a simple-minded man who only cares about drinking alcohol, and is even willing to risk his life just for that drink. He also stupidly didn't realize the trap that Foxy had prepared for him because he was only focused on looking for the alcohol. His love for alcohol is great enough that when Withered Bonnie destroys his alcohol bottle, he angrily lunges at Bonnie before angrily smash his face with the same bottle that Bonnie destroyed.

The Medic[]

Medic is a man who is indifferent to his fellow mercenaries, as he initially refused to treat the battered Scout, thinking that it was not important. When he is treating someone or when engage in combat, Medic is a ruthless and crazy maniac, seen when he treats Scout by mutilating him and even smiles evilly when he does it. He also laughed maniacally when fighting Withered Chica and without hesitation cut her head off. Even so, he seemed close and friendly with Heavy, because when Heavy was overwhelmed fighting The Puppet, Medic immediately ran to help him, even though he was still healing Soldier who had lost his right hand. He is also seen cooperatively with Heavy in their fight against The Puppet. After Heavy thanks him for helping him defeat The Puppet, Medic is touched to hear Heavy's gratitude.

The Spy[]

Spy is a grouchy man and often complains, like when he complained when hanging out with Sniper and Pyro. Additionally, when he arrived at Fredbear's Family Diner, he complained about Pyro going in first and Sniper taking too long to choose weapons. Spy also had slapped Toy Chica after the latter seduced him, although could be understandable as Spy is ALREADY TAKEN BY SCOUT'S MOTHER and that Toy Chica was acting inappropriately IN A CHILDREN'S RESTAURANT in a way that can be considered as sexual harassment. Even so, Spy is very cunning, as seen from him showing Toy Chica her pornographic images and also cunningly attaching a sapper to Spring Bonnie's head, causing his defeat.

The Pyro[]

Initially, Pyro looks like an immature and childish adult person who does things that only children do, such as riding a carousel, drawing with crayons, and burning conical hats. However, when they are provoked, Pyro turns into a ruthless, brutal, even frightening psychopath. They uses their intimidation to scare the animatronics and also act very psycho. They also does not listen to the pleas of the people he is trying to kill, seen when they brutally kills Toy Freddy even though the animatronic was begging for his life. They also cruelly killed Mangle who was very frightened of their psycho side.

The Sniper[]

Sniper is a grouchy and short-tempered man who really doesn't like being toyed with, as he angrily insulted Spy for startling him and also angrily insulted the Withered Animatronics after they woke up. He is also somewhat sadistic and ambitious when choosing his weapons and often laughs cruelly when holding his weapon. Despite this, he seems to care a little about his fellow mercenaries, as he seems happy when Soldier is finally found.

The Engineer[]

From what we see, Engineer is a cruel psychopath, as seen when he plans to use Foxy's body as a means of teleportation to get out of the Backrooms. However, he also gets frustrated easily. This was proven when he was in the Minecraft world, he felt frustated because he was in the wrong place and threw his hat.


The Soldier[]

~ Soldier's catchphrase
Demoman is dead!
~ Soldier after Demoman falls on their van
I'm not afraid of no ghost!
~ Soldier as he enters Freddy Fazbear's Pizza while cosplaying as a Ghostbuster
Well, time to pee!
~ Soldier going to the toilet, where he evetually fought Bonnie
Holy Mary mother of Joseph!
~ Soldier shocked after seeing a faceless Bonnie
Hasta la Vista!
~ Soldier cosplaying as the Terminator before firing a piss-soaked mop at Bonnie, destroying the latter instantly
Scout! I'm coming!
~ Soldier trying to save Scout from Chica
Yippee Ki-Yay!
~ Soldier attempts to snap Chica's neck to no avail
I am ready!
~ Soldier prepares to fight Chica by using Scout as a weapon
Screaming eagle! (imitates an eagle voice while smacking Chica's head with a spoon)
~ Soldier assaulting Chica
I am not trapped in a facility full of robots....You are all trapped in here with me!
~ Soldier threatening Chica, his famous quote
Come her, sweetheart!
~ Soldier to Chica as he drags the latter into an oven
Son o a- (screams)
~ Soldier before Chica explodes in the oven
Hello again! I've got Scout!
~ Soldier showing a battered Scout to Heavy
Scout: I'm dead!

Soldier: No.
Scout: Yeah.
Soldier: No, sir! Don't you die-
Scout: Are you freakin' kidding me!? You spilled out all of my blood!
Soldier: Negatory! Pain is weakness-
Scout: Screw you!

~ Soldier and Scout arguing, much to Heavy's irritation
Demo is back from the dead?!
~ Soldier feeling happy with Demoman's return
Let's go!
~ Soldier to Demoman as he and the rest of the Mercs leaves Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
(sighs) Let's dance, maggot!
~ Soldier before crashing the van into Medic's house
Oh, hello doctor! Scout is dead!
~ Soldier showing a battered Scout to Medic
Damn it! Scout down!
~ Soldier after Scout dies once again
Do not even think about doing it!
~ Soldier threatening Balloon Boy from stealing his hat to no avail
(screams) Get back here, little bitch! Stop that, big head! I hate you! You cannot run from me!
~ Soldier chases Balloon Boy who stole his hat
Soldier: Help me capture my hat!

