The Aslan of Cerealia.
Make sure to also vote on the Pure Good wiki.
This is my first proposal on this wiki. Don't go easy on me. It's for Cookie Jarvis, the Cookie Crisp cereal mascot. I created this after seeing Count Chocula on the Villains Fanon wiki (who is approved as Complete Monster), and decided his good counterpart needed some love too.
What's the Work?
Breakfast of the Gods is a three-part webcomic about cereal mascots. There is a land called Cerealia where these mascots live. Count Chocula has been a threatening presence for years, but recently started kidnapping mascots, even murdering Honey Bee. The two main protagonists are Cap'n Crunch and Tony the Tiger who aim to stop Count Chocula and his minions from being a scourge on Cerealia. Basically Foodfight! if it was good.
Who's Cookie Jarvis? What has he done?
He has been a wizard for many years. He used to be a wizard named Waldo who stole the Lucky Charms and used their powers himself, an action which he regrets and apologizes for in the present. At some point after that, he learned "the Cookie Magicks" and changed his name to Cookie Jarvis, while gaining his current robe and hat.
Jarvis saw a vision of Count Chocula and his dark magic coming to Cerealia and turning it into eternal night, where Count Chocula would be free to roam and eat everything. To prevent this, he used a powerful magic spell which defended against the magic, keeping the sun out everywhere except Chocula's castle. To sustain this powerful magic, he needed someone who was noble and pure of heart to indefinitely sleep and power the spell. King Vitaman volunteered, and was put in a casket underneath Count Chocula's castle. As a protective trick in case Chocula found the casket, King Vitaman and Yummy Mummy switched caskets with each other.
To prevent himself from being killed or captured by Chocula, he decided to disappear without a trace by magically sealing himself inside the blue diamond of the Lucky Charms. Much later, when he was needed in the final battle against Chocula and his army, his double agent Boo Berry freed Jarvis.
Jarvis and Lucky the Leprechaun had a magic duel. Jarvis's magic power was boosted by Fruit Pie the Magician and the elf Ernie Keebler. The duel ended when Jarvis trapped Lucky inside a cookie jar.
Joined by the other magical beings, Jarvis cast a difficult, powerful magical spell that pierced the nighttime seal and brought sunlight to Chocula's castle, killing and disintegrating Count Chocula once and for all. The Soggies' spaceships arrived, and Quake destroyed the Sogmaster. This caused a gigantic explosion creating a huge crater and leveling Chocula's castle to the ground. Jarvis used ten force-fields to protect everyone in the area. Finally, Jarvis woke up King Vitaman and explained their plan, and why they both had been absent for a long time.
Admirable Standards
Jarvis is the Bigger Good of the setting and could go on the Ultimate Good wiki. He sets the standard high through ultimately protecting the kingdom of Cerealia, having more of an impact than even the comic's main protagonists.
Mitigating Factors
As Waldo the Wizard, decades past, he stole Lucky the Leprechaun's Lucky Charms. He says it was "shameful" to do that. When Jarvis sealed Lucky inside the cookie jar, he sincerely apologized to Lucky for this. Since the Pure of Heart category allows redeemed villains, this is not really a mitigating factor at all. So I'd say there are none.
Definite yes.