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           Silver star

This Hero was headlined on October 2023

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Listen to me, punk. You're not gonna think this is funny when I strangle you to death with your own stethoscope! [...] It's the voice of god you son of a bitch, and I'm coming for you!
~ The Soldier's threat to Fritz Ludwig during a looped phone call.
You're gonna make it, Fritz. [...] NO!
~ The Soldier's last words before going mute.

Jane Doe, known by his alias as The Soldier, is the deuteragonist of the 2023 YouTube psychological horror SFM movie, Emesis Blue.

He is a BLU Soldier and was introduced as the personal assistant of Detective Jacques Murnau, a BLU Spy who serves as Governor Jules Archibald's right-hand man. The duo were sent on a mission to investigate the disappearance of Archibald in Mortem, New Mexico, and find and rescue him from his kidnappers.

During the rescue mission at Conagher Slaugherhouse, he would encounter the horrifying products of the Respawn Machine that resided in the complex, including the Hunter, the Creature, Jaunts and the revived Stalingrad, briefly allying himself with Cyclops, a RED Demoman, and reluctantly helping Fritz Ludwig, despite one of his original objectives being to arrest and interrogate him. He would also experience a number of mysterious hallucinations, including a war flashback and bizarre time loops.

However, as the investigation progressed, he would soon find out the truth behind the war between RED and BLU, Jules Archibald's true motives and the experiments that were done on him as part of the Respawn Machine. These revelations would wreck him mentally, causing him to go mute and resent the organization he was employed under. In the aftermath of the rescue mission gone wrong, he would soon betray BLU by helping the undead Fritz's escape during Archibald's funeral and extracting his revenge on Blutarch Mann for the experiments that were performed on him.

He is voiced by JazzyJoeyJr.


Unlike his mainstream counterpart, Soldier within the Emesis Blue universe is a much more competent, sane, serious, level-headed, calm, and professional individual. He manages to demonstrate how resourceful and cautious he is, evidence is shown as to how he came prepared by sneaking a rocket launcher in Murnau's car trunk and wears a bullet vest in case if someone shot right at him. He is also shown to be intelligent, noting of Murnau's willingness to kill him over having potentially ruined the mission as though he was taught by Archibald to execute traitors.

Although, despite his competent personality, Soldier can also be very risky, reckless and much of a person who tests their luck and chances, this is shown when Corporal asked him how he knew the Sniper wasn't aiming for his head, to which Jane only responds by saying that he didn't know at all.

Following the aftermath of exploring and uncovering disturbing secrets behind the Conagher Slaughterhouse, Soldier was completely mentally broke to the point that he can no longer even speak of anything, though, this doesn't mean he lost his sanity and senses of right or wrong. He finally gets his own revenge by killing Blutarch Mann, CEO of BLU and then flees from the scene, what happened to him after that is unknown.



Prior to his life as a mercenary, Jane was a former war veteran soon turned death row inmate after he was charged with unknown crimes, only for Archibald, the governor of New Mexico (and also the role replacement for Miss Pauling and the Administrator within the Emesis Blue universe), steps in and offers him a deal to evade his inevitable death, to which Jane accepts and soon becomes one of the 100 test subjects of the respawning machine and clone project, leading him and 9 other mercenaries to be the only successful test subjects to remain alive in the aftermath of the experiments, though, an incident led Jane to lose all of his memories about the past.


At some point in the aftermath of his mercenary career, Jane was assigned by Archibald to become an assistant of Corporal Jacques Murnau, a private detective who works for Archibald himself.

Both would then go on to investigate a recent kidnapping case of Archibald on Halloween night of 1968, which the clues lead both of them to Conagher's Slaughterhouse. While investigating it however, a skirmish with a Sniper and a masked individual causes a fire alarm to be accidentally tripped and causing a fire door to separate the pair. The Corporal would be taken by the masked man to be tortured for unknown reasons.

Following this, Jane soon encounters thousands of horrendous secrets that the governor was trying to keep from the public, ranging from the failed test subjects of the Respawning Machine to the fact that Jane was a clone that was reproduced in a now abandoned cryogenic lab containing versions of him and the Mercs. He would eventually form an alliance with a BLU Medic, Dr. Fritz Ludwig, and a RED, one-armed Demoman whom he calls "Cyclops".

During the investigation, however, Cyclops gets trapped in a freezer and dies of hypothermia. Ludwig would help Jane take down the now-revived Sniper and kill him again, but the Corporal, having escaped but now horribly burned, will shortly after knock both of them out and then force them to play Russian roulette. Jane and the Corporal survive, Ludwig however was unlucky and dies. All these dark secrets and horror revelations led Jane to be almost mentally broken in the aftermath.

After making his escape, Jane was questioned by Agent Stemmons, who tells him not to say anything about the events in Conagher's Slaughterhouse. He then attends Archibald's funeral, where he was asked to give a speech. When on the podium, however, Jane seemingly breaks down and laughs, forcing the Corporal, now wearing a white mask with a built-in voice changer, to take him aside and deliver the news instead.

When he announces that he will be taking over as chairman, Jane almost pulls the pin on a grenade, but once the Corporal finishes the speech, the coffin bursts open to reveal a now-revived Dr. Fritz Ludwig, who then shot the Corporal in the head with a revolver. Shocked by his sudden appearance, Jane watches as the Medic gets out and fires another shot into the Corporal, then kills a bodyguard of either Blutarch or Redmond Mann.

Shortly after, a group of BLU Mercenaries arrive and attack the Medic, but Jane throws the grenade into their car, blowing it up and killing them. He then tosses the briefcase over to the Medic and the two part ways. Blutarch gets involved in a car crash which severely injures him, to which Jane happened to be nearby.