Sniper: Alright!
Spy: What?
Soldier: Perfect! GIVE 'EM HELL, BOYS!!
Spy: No-
(Soldier fires his rocket at Sniper's van, causing it to broke down)

~ Soldier speaking to Sniper, Pyro, and Spy during his pursuit
I came here to chew ass and kick gum....and I am all out of gum! No, wait...
~ Soldier cosplaying as Duke Nukem to threatens Balloon Boy, only to be knocked out by someone
Ho, ho, ho, ho! Get out here so I can kick you right in your ass!
~ Soldier challenges the man speaking through the camera
Oh, hello pretty pony
~ Soldier upon seeing Mangle for the first time
Puppet Soldier: Boo-yah! (laughs as Soldier tries to get the Puppet Soldier off his hand) Stop Soldier! I am your friend!

Soldier: No!
Puppet Soldier: Yes!
Soldier: No, sir!
Puppet Soldier: (sighs) Well, too bad!

~ Soldier arguing with his puppet counterpart before being tortured with Skibidi Toilet
Crush. Kill!
~ A brainwashed Soldier facing against Sniper and Spy
Oh, my head!
~ Soldier being freed from brainwashing before fighting Puppet Soldier
Get a haircut, hippie!
~ Soldier mocking Puppet Soldier before killing the latter with a chainsaw
Damn it! My hat! (Pyro appears and gave Soldier his hat) Pyro, you deserve a medal! (puts hat) Let's go!
~ Soldier thanking Pyro for giving him his hat, unaware that Pyro puts eyes on it
Where's Engie?
~ Soldier asks where's Engineer to the Mercs

The Scout[]

Oh, this ain't good.... We are screwd-
~ Scout after Demoman crashes the van
Aw crap.
~ Scout feeling frightened by Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Screw you though!
~ Scout to Heavy after the latter stops him from leaving
Soldier? (freak out) You seen that?!
~ Scout freak out after Chica dissapears
(moans) My, my, my blood?! No, nevermind.
~ Scout freaking out after seeing a blood, only to find out that it wasn't his blood
Who's there? Somebody there?!
~ Scout asking if someone is in the kitchen
Oh no! I knew this would happen! I foresaw this!
~ Scout freaking out when Chica is about to kill him, only to be stopped by Soldier
What?! No! No, no, no, no! (hits Chica one time) Are you freakin' kidding me?! (hits Chica two and three times) Awww, my beautiful head....
~ Soldier uses Scout to attack Chica, causing him to get battered
~ A battered Scout calling Medic
Doc, come on, man! I am dead!
~ Scout to Medic after the latter refused to treat him
Alright, I feel good.
~ A frightened Scout when Medic is about to mutilate him
Scout: Wo-hoo! I am back, baby!

Sniper: Need some help here!
Scout: Think fast, chucklenut!

~ Scout's epic return before saving Sniper from a brainwashed Soldier
Hard as a rock!
~ Scout brags about his muscles before engaging in a fight against Withered Foxy
(grunts then screams) Oh my God!
~ Scout gets frightened when Withered Foxy is about to punch him
Hey there...
~ Scout tries to seduce Toy Chica before Heavy drags him out

The Heavy[]

Demo, stop!
~ Heavy tries to stop Demoman from crashing to van to no avail
~ Heavy imitates a gun-shot sound as he kills Golden Freddy
Not again!
~ Heavy when Soldier crashes their van into Medic's house
~ Heavy thanking Medic for helping him in defeating The Puppet

The Demoman[]

(gibberish) Let's dance!
~ Demoman's first words before crashing the van into a power pole
(gibberish) Let's drink! Wut?! What just happen?! Stop! (screams) Ooooh, I'm gonna beat you s-
~ Demoman frustated with the sudden appearances of memes, before accidently falling outside the screen
I don't remember this.
~ Demoman's comment upon seeing Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for the first time
(In Polish) Is that Freddy Fazbear?! (begins to urring to Freddy before falling asleep, much to the confusion of the animatronics. Demoman then wakes up) I need a drink!
~ Demoman upon seeing the animatronics, where he mocks Freddy before searching for alcohols
Now would you look at that. Aye, that'll do!
~ Demoman seeing a door with alcohol signs and enters the room, not realizing that it's a trap
Ohh, yes!
~ Demoman upon seeing a shelf full of alcohols
What did I miss?
~ Demoman asks Soldier what did he missed before Heavy tells them to leave the pizzeria
Yes! (laughs insanely)
~ Demoman laughing when Soldier crashes their van into Medic's house
Lads! It's Big Chungus!
~ Demoman says that Spring Bonnie is Big Chungus, which allows Spy to attaches a sapper on the rabbit animatronic

The Medic[]

Uh, what is happening now?
~ Medic asks the Mercs after they crashes their van into his house
Well, I don't think it's anything to worry about.
~ Medic refuse to treat a battered Scout, thinking that it's not important
Medic: In my medical opinion-

Heavy: (grunts and shakes his head)
Medic: Alright...

