Hero Fanon Wiki

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Hero Fanon Wiki
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Hiro Hamada
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Hero Overview

Sam Nook's f***in' Sam Nook
~ Tommy to Phil in front of Tubbo's old house.

~ Tommyinnit's well known catchphrase
You F****d up
~ Tommy upon confronting Dream

TommyInnit, also known as simply Tommy, is the main protagonist of the Minecraft web series Dream SMP.

He was a founding member and former Vice President of L'Manberg, as well as a founding member of Pogtopia. During the Soot Administration and the Manberg Rebellion Arc, Tommy was most often seen as Wilbur Soot's right hand man, but after his death, Tommy was forced to work independently, normally asking his friend Tubbo for help. He is Dream's arch-nemesis.

He is portrayed by the YouTuber of the same name.


Main personality[]

Tommy has a chaotic, prideful personality, which often lead him into conflicts with other members. He also tends to be confident in himself and his own abilities. However, when he loses, he goes into a state of grief before recovering and picking fights again.

In a stark contrast to Dream, Tommy has shown a heavy theme of attachment and sentimentality. He cared deeply about his pet cow Henry, and is very protective of the people he cares about. He also idolized Wilbur during the early L'Manberg days, becoming his second in command. His attachment to his music discs, especially Cat and Mellohi, was the driving force of the conflict known as the Disc Saga, and was also what Dream cited as his reason for realizing attachment was a weakness, causing Dream to cut all his own ties he had to the server.

He also tends to make unusual comparisons when speaking to describe his emotions, such as comparing Wilbur to "a caterpillar that goes in through [someone's] ear and hatches a butterfly" or calling exile as "a wiggly time in [his] life."


Tommy's pride and ego are often seen as parts of selfishness, where he obsessively tries to obtain what he sees as rightfully his with little regard to others' well-being. For example, he willingly gave up the discs to Dream in exchange for L'Manberg's independence, but immediately planned to steal them back, as he still saw them as his. This selfishness tends to push people away or annoy people, as much of what he sees as "his" is stolen or belonging to a community.


  • Tommy and Dream are the only characters to lose two canon lives in one stream.
  • he is the only person to lost all three canon lives to one person, ironically being brought back from the dead by said person (Dream)
    • as well being the first person to be revived by Dream using the knowledge of Necromancy,

External Links[]


           Minecrafting Fanon Heroes

Mod Adventures

Dream SMP
Tommy | Tubbo | Ranboo | Eret | Wilbur Soot (Ghostbur) | Technoblade | Philza

Stampy's Lovely World
Stampylongnose | William Beaver | Polly Reindeer | Fizzy Elephant | Stampy's Dogs (Barnaby)

Pacheco Cara Floja
Pacheco Cara Floja | El Yeti| KillerCreeper55 | Pachoco Cara Floja

Missâ Alexandrica
Alexandre the Great | Renan Souzones |

Fazbear and Friends
Freddy Fazbear | Bonnie The Bunny

Five Nights at Freddy's
Henry Emily | Charlotte Emily | Michael Afton | Mrs. Emily | William Afton | The Toy Animatronics | Detective Stiglitz | Audrey | Bonnie the Bunny
Sans | Frisk | Papyrus
Alice Angel | Boris | Henry Stein
Among Us
Detective Crewmate
Alex and the Dragon
Alex | The Ender Dragon
Carson and Lily | The Drifter | The Lady | Tabby Lynx

Five Nights at Freddy's
The Missing Children | The Toy Animatronics | Audrey | Detective Stiglitz
Doki Doki Literature Club
MC | Sayori | Yuri | Natsuki
Among Us
Detective Crewmate
The Amazing Digital Circus
Alex and the Dragon
Alex | The Ender Dragon
Officer Eileen | Tabby Lynx

3A Display
Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton | Henry Emily | The Puppet | Freddy Fazbear
Sans | Papyrus | Frisk
Doki Doki Literature Club
Sayori | Yuri | Natsuki

Five Nights at Freddy's
Henry Emily | Charlotte Emily
Henry Stein | Allison Angel | Tom | Boris
Frisk | Sans
Baldi's Basics
The Main Character
Doki Doki Literature Club
Salvato | Sayori | Yuri | Natsuki
The Amazing Digital Circus

Five Nights at Freddy's
Circus Baby | Old Man Consequences
Henry Stein
Pafriskus | Sans
Baldi's Basics
Ekrcoaster | Playtime

Dream SMP War
TommyInnit | Technoblade | Wilbur Soot | Tubbo | Niki Nihachu | Fundy | Ranboo

Animation Lobby
Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya | Ochako Uraraka

SYKK Society
The Wolf
William Afton | Charlotte Emily
It's Been So Long
Alex Afton | Michael Afton | Mrs. Afton

Poppy Playtime
The Intruder

W Labs std
Five Nights at Freddy's
Foxy the Pirate Fox | Michael Afton
Henry Stein
Poppy Playtime
The Intruder
ZAMination | Slamacow | The Friendly Piglin

Evmations Studios
Clara Afton | Michael Afton | Henry Emily

Five Nights at Freddy's
Michael Afton
Henry Stein

Minecraft Animation Indonesia
Youtube Rewind Minecraft Animation Indonesia
The Four Brothers (Erpan1140, Zenmatho, BeaconCream, The Dream Craft) | Frost Diamond | Notch | Steve

Wild Diamonds
Annie Oakleaf

Fallen Kingdom
Prince | The King

Impossible Escape
Pac | Mike | JVNQ | Guaxinim

Factions: Ordo Theoristas
Players: Cellbit | Philza | Quackity | Wilbur | Forever | Jaiden | BadBoyHalo | Roier | Felps | Slimecicle | Maximus
Eggs: Richarlyson | Tallulah | Chayanne | Leonarda

Element Animation
Alex | Jason | Steve
Villager #4 | Villager #9 | Testificate Man

ExplodingTNT | Failboat | Pink Sheep | Purple Shep

Mario | Wolfie | Bowser | Luigi | Toad | Yoshi | Sir Buppington | The Koopalings

Discord Mod's Kittens | Old Person | Nikocado Avocado | Orlin | Billy | Healthcare CEO | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star