Angry at being a clone meant to be serving a giant corporation supposedly against his will, Jane fires four shots from his pistol into Blutarch, killing the CEO of BLU. After that, Jane promptly flees the scene.


  • Within the story, he would sometimes get hallucinations of the Tenth Class (a guy who killed himself after having suffered horrible side effects from the Respawn Machine and after what happened to him in the fourth trial) when he was in the Conagher Slaughterhouse.
  • His alias name, John Columbo, is a reference to Lt. Frank Columbo, the fiction hero of the Columbo TV series.

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           Team Fortress Fanon Heroes

Scout: Scout (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Scout (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Scout (Lil' Pootis) | Scout (Minion Archive) | Scout (Soul Bringer) | Sgt. Chucklenuts | Pancake Man | Blind Femscout | Epic Scout | Climber | CyborScout | Iris (TF2 Freakshow) | Major Scout Guy | Bellatrix | Radioscout | Soul Scout | Cheese Scout | NinjaScout | Scombine | Waails | Armeni | Ass Pancakes | SomeCleanTrash | Miley Durant | Bat Pudding

Soldier: The Soldier (Emesis Blue) | RED Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Soldine | Soldier (Yum Crum) | Soldier (Meet the Amazing Team) | Soldier (STBlackST) | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Soldier (Soul Bringer) | Tone Soldier | The Agreeable Soldier | Santa Soldier | Proto-Soldine | Jane Doe (TF2 Freakshow) | Ainis Cupcake | Edo Soldier | Sodic | American Boot | Protagonist Soldier | Warrior (TF2 Freakshow) | Private Funnyman | Robot Cupcake | Painisman | Polish Soldier | RubberFruit | Soljah | Heavy Metal Soldier | Uncle Crusty | Weird Soldier | Crouton Haircut | The Rolling Soldier | Edo Soldier

Pyro: Pyro (Meet the Amazing Pyro) | Pyro (Burning Through Space) | RED Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | Pyro (Soul Bringer) | BLU Pyro (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Red Pyro (TF2 Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama) | Teivel | Samyro | BLU Pyrogun | Bone Pyro | CyborPyro | Pyrogun | Scuttlebucket | Buddhist Murder Pyro

Demoman: Demoman (Soul Bringer) | RED Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Demoman (15.ai) | Cyclops | Demoman (Yum Crum) | Drunk Monk | Melonman | Spiderdemo | Orangeman | Demoman (SMG4) | Drunk Monk | Dentlemanly Demo | Dream Demoman |Aengus | Deemomeeng | Fratman | CyborDemo | Captain Demoman | Panoman | Demopan | Scurry Scrumpy | King Caberface

Heavy: Heavy (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | Heavy (Heavy is Dead) | Heavy (Soul Bringer) | RED Heavy (Heavy's Quest) | Heavy (Gmod Centennial High School) | Heavy (Minion Archive) | Heavy Sumo Guy | Heavy Guy | Official Heavy | Intelligent Heavy | CyborHeavy | Pootis-MAN | Ninja Heavy | Oddball Heevy | Heeboo | Magician Heavy | Shogun Heavy | Rex (TF2 Freakshow) | Stupid Heavy | Heavybine | Hoomba | Kid Friendly Heavy | Dick Sandvich | Soiled Diaper Station | Stu Pidface | GAYPENlS | Heavy Props Guy

Engineer: Engineer (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Engineer (Soul Bringer) | Bombgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Rusty (TF2 Freakshow) | Cyborneer | Spanner | Ninjineer | Bacon Pardner | Kickass Engineer | Spengineer | Energineer | BLU EnGeR | Piegineer | Robot Engie

Mssnor | Sphai's Summoner | The Gunslinger Vagineer
Medic: Fritz Ludwig | RED Medic (Lil' Pootis) | Medic (Meet the Amazing Team) | Medic (Soul Bringer) | Medizard | Erzengel | Doktor Clean | Mender | Johann Van Windhoek | Madic | Sergai | Mr. Dan | Dr. Dum | Dragh Vundabar | Mischievous Medic

Sniper: Sniper (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Sniper (Soul Bringer) | Reaper (TF2 Freakshow) | Karate Sniper | Weaselcake | Santa Piss | CyborSniper | Old Bloke | RED Sniper (The JarateThon) | Gravy Guitarman | Schniper | Crotch Sniper | Scott Mundy | RED Nnnngh Sniper | Dicksalot

Spy: BLU Spy (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Spy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spy (Soul Bringer) | Spy (Minion Archive) | Polite Spy | Christian Pure Spy | RED Spy (Spy's Creed) | Interesting Spy | TelroSpy | Spyper | White Spy | Spy of Influence | Sphai | Knivehand | Ugly Spy | Slender Spaps | Up High Spy | Skinny Spy | Dr. Melon | Fat Spy | Skinny Spy | Spy Samedi | Spoy | Blue Spy GEN-01 | Mr. Red Spy aka. Fared Spier (Delivery Mann)

Others: Mimi-Sentry | Mini Sentry-Chan | Dispenser Lady | Entela and Exodus | Senthia | Dell-Spencer | Valve Guy | Ghost (TF2 Freakshow) | God Cow | Dicksalot | Solgineer | Spy and Spy | Lil' Pootis | Blootis | (Tiny Desk Engineer (Lil Pootis)

Groups and Organizations: HECU | Van Windhoek's Students | The Poot Troop | Bob and Bob | Troopers (TF2 Freakshow) | The Shades


                 The Headlined Heroes
Charlie Full Body
Charlie (HH:JttL)
Rumpus Romero
Joey Tempest (Tabbykitth's Tabbyverse)
Joey Tempest
Soldier (Emesis Blue)
The Soldier
Whitty Normal
Origami Cat
Hyper Shadic Nibroc-Rock