~ Medic reluctantly treats Scout after Heavy told him to
Shh, shh, shhh!! (laughs) Let's begin!
~ Medic silents Scout before mutilating him
~ Medic's confusion after seeing Soldier chases Balloon Boy
~ Medic leaves Soldier to rescue Heavy from The Puppet
Now go!
~ Medic after giving Heavy his ubbercharge
~ Medic prepares his ubersaw to kill The Puppet, giving Heavy a sign to throw him
That was fun!
~ Medic's comment on his and Heavy's fight against The Puppet

The Spy[]

Yes, good times for all.
~ Spy is apathetic about his trip with Sniper and Pyro
What the hell is that?!
~ Spy upon seeing Balloon Boy for the first time
(sighs) Fantastic...
~ Spy's irritation after Soldier shoots his rocket at Sniper's van, causing it to break down
Oh, no...
~ Spy's annoyance upon seeing Sniper choosing his weapons
Sniper, move!
~ Spy telling Sniper to get into Fredbear's Family Diner
You disgust me, Chicken Tramp!
~ Spy after slapping Toy Chica out of disgust, his famous quote
Here! (Toy Chica sees the file with confusion) Pornography! (Spy throws the file onto the table, revealing pornographic pictures of Toy Chica, leaving her speechless in shock) And we're done!
~ Spy reveals to Toy Chica her pornographic images, which leaves her speechless in shock, while Spy is remorseless in such action
Oh, merde.
~ Spy after he and Sniper were surrounded by the Withered Animatronics
Sniper: Soldier!

Spy: I am afraid not!
Sniper: Holy dooley!

~ Spy and Sniper finds a brainwashed Soldier
I could use a hand!
~ Spy asks Medic a help when he is held by Withered Chica
I am afraid not!
~ Spy before attaching a sapper on Spring Bonnie, causing the latter to be crushed to death

The Pyro[]

Mm!! Mmmphh! (possibly means "Boom! Headshot!")
~ Pyro imitates what Sniper did to a bobblehead
Mmm Mmm Mmmph!! Mm Mm Mmhh!! (possibly means "Hello there, Freddy! Hello, Bonnie!!")
~ Pyro playing with the plushies
(laughs in mumbles) Mm, Mm Mmh Mmmphh!! (possibly means "Men, charge forwards!!")
~ Pyro while riding a carousel
Mm Mh Mh Mm Mm mhh! (possibly means "a little hear and a little there!")
~ Pyro while drawing
Mm Mh Mmphh! (possibly means "That's look nice!")
~ Pyro hanges his drawing on the wall
Mm M Mmph Mmp- Mmph?! (possibly means "And a fire on- Huh?!")
~ Pyro firing on the conical hats before being confronted by Toy Freddy, whom the latter will be killed by the former
Mm Mm MmPhh!!! (possibly means "Here's Pyro!!")
~ Pyro imitates the "Here's Johnny!" scene right before killing Mangle
Mm Mhh! (possibly means "Here you go!")
~ Pyro gives Soldier his hat

The Sniper[]

Come on, Spy! Stop mucking about and smile!
~ Sniper telling Spy to have fun with their trip
What the bloody hell just happen?!
~ Sniper after Soldier landed on their van
Someone's about to have a very bad day!
~ Sniper as he about to take his weapons from the taxi's trunk
Now, this, is a knife!
~ Sniper showing his machete to Spy
~ Sniper after Balloon Boy drives the taxi in full speed
Stop the car! Stop that car! Stop!
~ Sniper telling the taxi to stop to no avail
Crikey! That's some shonkey business-
~ Sniper's frustation at the taxi before engaging in a combat against Toy Bonnie
Spy: Sniper! (lights out)

Sniper: (screams) Spy! Ya filthy spook!
Spy: Oh please...
Sniper: Ya snake!
Spy: Ssshh!
Sniper: Piss off...

~ Sniper berating Spy for spooking him, right before they fight the Withered Animatronics
Piss off, ya Mongrels!
~ Sniper to the Withered Animatronics
Need some help here!
~ Sniper asking Scout for help

The Engineer[]

~ Engineer after seeing Demoman temporarily teleported in the backrooms
Ah, hell! I need some doggone metal, son!
~ Engineer frustated with his broken teleporter before Foxy arrives at the backrooms, where Engineer prepares to dismantles Foxy
~ A frustated Engineer after the teleporter took him to the Minecraft world



  • Engineer is the only character in the series to never appear in the thumbnails.